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TerraForm -- a map editor for CIV dos

Mods please delete this
Greetings Dack,

I have finally fixed my windows installer, and have tried 56, however, it is an exe file rather than an msi file? It doesn't work.

See the note in the first entry in this thread:

Note: about attached files
TerraFormDownload.txt is the .msi file for TerraForm 2.0.56 26Dec06, it contains all support file.
TerraForm56.zip is just the exe. If you are already running build 55, down load this and copy the exe into the TerraForm Programfile folder. This will save you having to down load all the support files also.
But where is the 2.7 megabyte file
I only see 2 attached files, one is ~100 bytes and the other ~254 kb, where is the full one?

edit: I'm an idiot
Dack, i am looking for a terraform version history.
it's not clear for users who can't spend much time
what you did change from 2.0.55 to 2.0.56.

your post to ver.56 'says'
* TerraForm 2.0.56 26Dec06 -- City Walls *
and -yes- i can see citywalls now
but a version history with some details for the TerraForm 2.** versions
would be fine
(or at least a version history for the version changes in future) ...?
I was hoping that this program
would spark more interest in posting to Civ Dos forum,
and perhaps inspire some of you
to post a scenario for others to play.

the problem is

(many) people don't like to register.
with a registerfree version we would maybe see more 'wild downloaders'
who just try your great editor
and throw civDOS scenarios out into 'the world' to play...?

i remember the administrator thunderfall here at civfanatics
was asking you in his forum in an open post
if he should/can put civDOS TERRAFORM into the download section

(So) WHY (...the heck) isn't it already there
for everybody to SEE and DOWNLOAD it?
(even if you insist that people must free register it,
it should be at http://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/downloads/ !!!)

many people even don't like forums
because they are not able to express something in proper english.
but many of those (older?) people in far away countries
still like to play civDOS
did wait for something handy
like your great editor for the last 10 years...?

maybe 100s of those people did visit and download something at
the last year -
but they never saw a TERRAFORM program download there!!! :sad:


think about it, dack...
Originally Posted by Dack
I was hoping that this program
would spark more interest in posting to Civ Dos forum,
and perhaps inspire some of you
to post a scenario for others to play.

Quotes from GoldBerg in Green
well...the problem is
(many) people don't like to register.
with a registerfree version we would maybe see more 'wild downloaders'
who just try your great editor
and throw civDOS scenarios out into 'the world' to play...?

I have stated the reasons for registration here. I also doubt that anyone who has not posted to this forum would be inclined to post a scenario, map, or GOTM.

i remember the administrator thunderfall here at civfanatics
was asking you in his forum in an open post
if he should/can put civDOS TERRAFORM into the download section
at http://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/downloads/
(So) WHY (...the heck) isn't it already there
for everybody to SEE and DOWNLOAD it?
(even if you insist that people must free register it,
it should be at http://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/downloads/

QUOTE from Thunderfall on Sep 11, 2006 (click for actual text)
“hey Dack, you should add it to the Downloads Database”

The URL that you suggest is not available for updating by forum members., but I have had it in the download section since Nov 15, 2006. Perhaps you should look at the following: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3633

many people even don't like forums
because they are not able to express something in proper english.
but many of those (older?) people in far away countries
still like to play civDOS
did wait for something handy
like your great editor for the last 10 years...?
maybe 100s of those people did visit and download something at
the last year -
but they never saw a TERRAFORM program download there!!!

Perhaps your download complaint should be directed at someone else. The url that you mention looks like it is a leftover page from the earlier civfanatics download format. If you go to the
home page http://forums.civfanatics.com
Click download http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php
Slide down the page to
Click Civilization I Downloads http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=cat&id=105
Then click Civ1 - Utility Programs http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=cat&id=107

Not easy to find…but I don’t control that.

This forum is really the last refuge for die hard players of
CIVILIZATION "Build An Empire To Stand The Test Of Time"
Also known as: CIV I or CIV DOS

I would assume that anyone who has an interest in CIV DOS would find this site. My intended audience are people who share a passion for this game. If it’s too much trouble to participate in the CIVILIZATION I forum then how deep is their interest anyway? I like this forum and the discussions on it; for the most part they are subject specific and educational.

think about it, dack...

So to reiterate
1) people don’t like to register – don’t
2) not in download section – It is and has been.
3) many people even don't like forums – Then they are on their own.
you really miss the most important point,
what to do to bring your own work to public.

maybe somebody should update the civilization section at en.wikipedia.org
to a
civilization for windows - civ1 - civDOS
section of it's own
and list the tools
so we can lead to terraform here.

Nearly no-one finds the civ1 section at civfanatics here -
me, myself and i
did all the announcements for this civ1 forum section
the last 3 years
in ALL the other international forum places
using lots of aliases
all the (back)links to this forum.
i would love to see any other person
doing this
those other game/civ places on the net
but i never saw somebody else there
who did lead to our place.

look at GOOGLE

you have to go to

to get best results for civfanatics -

if you don't know about civfanatics
you'll have a hard time
to find our civ1 forum place.

maybe they're blocking the google bot here at forums -
i don't know

you have to
( = WELL... this is the 1st problem:
which chinese on his own knows that he had to type 'civ1' ;
if you try civ 1 or civilization for windows
you just will find 2,3,4 not 1....)

google string
>>> civ1 map editor
perfect! nobody can do better ( if he/she knows ... ;) )

(remember: this is the best somebody could type in
infact other strings like
civilization for windows or else
are always misleading and may discourage to search further (oh... no results...)
the most civ forums even have no civ1 section)

what will you find first place, first link?

THiS >>>
Civilization I Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

and there this >>>
Where is the map editor?
BY Holger Eichmann

but where is your program?

not there.


for the string
civ1 map editor

a thread named

CIV1 Map Editor
by Garborka

where is your thread?

not there.

nobody can find terraform
because people outside this forum don't see it -
because they had to know
that there is
a map editor for civ1 DOS called 'TERRAFORM'

do they?
how should
still civ1 player
know this
if he / she don't even find this thru'

( btw. NO results thru
google.de )


my point:
YOU and civfanatics administration
have to put the information / strings

terraform map editor mapeditor for civ1 DOS civDOS sid meier civilization for windows

on civfanatics mainside
it will stay invisible forever on the net...

Not easy to find
but I don’t control that.
you name it.
i did ask thunderfall for help (finally) ...
he's this control instance.

This forum is really the last refuge for die hard players of
CIVILIZATION "Build An Empire To Stand The Test Of Time"
Also known as: CIV I or CIV DOS

that's the other problem: 3 names for the same game
and here's the OFFiCiAL name:
Sid Meier's Civilization - Build An Empire To Stand The Test Of Time
if you use
Sid Meier Civilization
as a google string

see >>>

you will find 100 things
at sites 1, 2 or 3 of results
but not this civ1 forum or the TERRAFORM program (try it!).

just if you know this is a DOS program
you will find us here first place:
Sid Meier Civilization DOS map editor

but many people bought this game
Sid Meier Civilization
as a Windows 3.** game (like me)
and never did care about "DOS"
installed that later at
Win95 (like me)
and Win98se (like me)
and never did care about f*cking 'DOS' ...
it's Windows (for them)

I would assume that anyone who has an interest in CIV DOS would find this site.

let us not assume, let us do something:
THEY WILL FiND it 100%,
for sure! ;)

My intended audience are people who share a passion for this game.
If it’s too much trouble to participate in the CIVILIZATION I forum
then how deep is their interest anyway?

i hope you know that this game is released in other languages than english too?

why should somebody
who love to play a game
or like to have a MAP editor for it
in a language he is not able to discuss?

why should this person join a forum of english language (under such circumstances)?


it's from today
here (take a look and suggest an even better descriptive text to thunderfall) >>>

GoldBerg said:
you really miss the most important point,
what to do to bring your own work to public.

I guess I did. Again I didn’t think beyond this forum. But as I stated, I wrote this for the forum. Until now I never thought of a wider audience. I certainly understand the searching frustration on the Internet. What text does one search for? I can recall being on the fourteenth page of a google search think that somewhere one of these entries will have what I want.

As for the CIV I faq, when was it updated last. Every once in a while I get the idea to review all the utilities available for CIV DOS. Luckily that idea passes quickly. The descriptions of my other program CIV$ are also way out of date and there are competing versions (I think only the latest one runs on all platforms). Sorry, I don’t feel a great need to publicize this.
Edit: (an hour or so later) The more I think about it, the more it seems that you have more interest in publicizing TerraForm than I have. I guess I am more interested in people who will contribute to this forum than I am in how many non civfanitcs find this program.

GoldBerg said:
my point:
YOU and civfanatics administration
have to put the information / strings

I don’t know if this forum is run for fun or profit. I assume the later as there is an advertisement on the top of the page. A google search on civilization the fourth hit is www.civfanatics.com I get to the fifth page before I find Apolyton. I assume that the civfanatics people have or will determine what is in their interest. How did you or I find this site? We had an interest in CIV DOS.

I guess I have no interest in TerraForm outside this forum. I wrote it for fun, but it turned into a major project. I need to add some automatic features to it for it to be truly useful.
Dack, I think GoldBerg just wants more people to be able to find and use your program. :)

As I told him in PM, adding it to the old download page and adding a link to the Civ1 section of the File DB to the nav bar on the main site should make the program more visible for people seeking Civ1 downloads.

PS: GoldBerg, you press Enter a bit too much. :p The forum has auto-wrapping for texts so you don't need to hit Enter unless you want to start on a new line or start a new paragraph. Having too many breaks could make your post harder to understand.
Dack, I think GoldBerg just wants more people to be able to find and use your program. :)
That's right! :)

The more I think about I, the more it seems that you have more interest in publicizing TerraForm than I have. I guess I am more interested in people who will contribute to this forum than I am in how many non civfanatics find this program.
well... those people are maybe civfanatics already,
but we never will read a post of them here, because of english.

but they maybe use the english program
and learned to play with it
and they are able to use your editor
just 'playing with' TERRAFORM
(i remember using the 1st Commodore AMIGA version in ~1991 (?)
without a manual and learned the game just by playing it -
many people still do so).

the fourth hit is www.civfanatics.com I get to the fifth page before I find Apolyton. I assume that the civfanatics people have or will determine what is in their interest. How did you or I find this site? We had an interest in CIV DOS.
i remember in the beginning we both did use the
Location: Civ1 Version 474.05
line... ;)
i always was kind of crazy about this game,
tried out the follow-up versions and was kind of frustated about them...

So i did start to search for people who still might play it ( i did start around 1997 with no results because i was not in the newsgroups those days)
found civfanatics and Apolyton thru' very windy, strange and funny internet ways, maybe in around 2002, but did register much later...

TerraForm ... it turned into a major project. I need to add some automatic features to it for it to be truly useful.

Version 2.0.56 is fantastic now, everybody who have the interest can use it,
the mayor 'errors' of the older versions are gone now,
it's just the best editor around! :)

the next breakthrough ('big thing') would be if somebody re-writes the code of civ1 for 64/128 bit machines (linux/windows) in a way nobody can complain (remember all those civ2 follow-ups like FREECIV or EVO ( to name the best ))
i could even imagine that a slightly change of graphics won't hurt if those graphics would be as catchy as our civ DOS ones...

I can only assume that writing this program was a bad thing.
I don’t know what you want!
Your Terraform is able to renew interest into the arch-game of civilization,
but to get this effect, 'we' (= civfanatics in and outside CF forum)
had to go to public with it (at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_(computer_game) )
i am sure you can have that little (free) publishing webspace for the TERRAFORM FAQ / version history at civfanatics, sourceforge, apollyton et cetera...
well since none of my post concerning how terraform loads the map files were every answered. None of my questions pertaining towards helping to improve terraform were even addressed. i think its time this ol' civ fanatic moves on to another place.

such a shame all the experiance couldn't have been used together to improve the scenarios and gameplay.

~been fun
It doesn't work!When I run it, it says:

Run-Time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object

and then it runs, but none of the menu options work and I can't exit it (I can close it with the X, but it still runs.)
It doesn't work!

Did you use TerraFormDownload.txt to install it? (see first entry in thread)

Send me an E-mail or private message with
1) Version of windows you are using.
2) The steps you took to install TerraForm.
3) Did you use the msi file to install it?
4) Did you run it from the icon on your desktop?
General question, is there a way to start with a bunch of military units and no city without losing the game instantly upon starting it? The only way to solve that problem is to add a city in the middle of the sea somewhere. Is it possible to do that without adding the city?

I'm designing a nice little tough scenario that has the potential for many different outcomes depending on the path you decide to take. I have already designed it, and I am testing it, will release once testing is done. I am just testing to see whether or not it is hard enough.
General question, is there a way to start with a bunch of military units and no city without losing the game instantly upon starting it?
I did three different experiments
1) With a civilization that was not the human player I removed all its cities and assigned its units to NONE. On the next move the units were turned in to barbarians. And their color was in use by their alternate (Mongols). I was surprised to see the leftover units as barbarians, strange!
2) I removed all the human players cities assigned their units to the city of NONE. On the next move—the archeologists were digging up my civilization. We all know the words Centuries later….
3) I removed all cities from a non human player but included a settler assigned to the city of NONE, it continued as normal

So, what makes a civilization dead? A country that does not have any cities is finished, unless it has a settler that is assigned to a city of NONE. I found it interesting that in the first instance that the game actually checked to see if the country had any cities or settlers (NONE) in the game.

Tenochtitlan said:
The only way to solve that problem is to add a city in the middle of the sea somewhere. Is it possible to do that without adding the city?

If you need the human player be in this situation. You could place a settler that is assigned to the city of NONE in the artic or block it somewhere else. Of course any units on the board would also need to be assigned to the city of NONE.
1) With a civilization that was not the human player I removed all its cities and assigned its units to NONE. On the next move the units were turned in to barbarians. And their color was in use by their alternate (Mongols). I was surprised to see the leftover units as barbarians, strange!

So even if they were bombers, artillery and armor? Interesting

2) I removed all the human players cities assigned their units to the city of NONE. On the next move—the archeologists were digging up my civilization. We all know the words Centuries later….

Yeah that is what happens.

3) I removed all cities from a non human player but included a settler assigned to the city of NONE, it continued as normal

This worked with me a few terra forms ago. It still should. I'll stick with the city with this one.

So, what makes a civilization dead? A country that does not have any cities is finished, unless it has a settler that is assigned to a city of NONE. I found it interesting that in the first instance that the game actually checked to see if the country had any cities or settlers (NONE) in the game.
Is there anyway to hack the game and allow a civ to be still alive until the last NON unit is dead?

So, what makes a civilization dead? A country that does not have any cities is finished, unless it has a settler that is assigned to a city of NONE. I found it interesting that in the first instance that the game actually checked to see if the country had any cities or settlers (NONE) in the game.
Is there anyway to hack the game and allow a civ to be still alive until the last NON unit is dead?
i never did test this:
is it possible to buy -for example- 'later in the game'
a settler unit (far away enough) from another tribe (= becomes NONE, like our settlers at start )
move this to a far away place (maybe -best- arctic ('pole') regions)
stay with this tactic in the game, no matter what happens...?
( i'd expect, the opponent tribe's weapons never 'search' a settler unit
assigned to a city of 'NONE'...?) :confused:
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