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What to reasearch in the Industrial Ages!


Lonely End of the Rink
Nov 29, 2002
The other science thread is filled with discussing trades and such. This thread is solely for discussing what tech to reasearch once we get into the industrial ages.

I propose Sanitation as the AI never seems to research it, but will pay good money for it and Medicine!
If/When we get to the industrial age, we should check out what the AI has. Some might have already researched Sanitation. But, we'll definately go for Steam Power, then up to tanks. :)
If/When we get to the industrial age, we should check out what the AI has. Some might have already researched Sanitation. But, we'll definately go for Steam Power, then up to tanks.
Aye, tis a violent world and tanks we must have! But definitely Steam Power. Not only will it jack up our production, but it will allow us to get the maximum strategic value out of our central position.

There is nothing like a proposal for trans-continental railroad to get everyone working together on a big project! :borg:

The Ragpickers' Guild
Steam Power. We want Tanks! :D
I don't want just Tanks, I want Panzer units. Die Panzier!
>"We need panzers, and trains to move them around."

A worthy successor to the great Von Moltke!

Well, if I succeed in stealing the governership of the new Indian province, you'll see tracks everywhere.

Since every city will be at exactly 1 shield production, that might be all you see . . .

Feodor Ambitious
I do not believe we should go for Steam Power if the AI doesn't have medicine or sanitation. The AI never goes for these techs, and this might be our ONE chance to pass them in techs. We get Meidicine and Sanitation and for once, we will have a tech first! We can sell it and trade it for techs! Going for steam power would be suicide! In my games, if I am down in techs, this is always the turning point for me!
Where were you in DG1 when I needed you, Goonie? I was pushing for Sanitation then, and I seemed to be the Lone Stranger. Sanitation is usually a strong turning point for me also, regardless of which level I play on. But, this time, as Germans, the pivotal point will be the Panzers.

If we had a dozen cities that were floating around the Size 12 mark, more emphisis could be put on the urgency of researching Medicine and then Sanitation. But it is clear that in most of our cities, Aqueducts are needed more than Hospitals. Sanitation will come, and I will be pushing for it right by your side, but we must take it in stride that the Industrial machine has priority here.
Good to know we are on the same size CYC. I Still think even if we dont need hospitals, Sanitation and Medicine is worth it just for the trading capabilities. I know Panzers ARE VERY IMPORTANT, but we could get some very important GPT, for selling Sanitation and medicine, which in the end might get us to motorized transport more quickly then if we kept on purchasing techs ourselves! So, If we slide the slider up, and get Medicine and Sanitation first, then it will be the turning point in our GAME!
There's a point that we split trails on Goonie. I never like to sell Medicine or Sanitation (especially Sanitation!). As you say, sometimes you find yourself in a position where you are one of the few with Sanitation (if not the only one). This breif period of exclusive growth is what can set apart your Nation from the others. If you have a good bunch of size twelve cities ready to grow and are pre-building Hospitals, your population count hits the after-burners and leaves the other nations behind. At least for a while. But that's just me. Everyone else likes to sell a tech as soon as we get it. Now I guess you stand with them too.
I think we should go for advances in the following order:
Sanitation(for growth)
Steam Power(for railroads)
Nationalism(for riflemen and other benefits)
Communism (great wartime govt + police)
After that, pursue the military line of advances until we get Panzers
Originally posted by naervod
I think we should go for advances in the following order:
Sanitation(for growth)
Steam Power(for railroads)
Nationalism(for riflemen and other benefits)
Communism (great wartime govt + police)
After that, pursue the military line of advances until we get Panzers

Don't we get Nationalism off the bat for being a Scientific civ?

I say Steam Power, Sanitation, then follow the line to Panzers. No need for Communism (it has no advantages over Monarchy).
>"I say Steam Power, Sanitation, then follow the line to Panzers."

That seems direct enough. Particularly since we don't have the high-population cities -- or enough irrigation -- to benefit immediately from hospitals. Railroads will enable us to get our population high enough to actually make use of hospitals.

Feodor "Casey" Jones
Sanitation first guys! @CYC, the reason I want to sell Medicine and Sanitation is because with all that GPT, we can slide the science slider up and start to leave the other nations behind as taking GPT cripples their economies and hurts their ability to research techs. True we might be able to grow more, but I want to pass them in science. I believe this is a golden oppurtunity and we shouldn't let it pass us by! We must go for sanitation and sell it then go for Steam Power.
I feel we should go for flight (After sanitation, of course). With those bombers in conjunction with the panzers, None shall stop us!!!
I still don't like the idea of researching sanitation. If we are to win, we need the military strength provided by Panzers. Perhaps once a Panzer provides us with a Golden Age, we will be able to research Medicine. However, if we are even to have a long shot at domination, we need panzers! We should directly to mobile transportation, and hope that we get a good supply of oil.
Originally posted by Octavian X
I still don't like the idea of researching sanitation. If we are to win, we need the military strength provided by Panzers. Perhaps once a Panzer provides us with a Golden Age, we will be able to research Medicine. However, if we are even to have a long shot at domination, we need panzers! We should directly to mobile transportation, and hope that we get a good supply of oil.
I have to agree with the doughnut worshipper. We must utilize this civ's unique unit. Without it, there is no way we can win Domination. If we don't get oil, maybe we can find someone who would sell cheap.
Oct, look at it this way. We go for Motorized Transport as you say. We will not get it first and the slider will stay at 0 unless we get some miracle funds! But, if we go for Sanitation first, we can sell it and medicine for HUGE GPT, which will put us on top of scientific reasearch. For once, we will be getting techs first. We will most likely even get Motorized Transport more quickly doing things this way! The AI wouldn't be able to keep up in reasearch becuase they will be giving so much GPT to us! So please consider this idea as it is the best one!
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