New Turn Thread 1615-1660

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Hired Goon
Feb 23, 2001
Ringwood, NJ USA
As it was seen
In 1615
Fanatica had a long road to hoe
With a blistering pace
In the technology race
The cities had no time to grow

The competitive mix
Included but six
That Fanatica needed to crush
But with all six in pacts
And with constant attacks
This number seemed all too much

The guess that was best
Was out to the West
The Romans were planning their deeds
With Pyramids in hand
Their cities were grand
As they surely were growing like weeds

To the cold, bitter North
Where we seldom go forth
The Mongols - they silently steep
For a while we’ve not heard
A stray Mongol word
But still waters will often run deep

The scent from the South
That burns nose and mouth
Tells us the Zulus are there to infest
Though they buzz and they bite
And try hard to fight
They’ll be slapped like all other pests

The Chinese we admit
Have advanced quite a bit
With their Library they built long ago
When we find them we’ll see
How much technology
They can add to what we already know

Where the Germans reside
Is a riddle inside
An enigma with a mystery to boot
Though they have Sun Tzu’s
They, too will lose
And their civ will becomes largely moot

Last but not least
Our enemies East
Have taken the form of the Brits
They stand on a Wall
Never seeing their fall
That will incur when Fanatica hits

So in the Circle we plan
And do what we can
As Fantica’s time is ours to bide
For when we let loose our power
The others will cower
But will find there’s nowhere to hide.


Those in the Inner Circle were beyond tired.

Each with a sphere of influence and expertise put forth their plans for the short-term future of the nation they were trying desperately to save from apathy. Things were looking very interesting, and Fanatica was finally blooming as it should on the world stage. A double-edged sword to say the least, for while Fanatica took its seat as the major world power, the decisions seemed to increase tenfold. No to mention the jealousy.

The Inner Circle, however, was resolute.

A new addition was made to the Circle as well – actually, it was reestablishment. General Ren had apparently taken upon himself to see to the fighting near Dukeshire personally, and had only now returned to The Holy Duck Pond to lend his expertise. A new president greeted him, and a very new-looking group of ministers as well. But Ren was a warrior and accustomed to change at a second’s notice. He sat with the rest and began to press Fanatica’s military policy.

With the furious work of the two governors/city planners Mr. Spice and Dell, Kev had a wonderful blueprint for building schedules in all of his cities. Duke’s science and duke’s trade and wonder advice gave a sound track for Kev to follow as well. All decisions had the stamps of the Circle – now including Dell, Spice, Ren, duke, Duke, Leowind, Becka, and the occasional insight from those thought gone like Ohwell, Jomey, Knight-Dragon, Duck, Civ-1, and even the oft-misunderstood Pellaken.

There were no sightings of Fonz of late.

Kev was ready. He moved his Fanatica forward.


Hippoville, as it had just finished a caravan, switches to a wonder as this will now be the site of Adam Smith’s.

A Musketeer is activated in Sixchan and will be moved to Thunder Falls

Kevholm begins a temple.

The city of Rome is found. The Pyramids can be seen from the shoreline given their size. The Lighthouse can also be seen, but it is a shadow of what must have been its greatness at one time. The Embassy built by Marco Polo can also be seen. If that guy was trying to find China, he was REALLY off.

Word reaches THDP that the Mongols have begun to develop King Richard’s Crusade. The Inner Circle yawns collectively – one of those yawns that seems to be contagious.


Spycatcher puts together a gold caravan. Cities demanding = Rome (12), Hamburg (9), Kashgar (2), Sixchan (6).

ECONOMICS is discovered. We can study Atomic Theory, Leadership, Medicine, Metallurgy, or Steam Engine. Our decision was Medicine, and that is what is chosen.

Hippoville switches to Adam Smith’s and caravans begin arriving.

We spot the city of Antium. Another ship has spotted land to the East of Joespaniel that could contain the Chinese.

No word from any foreign nations.


Marl Downs collects settlers and begins a diplomat.

Ravenna found – uncomfortably close to Dukeshire but on the Roman continent. Viroconium rushes its second musketeer and starts a caravan

Gems from Sixchan delivered to Dellville. A total of 117 gold is earned and a spice route is developed going the other way. Love trading in democracy.

The Chinese city of Nanking is spotted. The ship will make sure that this is not a lone city before returning to Joespaniel and picking up diplomats that will be finished in a few turns.

The happy people of Fanatica stretch an animal hide behind the “throne” as a gift. How nice.

Though no other Chinese cities are seen, there is a lot of land improvements which is a good indication that we’ve found the Chinese homeland. The ship is sent back to Joespaniel and will get some diplomats.

St. Leowind is built on the island with Joespaniel. The Joespaniel knight is dispatched there for some defense and a musket brigade is begun.

We have given Hippo enough shields for Adam Smith’s. The last 30 are bought and the remaining caravan is sent toward THDP for the next wonder (Newton’s). Didn’t want to waste 20 shields.

A Roman knight crests the hill next to Dukeshire.

Exploring ship sent to Dukeshire to pick up 2 diplomats.

With 900+ gold, Kev incrementally rushes several city items.


Spice Haven trains a diplomat and starts a second musketeer
Dellville builds a harbor and starts a caravan
Dover builds a temple and starts city walls
Cornmaster builds a temple and starts an aqueduct (not on the list, but the city is size 8)
Fort Pornstar builds a caravan and starts an aqueduct
Hippoville builds ADAM SMITH’S and starts a caravan
Olympia builds an aqueduct and starts city walls.
Dreadtown builds a caravan and starts another.

With Adam Smith’s, the two choices right now are 80/20 which means 3 turns and 80 gold or 60/40 which means 4 turns and 177 gold. I keep it at 60/40 for now.

A settler is dropped on Becka-Becka Island

Our crusaders crush the Roman knight brigade outside of Dukeshire taking some damage.

Word reaches THDP that the English have begun Darwin’s Voyage!

Also, a Roman crusader is now seen outside of Dukeshire.


We discover MEDICINE. Given the choices of Atomic Theory, Bridge Building, Chemistry, Leadership, Metallurgy and Steam Engine, we choose Chemistry.

Athenae builds a caravan and starts another. Disorder ensues here. A single entertainer does the trick, but it’s the first sign of discontent.

Though our crusaders are wounded, they still manage to crush the Roman crusaders by Dukeshire. Then, a ship with two diplomats leaves Dukshire. The Inner Circle love when they have diplomats on ships. They giggle.

Word reaches THDP:

An English frigate attacks Marl Downs. Our muskets proved to be powerful enough to win the day. The dopey English had something on the ship as well. It’s dead too. Hehe. The English move a catapult next to the settlers from Marl Downs.

The Mongols switch from KRC to Darwin. Ack! They’ll be done with it soon.

A Roman knight attacked Dukeshire from the southwest. Didn’t even see it. It died, but not before conveying veteran status on a Fanatica musketeer.


Marl Downs trains a diplomat and starts building a temple.

Our diplomats go to work. One enters Ravenna and studies the make and layout of the steel rails. The diplomat reports this back to THDP and railroad is now ours. The second enters Antium and studies the mechanism of the ironclad ships. Steam Engine is now ours as well. With so much success, Dukeshire rushes a diplomat and Viroconium changes from caravan to diplomat. I’d like to make another tech run.

A musketeer from Marl Downs travels a bit and takes on the English catapult. Even though they are tired, they attack and defeat the dreaded machine.

Word reaches THDP:

The Mongols have nearly finished Darwin’s. Dang.

Rome completes King Richard’s.

Zulus land near Cornmaster with a settler and a catapult.


Crusader from Cornmaster moves on the Zulus. The Zulus wish to meet with us, but they are denied. Our crusaders kill.

Joespaniel finishes a diplomat and begins another. Combined with the one coming up from Mpondo, we can see what the Chinese are all about.

Unknown City builds a library and needs to start on an offensive unit. An ironclad is chosen.

A musketeer is rushed in St. Leowind.

A diplomat is rushed in Viroconium.

Word reaches THDP:

Aleppo builds Darwin. They were apparently building it elsewhere as they CHANGE to WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE!

The Germans start Women’s Suffrage.

The English start Women’s Suffrage.

Looks like we’ll be late to industrialization.


The Inner Circle is deep in thought. Many caravans are rushed. What shall we do about the new wonder situation?

As a group, they decide to tap a keg. We end up finding out waaaaay too much about duke o’ york as he imbibes too much.

Word reaches the The Hungover Duck Pond:

Romans looking to grant Women’s Suffrage.

A Zulu crusader is spotted outside of…. Dukeshire of all places.


Here’s where we’ll take a break. We discover Chemistry and go for explosives.

Other techs:
Atomic Theory
Bridge Building

Gold caravan was picked up, but the new status on demanding cities:
Samarkand (4)
Kashgar (2)
Both of these are probably bogus. I’m taking them north in hopes to have a Chinese city that is demanding.

That should do it. Though others have hit industrialization first, we are only a tech away and likely have plenty of others that they do not have (TOG, Chem, Democracy, etc.)

The next batch of turns should be interesting indeed.
Roman Mainland. Dukeshire (shouldn't that be a 'd'? :)) is on the other continent just off the picture to the right. May I suggest City Walls for dukeshire since we are so close to the Roman Mainland?


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