Buy your ships and carriages here! ISaaC'S of Fanatika


Emperor : )
Jul 27, 2002
Welcome to ISaaC'S of Fanatika, the
Independent Ship and also Carriage Shop of Fanatika

I sell the best ships, carriages, and chariots. This is your number one place to buy vehicles for pleasure, for trade, and for war.

Formerly the FTP, here is the product list:

For use on land:
Fancy Carriage 750g--2 or 4 horses, 4 seats
Double Chariot 500g--2 horses, 2 seats
Single Chariot 300g--1 horse, 1 seat
Wagon 200g--1 or 2 horses, 6 seats

For use on the waves:
Small Trireme--600g
Large Trireme--1200g
Small Yatch--4000g
Large Yatch--8000g
Cruise Ship--10000g

ConflictCraft- for naval use
Coracle--100--1/1/1-Carries 1
Galley--300g--1/1/3-Carries 2
Caravel--600g--1/2/4-Carries 3
hy jdd, have u calculated the cost for caravels with the official conflict-thread?
for example: a galley costs 30 points
with 200 gold per 10 points for mobile units this will total to only 600 gold in the official shop :p. and you should not forget that with that the galley costs you 300 gold to "build".
and dont forget you can only sell units 1 tech in advance...
hehe, whoops. and what naval techs do we have? i tried to find info on this
me too. it seems nobody at the warroom thought about naval warfare yet, and the science department does not show what we have atm :)
maybe the new science department administration will post the techs we have and a list of what they bring us ;-)
but if you know which techs we have, you could of course look into the unit-list on cfc mainpage for the unit details
i think galley is the only possible unit you can sell for the conflicts now... and no 1-tech helps this for some time propably ;-)
if i cant sell a caravel, then how can the futuristic weapons shop sell rifles?

and i can make up units for the game right?
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