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MilarNES: Birth of A Civilization

By "The implication seems to be that you're viewing it as a complete story already, and that in the end There Can Be Only One," what I really meant to refer to was:
Groups that are the...

Not that it's a bad thing. :D
By "The implication seems to be that you're viewing it as a complete story already, and that in the end There Can Be Only One," what I really meant to refer to was:
Groups that are the...

Not that it's a bad thing. :D

I knew what were you talking about, flyingchicken. The whole introduction thing was meant to say that each of the mentioned groups was giving birth to one civillization, not that all the groups would give birth to only one civilization in total.
I was only indirectly commenting on the misuse of the language, though I'm sure a lot of people don't care and "poke fun at" those who do. :)
I have yet to see where I am shown as biased.
- Is it the fact that I said I liked the stories? Don't think so, because many modders have stated that they liked certain stories in their NESes.
- Is it the update? The part where it said that Rome was doomed? That was only brought by the fact that you didn't want to go forward with a free tech ("their knowledge") and a Land UU ("an ace up their sleeve"). Those were your exact words. Not my fault if you decided not to heed my advice from the start.
- Anything else?

Anyway, I think it's sad to see you go, and more for a reason that I feel is incorrect. I hope that you will come back soon.

Yeah. This is why you don't say "I liked this guy's story better." in public. You can say it to the person whose story you liked in private (e.g. over AIM), but don't say "This story is inferior to that one."

Again, you can say "I like this story." but not "better than."
Concerning The Creation of The World, The God-Emperor and the Mighty Nation of Sarawak.
From the completely unbiased accounts taken from the Holy Blocks, Books, Scrolls, Stones and Tablets.

In the begining there was something. And that something was It. It was shapeless, but It existed. It has always existed.

It was lonely. So it called into existence Everything, except life. It was so happy that It had things to play with, It died of happiness. From It's death, there cam life. It would be billions of years before life came to Gaia, but life did come.

No one knows how long it took before humans appeared on Gaia. But they appeared soon enough.

The various family groups humans came from began moving out of their ancestral homeland. One was lead by a man known to all of the Sarawak as Ka'v Idvisa's Va'ditaera'. He still had a little bit of It's power within him, and he commanded the trees to give him a special craft, which would take his entire group across the water. After many months of sailing, and surprisingly few deaths, they came to a large island. They settled on this island and built a city, Sibu. Va'ditaera' had a family, and, when he was about to die, he, close friends and his eldest son went to a rock in the middle of the jungle.

It was there he laid down the laws of Sarawak, and he made those close friends 'Priest-wardens'. His last act was to give the God part of him to his son. Then he made them all leave, preferring to die alone.

His son, Etlkes, became Emperor as soon as they got back. From that day on, there have been many Emperors, but only one God.

-Taken from the Scrolls of Faith

Note: I didn't know whether to have the God-Emperor as a 'ruler in death' figure, like Charlgemane, but I went for a 'legacy hero' sort of thing.

The 8 Scriptures:
The Blocks of Chance: The Blocks of Chance are kept within the second strongest room in the Empire. Only the Emperor may look upon them, for they contain the secrets of the universe.
The Books of Science: About Existence
The Scrolls of Faith: How One Should Live One's Life and Rules Regarding the Priest-wardens
The Scrolls of Harmony: What happens after Death and before Life
The Scrolls of Order: The Laws and Advice on Diplomacy
The Stones of Force: Conduct in Wars
The Stones of Life: About the Animals and Plants
The Tablets of Prosperity: Concerning Money
OOC:Guys, Milarqui is only on his first NES.
Spoiler A Tale of Woe :
I remember on my First attempted NES: (Rise of the Central Valley). You guys ran all over me and I just gave up.

Ok, Second try:Althistorical Timeline Generation I didn't have enough players and was bored because no one really cared.

Third try: Rise of Classical Nations: I didn't get the rules straight before they went all over me, then I got caught up in the update.

Forth try: First good Nes/LazyNes: The Great War lasted 7 turns and ended with lack of interest.

Fifth try: ChuckMRTOR: Amon's Legacy Well... lack of interest I guess. I try to get more but lack of orders, bans and other unpleasentries culled it at 7.

Sixth try: in the Forum games Forum I posted the test drive of Great War II: Being ignored even though It has been viewed at least 50 times.

Milarqui, remember, in a NES be open minded, expain victories and defeats, and warn players if they made a very bad mistake.

You are firm enough. I will keep my interest in this.

You seem to have time. I hope that we will stay with this as long as possible and stay with this budding NES. I will post my tale of Woe in the WWW.

I hope you make a series in the future like Das's.
Thanks for your support, Charles. Be it known that I joined your NES as the Republic of England, with it's capital in London.

I'll try to be as open minded as I can. The thing before the first update was just my nerves on taking on with this small project, one which I hope the other guys will forgive me for. I also hope that you will like this NES, and the way it is done.
OOC: Charles, it's called constructive criticism. I support Milarqui, but you complain when I give him constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is criticism meant to improve one's ability in a certain area. We know he's on his first NES. We're helping him with the criticism we give. Sometimes, we have to learn the easy way (e.g. me, I'm just giving him constructive criticism when he said he liked your story better than mine), and sometimes we learn the hard way (e.g. what happened with germanicus). We do like this NES, and we're helping to make it better. Your NES is a good one for a first-timer.

In conclusion, I'm not saying "OH MY GOD, YOU SUCK AT RUNNING AN NES." I'm saying "You need a bit of work on this part. It will do this as opposed to this. Here's what to do instead."
I may join after first update... Let me know if I'll get any EC bonus or not... I will probably join in the area of Carthage...
I think that it would be better if you joined as one of the NPCs, there are 7 right now and I'd rather that the NPCs were all filled before adding new nations. However, if you prefer to join as a new nation, you are welcome to try.
Kingdom of Rome / germanicus12
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Rome
Age: Stone Age
Colour: Red
EC: 4/0 (0 of 6)
Army: 1 Warrior (4)
Culture: 0
Religion: Roman Paganism (5%)
Completed Research:
Land UU:
Navy UU:
Air Force UU:

Rome looks cool.

What do I need to do to join?
Mil maybe you should let erez choose a UU and tech to start with. There is no point in putting him at a disadvantage because he has chosen germanicus' nation.
OK, I see no problem with that. erez, make sure to read the tech tree before sending any orders in. The free tech you choose will count as if you had done it for update 0. This is only because Rome didn't get a tech then.
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