Civ 2 1-pager tech tree

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Sep 7, 2001
Canton, MI, USA
I have created a Civ 2 tech tree that fits on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper. You may find it at:

It is available both as a native file format (PowerPoint 2000) or
as an Adobe PDF.

By the way, on the same page there are 1-page tech trees that I have created for Civ1, X-COM, and Alpha Centauri (inc. Alien X-fire) as well as other useful reference files, including a comprehensive summary of the techs for Space Empires IV Gold.
Hey thats super.I know they stopped including the poster with the tech tree in civ2 eons ago.That poster has been invaluable to me over the years.

btw-there are at least 3 "different" posters and only 1 of them is 100% correct.
Smash, if you find an error with my tech tree please let me know!!

As for the complexity, I like it all on 1 page - I use a yellow highlighter marker to track my progress.
Great addition, try uploading it in the download area.
Nice Job, Nethog! That obvious took a lot of effort.

May I make a few observations? I personally find your chart easy enough to follow, but I suspect it's bottom up flow pattern might be more difficult for those used to looking at the tech trees. Perhaps rearrangement might be better :).

Interesting choices of things to include, like certain commodity availability. There are also other similar game effects, like trade milestones and barb production, but I know your chart has limited space. A few very minor things, like the colosseum mispelling under Electronics and the fact that "more" partisans are not produced with Communism... it takes both Communism and Gunpowder to produce them to begin with (when a city is captured). As a matter of preference, I'd simply state the new cost of barracks under Gunpowder and Mobile Warfare (2 and 3, respectively), not say increased maint. costs by 1.

Very nice job overall!! :goodjob:

Actually, I kind of like the "bottom-up" approach to the tech tree - as you go up you achiever "higher" technology.

Orginally Quoted by starlifter:
There are also other similar game effects, like trade milestones and barb production
starlifter, if you provide me with specifics of what wording to add in the various tech boxes I will be glad to update the tree. For example, where on the tree and with what wording would I incorporate your comments about partisans?

BTW, I did correct the spelling of "colosseum" - actually the built-in (US) spell-checker in powerpoint does not contain "colosseum" but instead the modern version that I had on my tech tree "coliseum".

Orginally Quoted by starlifter:
I'd simply state the new cost of barracks under Gunpowder and Mobile Warfare (2 and 3, respectively), not say increased maint. costs by 1

I changed my tech tree as per your suggestion. Upon reflection, I left out the word "maintenance", however I think I had better add it to the revised bullet points under Gunpowder and Mobile Warfare.

Thanks for the constructive criticism.
I think it's great! Great job! I thought I posted here earlier but it's not here anymore! :)

I personally don't mind the flow arrangement. And it does follow the relative arrangement of the wall chart for the box positioning, so it really should not be too hard for people to follow from the bottom up.

Major effects on trade:

For the first 200 game turns, the Trade Bonus (TB) is 200% of normal.

If both Navigation and Invention are discovered (by anyone) before Turn 200, the TB is reduced to "normal".

When RR is discovered, Trade Bonus is reduced to 66% of normal.

When Flight is discovered, the Trade Bonus is reduced to 33%.

For Partisans, its pretty hard to say it short to fit, hehe. Perhaps:

With Gunpowder, your captured cities may produce Partisans

With Communism, your captured cities may produce Partisans.

This is funny because I doubt no Civ 2 player reaches Communism without GP first.... and I know the AI won't wait that long.

Here is a very valuable and little known item: with Mobile Warfare, no more Sea Barbs are created by Civ II. You will still get land barbs, but no more barb ships will created. Of course, this means you need no city defenders in coastal areas you rule with an Iron Fist, and if all nearby land is settled.

A lot of advances change the types of Barbs you face. These include:

Chivalry, Conscription, Gunpowder, Iron Working, Leadership, Magnetism, Monothiesm, Metallurgy, Mobile Warfare, Tactics, Polythiesm, Geurilla Warfare.

I think I got them all. Maybe just a symbol next to these advances (like a double asterisk?) with a common note like: "Discovery of this advance changed the types of barbarians produced"

Your chart is looking quite good.

Others (in particular) that might have good input include Andu Indorin, SlowThinker, and it looks like Smash has seen it already.
I just noticed you had another page beyond the Chart. Here is some feedback:

City Walls:

- Prevent Population Loss when a city's defender looses a battle.
- Ineffective against Sea, Air, and Howitzers.

Coastal Fortress:

- remove reference to ships in port. That is not true. CF does not apply to ships at all.


- No effect on aircraft. Remove that part.
- Doubles defender strength agains Cruise Missiles (no doubling effect on other missles, e.g., Nukes, which are thwarted altogether).


- Ineffective until Ceremonial Burial
- Only makes one unhappy citizen content.
- Two after Mysticism


If both source and destination have an airport:
1. Increases Trade Bonus by 50%
2. Increase Trade Route value by 50%

- One airlift operation per turn (either in or out).
- remove reference to "international routes".... not meaninful in std Civ 2 terminology

Port Facility:

- Produces veteran sea units (I'd remove the "barracks" reference).


- remove redundancy (double-irrigated farmland)
Try this:

-Produces 50% more food in the city square
- Produces 50% more food in farmland and airfields squares within the city's radius.


- Produces one extra food in all ocean squares within the city radius.


Delete the whole section and replace it (it is wrong on every point).

- Produces 50% more trade on land (but not ocean) squares within the city radius.
- Increases Trade Bonus by 50% (if located in the source city)
- Increases Trade Route value by 50%.

NOTE: there is no pollution effect, and this is a great improvement for all forms (ALL of them) of properly run governments (e.g., anyone that trades). Even in Monarchy, a 1,000 gold freight will be worth 1,500... that's 500 gold and 500 science, plus 50% more route value (e.g., typically from 8 becomes 12). Specials like gems are affected, too.

Market, Bank, Stock:

I recommend you remove all the recommendations. They have other uses besides money, too... Luxuries. Remove all "unaltered tax" references.

- Increases Tax output by 50%
- Increases Luxuries by 50%

M+B+S are cumulative (additive). Together, they will give a 150% boost in T&L.

Lib, Univ, RL:

- Increases science output by 50%
- Cumulative (additive) for a 150% total increase.
- Isaac Newton College applies only to the science generated by these improvements.


- Delete the last comment.
- Courthouses are quite effective under communism.

This is more FYI, but you can post it if you want:
- Courthouses cut the distance in half in this formula: Revolt Cost = City Size * ((Enemy Gold + 1000)/(Distance to Enemy Capital + 3)). This applies to all forms of govt except Democracy... and in Democracy, cities are immune from revolts/subversions.
Continuing the prior post:

Tem, Col, Cath:

Add notes:

- No Maintanence cost in Fundamentalism
- Fundamentalism pays Tithe equal to number of citizens this improvement would normally mollify


- Required for cities of size 8 - 126 to grow.
- Not required to maintain population


- Aquaduct and Sewer required for cities of size 12 - 126 to grow.
- Not required to maintain population.

Mass Transit:

Automobile comment not true; remove it; MT may or may not be critical, and it is not available until after both Auto and Corp.

Emphasis of the word "all" implies (in context) that there is a way to affect just part of Population Pollution, which there is not. I'd de-emphasize it; there is no hydro plant equivilent for PP, for instance.

Resource Section:

In all descriptions, remove references to "unaltered totals". It is non-sequitor.


Does not affect pollution at all. It simply increases the shield output by 50%. Only non-wasted shields affect pollution, and that pollution is called Resource Pollution (RP)

Manuf Plant:

Same comment as factory, Add note:
- Delete all comments after upkeep.
- Increases shield output by 50%.
- Cumulative (additive) with factory and NP/PP/HP/SP, for a 150% increase.

Nuc Plant:

Delete all comments after Upkeep.
- Increases shield output by 50%(if city has factory).
- Not cumulative with Power Plant, Hydro Plant, or Solar Plant.
- Cumulative (additive) with factory and Manufacturing Plant, for a 150% increase.
- Reduces resource pollution by 50% (not cumulative)
- Danger of Meltdown, if city remains in anarchy (riot) for two consecutive turns.
- Meltdown risk elimanted with discovery of Fusion Power.
- Can be built anywhere.

Hydro Plant:

Delete all comments after Upkeep.
- Increases shield output by 50% (if city has factory)..
- Not cumulative with Power Plant, Nuclear Plant, or Solar Plant.
- Cumulative (additive) with Factory and Manufacturing Plant, for a 150% increase.
- Reduces resource pollution by 50% (not cumulative)
- Can be built only near Rivers or Mountains. Oceans have no effect, and will not allow a Hydro Plant in and of themselves.
- Hoover Dam acts as a Hydro Plant in all cities (no upkeep cost).

Power Plant:

Delete all comments after Upkeep.
- Increases shield output by 50% (if city has factory)..
- Not cumulative with Nuclear Plant, Hydro Plant, or Solar Plant.
- Cumulative (additive) with factory and Manufacturing Plant, for a 150% increase.
- No antipollution benefits.

Solar Plant:

Delete all comments after Upkeep.
- Increases shield output by 50% (if city has factory).
- Not cumulative with Power Plant, Hydro Plant, or Nuclear Plant.
- Cumulative (additive) with factory and Manufacturing Plant, for a 150% increase.
- Eliminates all Resource Pollution
- Power, Hydro, and Nuclear plants are redundant and can be sold if you have a Solar Plant.- Eliminates half a pollution skull's contribution to golbal warming. Two SP's effectively negate one polluted piece of terrain in the Global Warming computations.

Recycling Center:

- No effect on shield production.
- Eliminated 2/3 Resource Pollution.
- Not Cumulative; It supercedes (replaces) effect of Hydro and Nuclear anti-pollution. Solar Plant supercedes Recycling Center.


Delete first comment about speed. It is wrong.

- Only half of a city's food bin is depleted when a city grows due to filling the food bin (normally, the bin is emptied).
- More effective in Anarchy, Despotism, Monarchy, Communism, and Fundamentalism because these governments cannot grow through WLT_ celebrations.
- Pyramids act as a granary in each city (no upkeep cost)


(mentioned earlier, but here is more)
- Makes 3 content citizens happy
- Upon discovery of Communism, 2 content are happy
- Upon discovery of Theology, +1 are happy
- Michelangelos Chapel acts as a Cathedral in every city with no upkeep costs
-Pays Thithe of 2, 3, or 4 gold in Fundamentalism with no upkeep.

Well, that's it for now. A lot of suggested changes ;).

This turned out to be much longer and time consuming that I thought at first... but you want a reference material to be accurate :). I'll look at the last page later on, whew....

After you make the changes, another cycle of proofreading (post it), and have a few others check it too (I could have something wrong that others might spot).

Once you get it well-messaged, it will be a very handy and accurate reference, esp. for newer players.... I could have used it when I started, and I know my dad and one sister still could since the play infrequently!

EDIT: Fixed some typos.
I doubt whether all of this will fit on one page ;)
You could put all the info above on another sheet, as a sort of supplement to the tech tree.
I doubt whether all of this will fit on one page

It'll fit easily, because the input about his Improvements notes is already on a second page, and are suggestions for replacements of existing descriptions.

You could put all the info above on another sheet, as a sort of supplement to the tech tree.

LOL, the improvements stuff is definately not inteded for the Tech Tree portion! That's exactly waht he already has... In fact, the way he groups his improvements into related categories is an excellent idea.

I'd originally overlooked the 2nd and 3rd pages of the Tech Tree .PDF too, because I was only expecting a tech tree. I only found the other pages by accidentally scroling down. There is a 3rd page that I have not looked closely at yet, dealing with terrain. But his format looks great.

I plan to use this, especially for people that are infrequent (or newbies) to Civ play. I really like that it can be printed on a B/W printer, too.

The Tech Tree part is 99% good to go already... and when the Improvements section goes through a couple more iterations, it'll be killer too.
I have revised my tech tree and improvement info powerpoint file in-line with starlifter's comments. Thanks starlifter!! As before you can get it at:

I do however have several questions:

SDI: ...Doubles defender strength agains Cruise Missiles
Is it really double (i.e. +100%) or +50%?

Market, Bank, Stock: I recommend you remove all the recommendations

A long time ago, (using a calculation method I can no longer recall), I calculated the number of tax coins required to make a profit (i.e. exceed the cummulative improvement maintenance) - these numbers reflect this. If they are wrong please let me know. I still think it makes sense to keep these here even though you may build these improvements for the luxuries and take a loss on maintenance.

Lib, Univ, RL: ... Isaac Newton College applies only to the science generated by these improvements.
Are you sure about this statement?? I thought it doubled total science output, not just the delta added by these improvements?

Continuing the prior post:
Tem, Col, Cath:

Add notes:

- No Maintanence cost in Fundamentalism
- Fundamentalism pays Tithe equal to number of citizens this improvement would normally mollify

Where were these comments supposed to be added?

Again, I value feedback (i.e. I don't take criticism negatively). Instead I believe in continuous improvement. I may however not incorporate all recommendations if they conflict with my own opinion!
I believe all this is correct:

Is it really double (i.e. +100%) or +50%?
SDI does nothing to cruise missles or air units. SAM battery does 100% to air units and cruise missles.

A long time ago, (using a calculation method I can no longer recall), I calculated the number of tax coins required to make a profit (i.e. exceed the cummulative improvement maintenance) - these numbers reflect this. If they are wrong please let me know. I still think it makes sense to keep these here even though you may build these improvements for the luxuries and take a loss on maintenance.
Building a marketplace at 2 coins makes it break-even with its cost (if you don't count luxuries). Building a bank at 7 coins makes it break-even with its cost.

Are you sure about this statement?? I thought it doubled total science output, not just the delta added by these improvements?
If a city with 10 science build Issac's it still has 10 science. Add a library to that and it then has 20 (10 +50% +50%)science.

(This is from starlifters post)
(mentioned earlier, but here is more)
- Makes 3 content citizens happy
- Upon discovery of Communism, 2 content are happy
- Upon discovery of Theology, +1 are happy
- Michelangelos Chapel acts as a Cathedral in every city with no upkeep costs
-Pays Thithe of 2, 3, or 4 gold in Fundamentalism with no upkeep.
It makes unhappy citizens content, not content ones happy. Just replace the word content with unhappy and happy with content. Also I would say that '- Upon discovery of Communism, one less citizen is made content'. Because if you discover Theology first Cathedrals actually affects 4 citizens, then Comm drops it to 3. So, saying it does 2 is not technically correct.

Where were these comments supposed to be added?
I think he meant for them to be added in the Temple, Colosseum and Cathedral boxes. The Cathedral box touches on this in its last point.

Might I also suggest, just to completely round out the information you have, to add the number of shields that are required to build each City Improvement. You may also want to add a description of what Capitalization does.

I'm actually kinda use to the tech chart now. :)

If you want, PM TF and he can add a link to your site from our Civ II section off the main site.

Hope this helps. :)

Edit: fixed Italics
By Duke of Marlborough:

It makes unhappy citizens content, not content ones happy. Just replace the word content with unhappy and happy with content. Also I would say that '- Upon discovery of Communism, [/i]one less citizen is made content[/i]'. Because if you discover Theology first Cathedrals actually affects 4 citizens, then Comm drops it to 3. So, saying it does 2 is not technically correct

You are correct, my bad on that part. LOL, I can't believe I wrote it that way when I go back and read it now!! You are being kind with "technically wrong"... for such an important improvement, I'd call it dead wrong.

New Suggestion:

- Makes 3 unhappy (red) citizens content
- Upon discovery of Communism, one less citizen is content
- Upon discovery of Theology, +1 citizen is content
- Michelangelo's Chapel acts as a Cathedral in every city with no upkeep costs
-Pays Thithe of 2, 3, or 4 gold in Fundamentalism with no upkeep.

Is it really double (i.e. +100%) or +50%?

SDI does nothing to cruise missles or air units. SAM battery does 100% to air units and cruise missles.

Actually, the SDI does indeed double the defense factor of a land unit city defender during a Cruise Missile Attack. The 50% factor you see quoted in places is not correct. I believe it was a late change following gameplay testing that prompted Sid's guys to do this. With the SAM, the factor is quadrupled.
I used to be a big CM shooter, and seem to recall that a pop-up screen mentioned the SDI doubles the defense, or something like that. The ADM numbers seemed to work out right, as I recall.
by Nethog:

Lib, Univ, RL: ... Isaac Newton College applies only to the science generated by these improvements.

Are you sure about this statement?? I thought it doubled total science output, not just the delta added by these improvements?

Absolutely. That is a very misunderstood wonder.

From last fall's GOTM 8, some of us were discussing it in Duke of Marlborough's thread: AND pandoras&pagenumber=6

Look at the last post on page 6 (2/3 the way through it, about Smash's Science output & the Pandora's box, for the actual calculation & detail; Sodak also has some very good info you might be interested in:

We spew out more info than you probably care to know about improvements, hehe :).

With all the knowledgeable players, the GOTM is a good place to find lesser known thing about Civ 2 :D.
Ok, I finished a nw version of the tech tree/city improvements powerpoint as well as the excel of the wonders, both of which are availble on my web site (inc pdfs).

Duke, I added the cost of improvements as per your suggestion.

I also added a description for Capitalization (I forgot how many coins you get per mineral, is two coins per mineral?).

I even added "Palace", but I may need help from you guys on a better description for it - please check out what I wrote.

Starlifter seems pretty sure about the SDI defense benefiting land units so I left that in.

Starlifter, could you please check out the Temple/Colosseum/Cathedral boxes with the words regarding Fundamentalism?

Also, I incorporated Sodak's science calculations for Lib/Univ/Reasearch lab when you have Issac's and/or Copernicus.

By the way, do you I keep on trying to decide whether to use multipliers or +percenatges for specifying things like the increase in science with a Library - which do you prefer?

If you want, PM TF and he can add a link to your site from our Civ II section off the main site.

Will do when I think the Civ 2 files are stable.

BTW, thanks again for all of your great feedback. Updating my charts has me itching to play Civ 2 again. As you can see from my web site, I like to play a variety of TBS strategy games, I think after my current overdose of X-COM, I will play Civ 2 again for a while!:)
Nice job, and fast work, nethog.

We are getting much closer! I really marvel at how you've managed to put such a great amount of info in a readable format in the tech tree.

Since I plan to make use of your excellent chart when talking to newer players, I have some final tune ups for the Tech Tree (more for the Improvements will come later)...

In Ind, Env, MassP, San, Auto change the phrase "Increases pop-based pollution" to "Increases Population Pollution (PP)"

What is the "airlift" bullet referrig to? Airlifts are possible when both the source and destination city have an airport, and CA has nothing to do with it.

change to this:
"With Gunpowder, a civ's captured cities may produce Partisans."

My note to you.... the number of partisans depends on a lot of factors, and small cities may not produce any at all. It is not a guarantee. Also, a civ that does not yet have Com & GP cannot produce such partisans.

"With Communism, a civ's captured cities may produce Partisans."

"Captured cities produce more Partisans"

The key is the word more.

reduces chance a Trireme is lost at sea from 1 in 2, to 1 in 4.

reduces chance a Trireme is lost at sea to 1 in 8.

"Allows roads to be built across rivers.
RRs can be built after discovering RR."

(note... BB is a prereq for RR, but the original wording can lead to new players thinking the RR can be built across rivers right away. This can also be an issue in tech stealing and gifting.).

"While in a Democratic government, the Courthouse makes one content citizen happy"

"Each Future Tech (FT) adds +5 to your civ score"
"255 FTs are possible. After that, FT rolls over to 0, begins again, and sets your FT score back to 0."

Add to Notes:
Each technology (including FT) a civ obtains after the game starts increases the probability of pollution from polluting cities (those with yellow triangles) by a slight amount.

Comments about the Improvement section to come later (there are some) :).

PS, Nice solution to the "barb change" issue!

EDIT: Typo and changed the last note's wording.
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