• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Dawn of Colonization Sign-Ups

@Sonereal: For reference, I would like my nation to be Russian Red, not Orange.
Joan, when you make a map like that you should aim for the closest color from the originals.
Joan, when you make a map like that you should aim for the closest color from the originals.

That requires cutting and cropping and he was just posting a reference.
Well, he isn't exactly desperate for players, so join if you're going to join or don't if you're not going to.
Contury is Kingdom of Paris
(paris and 4 ter. around it)

We are a kingdom with a king and oriental Christendom. We elect a parliament; House of lords (elected for life) and House of commons (elected for a decade). Strong military and economy. The king controls taxes and the military.
Leader name is king Henry the Sixth.

France was not affected by the death. It stayed strong and acquired 4 more territories by peaceful expansion. France is a militaristic population. Everyone must server ten years in the military and twenty in the Militia. Religion is state runned and anyone not following it dies or is converted to the true faith. The economy is strong and France will rule the world! Also we have General Napoleon Bonaparte and General Sir Duke Arthur Wesley so we win AUTOMATICALLY!

Any more info needed?
Contury is Kingdom of Paris
(paris and 4 ter. around it)

We are a kingdom with a king and oriental Christendom. We elect a parliament; House of lords (elected for life) and House of commons (elected for a decade). Strong military and economy. The king controls taxes and the military.
Leader name is king Henry the Sixth.

France was not affected by the death. It stayed strong and acquired 4 more territories by peaceful expansion. France is a militaristic population. Everyone must server ten years in the military and twenty in the Militia. Religion is state runned and anyone not following it dies or is converted to the true faith. The economy is strong and France will rule the world! Also we have General Napoleon Bonaparte and General Sir Duke Arthur Wesley so we win AUTOMATICALLY!

Any more info needed?

You guys joined our Oriental Catholic Church?


sure! We OCCs should stick togehter! Also has the game already begun? If nto when will it?
I know 'bout the colours. I just wouldn't pick too similar colours for the 3 or 4 nations which had claimed in red or green or anything, so roll with it :p
Edited in a history into my original post.

Spoiler History of the Kolkatan Empire :
When the Red Death spread through the world, the city of Kolkata closed its gates to all who wished to enter. This did little but delay the proccess, and the plauge wormed its way inside the city within 2 months. From there, the population was decimated, with the people turning to obscure faiths and desperately grasping at the straws of belief to find some way out of the horror. When the plauge finally ended and society began to reform, it was found that the predominant religion was Confucianism, a religon that had had few followers before the plauge broke out.

The survivors now struggled to rebuild their society, and it was decided that a leader should be chosen to lead them through this, the previous rulers having all died. The chosen man was Daolitamni Kalikamra and he proved remarkably skilled at directing the reconstruction efforts. When he finally died, much of the work was complete, and Kolkata had developed far further than the surrounding areas. Daolitamni's son, Patligranama, now saw that an ambitious leader could turn Kolkata into the controling power of the surrounding region. A skilled politician, he was able to ensure not only Kolkatan power throughout the region, but also his personal power in the city itself.

Eventually Patligranama began to age, and sought to bestow his power upon his son so that his work might be continued in later generations. The two of them worked together to establish a firm line of hereditary succession, which ultimately became the Monarchy that now rules the city. Although Napumaltidi Kalikamra lacked his fathers skill in obtaining power, he was able to maintain the state Patligranama had created, and would ultimately pass the reigns of power to his own son; Kramnishalti Kalikamra. What Kramnishalti's reign shall bring has yet to be seen.

Added history to my nation's post (page 5)
History up.

As to SK, if you have a nation, than I don't see why you aren't joining. That just doesn't make sense, and probably annoys other players.
Rules changed slightly. The highlights being the replacement of RevoltRisk with Stability (easier to manage, does roughly the same thing but better), the increased cost of armies and fleets, the removal of force limits, and maintenance on armies and ships.
So how does trade work? Between players or between a player and unclaimed territory?
At level 1 tech only adjacent land can be attacked from a fort?
Any answers?
Trade is between players, and I'm pretty you're correct on your second point.
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