Ok, looks like it is:
Jaffa Tamarin
Ed Hunter
Grey Fox, I'll keep you on reserve in case someone drops out.
4000 BC (0): We start on a hill overlooking a river, nice. If We move 1 square NW we get some more hills and grassland, which are always good, plus we're on a river and on the coast! Hard to beat that...
3950 BC (1): We found Thebes on the aforementioned coastal spot, and start working on an explorer. Our worker starts irrigating our wheat square, and we start researching Bronze Working for Colossus. By my count we have 5 hills and 3 bonus grasslands in range, which is are the best kinds of tiles we can get (total food+production of 4 with mines, as compared with 3 for most other terrain types) short of resource squares. The wheat will be quite handy as well.
3650 BC (7): We grow to size 2, and boost lux to 20% to keep up with happiness.
3550 BC (9): Our scouting warrior is complete and starts heading south, and we start on a military police warrior.
3450 BC (11): Our cultural borders expand, and we spot a goody hut to the north... but our warrior's already going south. Oh well, at the latest we'll get that goody hut the next time our borders expand.
3350 BC (13): We complete a military police warrior and start a worker. Our south-exploring warrior spots another goody hut.
3250 BC (15): Our exploring warrior pops the hut & gets barbarians! Good thing he's on a hill...
3200 BC (16): Our warrior defeats all 3 barbarians without a scratch, and becomes elite in the process! Good show. We build a worker and start a temple.
3050 BC (19): Our warrior spots a wandering barbarian and kills him, taking 2 damage. He then spots another goody hut!
3000 BC (20): We discover Bronze Working and start on the Alphabet. Another wandering barbarian shows up to challenge our wounded warrior. We find a hill to fortify on and wait for him, and we spot the camp from which he originated.
2900 BC (22): Our fortfied warrior easily defeats the attacking barbarian and even gains a hp back! A Japanese settler pair comes within our vision radius; of course they are annoyed with us and don't want to trade us anything for Masonry. We pop the goody hut and get... a settler! Well he can help us grow once we get beyond size 6.
2850 BC (23): Japan founds Satsuma right next to our settler. Thebes grows to size 4, completes a temple, and starts a spearman for military police. Our warrior moves to a mountain overlooking the barb camp, and our settler is on his way back home.
2800 BC (24): Our warrior attacks the barb camp and disperses it, losing an hp in the process. Another barbarian shows up near our city.
2750 BC (25): Our worker explores the goody hut north of Thebes and it contains... another settler!
2710 BC (26): Thebes completes a spearman, and starts the Colossus. Our spearman rushes out to attack the barbarian and kills him without taking a scratch; unfortunately he doesn't get promoted. Our exploring warrior spots another barb camp.
2630 BC (28): Japanese warriors beat us to the barb camp. Our settler spots more Minoans heading toward our capital.
2470 BC (32): Our spearman smacks a barb warrior, another is on its way.
2390 BC (34): Our exploring warrior spots some American warriors.
2230 BC (38): Thebes grows to 7. We merge in 2 settlers and grow to 11! Colossus in 7.
Of course, we're running 50% lux to keep that many people happy...
hopefully Colossus will help with that. Japan is building the Oracle. We could probably grab that if we could get the tech from them. We really want to get in contact with more people to lower the costs on already-discovered tech.
2150 BC (40): Nothing new, end of my turn. Alphabet and Collossus in 5 turns. We're heading for the Great Library next, though we might build Oracle on the way if we can trade for the tech. We can use the Pyramids to prebuild for other wonders, though we don't want the Pyramids since they'll set off our Golden Age. No new Minoan barbs have shown up recently, it's possible the Americans wiped out their camp. Keep exploring with that warrior for new civs to contact!