• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The City of Zojoji

CG can lead the parade. No problems there. He will ride in the first car, along with the President and Cyc. Following him will be the float honoring the UN. Then we will have floats honoring each nation that voted for us. Follwing them, the floats dishonoring each nation that voted against us. Then the Tolerance and Political Correctness floats. After that its pretty much up to the people. Does anyone have any plans for floats?

If not, I'm just throwing in a nice jazz float followed by a bunch of floats honoring cliches. It'll be swell.

I would like to humbly suggest this float design to commemorate our Victory through Diplomacy. It shows the world united as well as the peace this unity will bring for the future.

Wow! Excellent float! This is definitely a contender for the "Best Float Award".

Good job Ashburnham :goodjob:
Excelent float. It will be a beautiful part of the parade.
I am also adding a float where we take the Jets kicker and procede to beat him for missing those two field goal attempts.
That float serves no purpose for anyone. It's just a float I want to see right now because he may have just blown the farkin' game...

Oh, other than that, would anyone else care to submit a float?
I would like to submit the "I Scream Float" in memory of the U.S. Presidential Elections held while this Demogame was active. :lol:

I will also try to design a float that will give Sir Ashburnham's "World Peace and Unity Float" a run for its money.
Cyc said:
I would like to submit the "I Scream Float" in memory of the U.S. Presidential Elections held while this Demogame was active. :lol:

I will also try to design a float that will give Sir Ashburnham's "World Peace and Unity Float" a run for its money.
you dont want to it call "I rejoice"? ;)
also might the Chief Justice get a seat in the second or third car?
Ashburnham said:
I would like to humbly suggest this float design to commemorate our Victory through Diplomacy. It shows the world united as well as the peace this unity will bring for the future.

Nice symbolism too.

Dark red = us.
Pink = French
Blue = America
Green = Aztecs

and all coming from the globe.

EDIT: Just noticed the orange... don't know what that would be for.
Well, the parade begins in 1 PEOPLE. LISTEN TO THE DIRECTIONS.
Okay, is everyone at the startng line? Good. Are we ready to have the marching bands play as we go? Good. Does Howard Dean have all the throat drops he needs should his voice crap out from the Yeaaghing. Excelent. Where are the dancing interns? I need them to get ready in chorus line form. You! Where is your Ed Koch mask? Where is the tribute to New York City Mayors and the "Liberal Oasis, Republican Controled" float?

SaaM approaces the center of a street. There is no trafic on the street, but the sides are lined with excited people.
He begins to speak.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls! Prepare yourself for one of the greatest of all Zojojian wonders, the Great Parade!"
He pulls a samuraii blade out from under his shirt. He turns, bows to a ribbon, and slices it in half.
Cheers erupt from the crowd. The parade has begun.

Chieftess watches as the parade continues. In a few hours, she will return to Minami-ken for the opening cerimonies of the State Fair there. The State Fair will include the following events just so you know:

1 - Carnivals
2 - Autoracing
3 - Cooking Contests, including a 1680 foot diameter Cherry Pie. A world record! (1680 is the year in which we will win).
4 - The unvieling of the Minami-ken History and Heritage Musuem, featuring historical Iroquois, Roman, and Japanitican items and culture.
5 - The unvieling of a prototype machine that scientists have currently been working on, along with a "future of Japanitica" event that attempts to guess at how this technology will affect us in the future.

Afterwards, there will be fireworks. Civantoria will also host the Naval Fireworks Display.

Anyway, Minami-ken's contribution to the parade is the "Pride of Salamanca Auto". These showcases the latest in automobiles, tanks, and anything that runs on an engine. Since our province comes last in the list (by date founded), the tanks will kick off the end of the parade by shooting confetti from their turrets. Should be an impressive display. These packages of confetti will shoot hundreds of feet into the air, and will break open, causing confetti to "rain down". Some of these confetti will have a Japanitican flag on them. If you find one, you can come to the "Minami-ken booth" at one of the Provincial Centers in the Zojoji Plaza to claim a prize!
Mayor Cyc waves continuously from the lead car to the citizens lining the streets. His pride for these citizens and what they have done for the city far exceeds the other emotions running through him. Truly a wonderful city. Ticker tape falling from the sky, crowds cheering, and the bands playing on. Civanator and CivGeneral seemed to be having a great time too. Today was going to be a great day.
Furiey watches from the sidelines, having managed to find a spot unnoticed out of the way, things were a little chaotic and she not being very tall tended to get joustled a lot. Mayor Cyc drove past with a big grin on his face, waving furiously. She laughed at SaaM's dancing interns - the ticker tape was getting wrapped around their legs and making the road slippery, sooner or later one of them was going to go down, taking the rest of the group with them. Then the Air Force arrived, largely built in Edo she was pleased to say. They flew over the parade, first in slow formation, bombers and fighters together, down the length of the street, then the fighters veered off and flew low and fast across the parade, crossing their paths and looking as if they were going to collide. The smoke cannisters they carried left coloured trails across the sky as the confetti left coloured patches across the road. It was a parade the like of which Japantica had never before seen.
Watching the parade go by, Judge Ashburnham cheered all the louder when he saw his chosen float go by. The air was thick with confetti and the joyous yells of the populous. Truly this was a glorious day for Japanatica. But as he cheered, he saw even more floats coming down the boulevard. It seemed the other nations had donated floats of their own to this day of universal togetherness. As he stood there, he watched a most odd float pass by with a small banner reading "To Our Japanatican Brothers, May This Peace Be Everlasting" and below it the same in Babylonian. Yes, it was the Babylonian float...

Man, those guys are weird...
Former Chief Justice Mhcarver watched from the side's looking at the floats. He admired The Mayor for being able to peacefully step away from the courts. Mhcarver had found himself unable to function without legal briefs ,worthless Complaints and corruption cases to prosecute. As he walked across founders Plaza, across the tiles named after the 36 people who voted yay at the constitutional convention he came across the Newly created "air force" and watched with awe. After that he saw the Romo-Iroqi-Japanatican memorial in memory of the fusion of peoples after the war. After admiring the many floats including the AWOL in Alabama float and "the flipper" he then went to the local pub and got drunk an played Ping pong!!!

edit:btw neat floats Mr.Judge Advocate
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Victory Parade has finished and the party continues here in Zojoji and the Kabuki Za Theatre. If you've got those post-game blues or just want to shout "HEY!", Zojoji is the place to be.

Also, we are throwing a poll to find out which Parade Float pleased the most people. Please go to the Best Float Award Poll and cast your vote.

As Mayor, I personally want to thank each and every one of you who participated with the development of our fine city. Those who posted and those who read. :thumbsup:
The Victory Through Diplomacy Float has been declared the winner of The Best Float Award!

The Mayor's Office holds an Press Conference on the City Hall steps, in which the award is presented to Ashburnham. Newspapers and Television stations clamour for a story. Ashburnham is a bit taken back by all the commotion, but accepts the award with a smile and holds it high to the cheering crowd. Mayor Cyc steps in and says "Please feel free to say a few words, the floor is yours", and turns the mic towards the winning float maker...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the final Bird's Eye view of our great city, Zojoji ~

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