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A trial ballon named Condi

How the heck has this reached any farther? She's pro-choice, i.e. not viable in today's Republican climate. Enough said and that's that.
For once, I agree with you.

You say you're against abortion, and then pick someone as your number 2 person who supports it?

For once, I agree with you.

You say you're against abortion, and then pick someone as your number 2 person who supports it?
... you really think this is a good thing?
And all you've said to support this assertation is one point of policy on which she disagrees with the nominee. That's not gonna get Democrats to attack her, and it's not gonna get Republicans to vote for Obama. In the meantime, there's pretty broad appeal to independent voters there.
Actually, it would damage Romney's campaign. One of the major problems he's trying to overcome is proving he's against abortion. He said he's against it, but questions still remain. Picking a pro-choice candidate would only fan the flames, at the risk of losing valuable conservative votes.
Justr like every other potential VP candidate, she agrees with Romney's public stance on everything and disagrees with his public stance on everything.
Right... because, according to you, she has no qualifications... unlike, oh, say, Obama, who really had, no qualifications.
Repubs pull the race card? Or dems do?
Right. "Because according to you", concocting absurd arguments like this of people who happen to frequently disagree with you is just the same as rational debate. I never claimed she had no qualifications, now did I?

OTOH is claiming that Obama has no qualifications, and that the Democrats "pull the race card" while Republicans don't, even more examples of your "moderate" positions?
For the thousandth time, picking Condi would be a disaster.
I was referring to the situation where you can only touch the base with kid gloves or it will tear you apart.
Obama's experiences and resume before office were on the low end, you have to admit. I think if we're being totally fair, that had some impact on the quality of his first term.
So being an attorney with a specialty in constitutional law and a senator is on the "low end", while engaging in highly suspicious business activities and being an incompetent shill for the neocons with so many skeletons in her closet isn't? Don't you think Republicans intentionally sabotaging his presidency from day one might have something to do with the "quality of his first term"?

I must admit that Obama has greatly disappointed me in many ways. But I don't think it has anything to do with his lack of qualifications. If you use that measure, I don't think there has been any presidents in recent history who have been "qualified" to hold office. The last one was likely Nixon, and look how badly that turned out.
So being an attorney with a specialty in constitutional law and a senator is on the "low end", while engaging in highly suspicious business activities and being an incompetent shill for the neocons with so many skeletons in her closet isn't? Don't you think Republicans intentionally sabotaging his presidency from day one might have something to do with the "quality of his first term"?

I must admit that Obama has greatly disappointed me in many ways. But I don't think it has anything to do with his lack of qualifications. If you use that measure, I don't think there has been any presidents in recent history who have been "qualified" to hold office. The last one was likely Nixon, and look how badly that turned out.

Hillary Clinton ran as a candidate for the Democrat nomination for President on far less qualifications.
If Romney picks Rice, I will not vote for him. No chance at all. Part of that might have to do with the fact that I'm only 17 though. :rolleyes:
So being an attorney with a specialty in constitutional law and a senator is on the "low end",

Yes I do. Remember, I voted for the guy (hell, i worked his campaign), but not on the strength of his resume. He served one term, beating one of the most overmatched politicians in years in his Illinois race. Being a good con-law professor really doesn't have much to do with being a good President.
Very true. Nowadays, what the Constitution actually says has no relevance to being the president. So knowledge of the Constitution is as good as useless. :p
I still dont understand how anyone thinks its a wise idea to tie yourself in tightly with the last, highly unpopular, administration. Obama beat McCain into submission with the "third bush term" routine, why would Romney willingly jump at that title?
I still dont understand how anyone thinks its a wise idea to tie yourself in tightly with the last, highly unpopular, administration. Obama beat McCain into submission with the "third bush term" routine, why would Romney willingly jump at that title?

Because it's the only thing the Republican base will accept.
Base will accept multitude of dull wingnuts who arent directly connected to bush.

But, even though many "conservatives" have been distancing themselves from Bush, in nearly all cases Bush's policies are exactly what the Republican base most wants. So even though they accept that Bush was a failure, Bush's policies live on, just with the attempt to divorce his name, and hopefully his legacy, from them.
Yes I do. Remember, I voted for the guy (hell, i worked his campaign), but not on the strength of his resume. He served one term, beating one of the most overmatched politicians in years in his Illinois race. Being a good con-law professor really doesn't have much to do with being a good President.
While running a number of businesses into the ground does? Or being the president of the Screen Actors Guild while preparing lists of suspected commies does?

Exactly what qualifications do you think the president or vice president need? Being a Miss America contestant while going to college in a soft major on a Title IX basketball scholarship? Being apparently selected for numerous affirmative action programs like Herman Cain? Being bigoted homophobes like Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann?

Lately, the typical Republican presidential or vice presidential candidate would have trouble finding South Africa on a map.
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