Bohemian Insurance Company


der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
Welcome to the Bohemian Insurance Company. Barbarians have you worried? Did you buy territory in a contested area and fear it might revert to its indigenous owners? Is that beautiful mansion just a step away from an invading force? The Bohemian Insurance Company can help. Safeguard your investment by insuring it against loss and damage.

Rates are calculated against the asset value of property insured. Special needs insurance is also available. Inquire within!


Long term insurance: 1% of asset value per turn chat
Short term insurance: 2.5% of asset value per turn chat
Specific occurence insurance: 5% - 25% of asset value

Description of Services:

Long term insurance: Insurance contract for 20 turn chats or more.

Short term insurance: Insurance contract for 5 to 20 turn chats.

Specific occurence insurance: Insurance for a single turn chat.
What would a long-term insurance for the lands of lancre including the castle and the settled businesses and citizens cost?
I would kind of resell this service, as i would use it to attract citizen to lancre for rent :) so maybe wholesale prices will apply?

Which things are covered by that insurance?

Would you like to place the business in lancre? I would offer free settlement for a small discount for lancre citizens!
@SAAM - Your lake would be insured for the asset value of the property against loss by invaders or border movement. Essentially, if you lose the property you would be reimbursed for the value of the land. We will offer pollution insurance when pollution becomes appreciable.

@disorganizer - Long term insurance is 1% of the asset value per chat. If your holdings are valued at 1000g it would be 10g per chat. Bohemian Insurance is centered in the Capital but thank you for the offer.
The Fanatikan Copyrighting Association woll copyright the name "Bohemian Insurance Company" for you. It will have a cost, but i am sure that some people might try to take the name, and they will be able to because it isn't copyrighted. Would you want that to happen to you?
I would like to insure tile -3/-13 for five turnchats at 2.5% of 300g(I believe) = 7.5g/tc.

I would recommend this to anyone owning tiles NW of Palanthus or NE of Dacula as the upcoming American city could possibly supercede a land tile that you own.

Shaitan, if the specific occurence coverage for this possible event is 5-10%, then I will opt for this coverage for today's turnchat only. If >10%, set me up for the short-term. Since I am your first customer and the SOC specifics are not clear, I would appreciate your honoring the SOC at 5%.
@Donovan - I'm sorry, but the BIC is temporarily out of action. There will be a business realignment in term 4. Successful insurance theory requires many people to be insured in order to pay out claims for a minority of unlucky souls. The idea did not work well in our RPG.
well maybe we should make some new laws my copyrighting thing was a good idea yet not much has come of it as was this a good idea so maybe we should create some things like freak tornados and stuff like that
That's fine as crisis was averted anyway. However, with all of the foreign visitors we are allowing on our land, this insurance idea could take off in the future.
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