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Why do they STOP hating me?


Feb 2, 2001
Ontario, Canada
We all know about the AI's collective hatred of the humna player Civ when it becomes the "smartest and greatest" civ in the game.

My question today is "What makes this go away?"

I was playing yesterday on PRINCE and had the entire world pissed off at me (as usual).
I was at war with everyone and more or less not really making any offensive progress against any. I was basically going on the defensive against 3 and actively fighting a 4th.

All of a sudden, one after another (with a series of maybe 4-5 turns) the AI civs contacted me, asked for a cease fire, and then offered a peace treaty which I accepted.

My question is "what happened?" I didn't build any "peaceful wonder"... I hadn't really discovered any awe inspiring technology. As a reference as to where in the timeline I was... i was basically in the area of discovering railroad and stuff.

I wasn't really making any military progress against anybody - except maybe the vikings (but even then I hadn't yet taken of their cities).

I was just curious as to if anybody has ever seen this before...

It means they would rather sneak attack you instead of fighting you in a decent manner.

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/image_uploads/goodbye3.jpg" border=0>
<FONT COLOR="blue">You move like I want to, and sing like your eyes do.</FONT c>
Well thats just great! lol

But seriously.. I've often had them offer cease fires and then back stab me.. but usually they stay mad at me enough to not sign peace treaties.

This time they did for whatever reason which was strange.
The trick is to NEVER, only get involved in a war when another civ steal techs or sneak attack and that they haven't discovered each other yet. Never agree to any alliance against other civs and they will never attack you. I was at peace with all the civs for 4000 years... Before I suddenly turned against all 6 of them.
I find that all the backstabbing and the bickering tends to go away very soon after I get the U.N. Wonder. before then, it is a negotiations nightmare!
It all depends on strength...they get jealous of success and hate weakness without tribute.

If you don't want war then do't overpower your enemies...be no.2 not no.1

But being the best comes naturally to me
Name your civ "Barbarians" your leader "Attila" or somesuch, act totally irresponsibly and don't plan anything, just rampage around making war with everyone and don't make any treaties or whatnot...

Oh yes, and a fun fact. The "leader" of the Barbarians is actually named Attila. I slipped up once and had the barbarians take over a city of mine, and when I went to buy it back with a diplomat I noticed the "Establish Embassy" function was actually there. Momentarily amused I decided to try it, and lo and behold, their leader was called Attila...

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