national burrial area


Mar 30, 2002
this is the graveyard of our nation. if your character dies you can setup a grave here. each grave is ONE post. multiple characters may be layed in the same grave if somehow related (family, personal relation etc). for unrelated characters seperate posts are needed.


discussion and comments should be place in our administration thread.

thank you
your national burrial area administration,

please watch the tech!
before ceremonial burrial our characters must be placed witout any bells and whistles as they are "dumped" in holes to get rid of them.
after ceremonial burrial, you can setup nice burrial caves or obelisk's, but watch that you dont build things like pyramids before we have the appropriate tech. also no religions are allowed before monotheism to have unified graveyard looks.

the second post will be an index to the "family burrial grounds" of humble and rich families. as soon as currency is available, you will be able to buy a place in the index of "family crypts".

if the game manager responsible for an event sees it fit that the remains of the character which died in an event are not seperateable (for example vulcano), then mass graves may be setup by the nation where all remains of the killed characters are dumped into.

you should post year of birth and death of your characters on their gravel thread. also maybe the reason why they died and maybe something about how they lived.

this space is reserved to list all deaths before the national burrial area was opened. this is a mass grave of the "never forgotten characters".
Here lies Avalon. A proud sage and first student of Sage Atrous.

Here at the Burial Grounds north of Noshuret, in the hills overlooking the sea, is Avalon, as are many others.

Avalon was born in those days before history and died at the age of 31 (we think) in the year 3350bc. He was the eternal fire keeper for the people of Noshuret. He brought light and warmth wherever he went.

Many thanks to the Becchino Family.
Here lie Jenna, SaaMuel, Bob and Jackie. Friends, lovers, weirdos.
All age 28. Died 3300BC?
Jenna and SaaMuel, parents of Lauren
Bob and Jackie, parents of William
All they leave is a Jade Bow and Arrow, a pot with an odd black bird on it, and a wooden musical instrument.

Pinky DiSaaMuel
William Roberts
Julia Roberts


Bianca was mysteriously killed. When questioned about it, Lauren DiSaaMuel denied any and all wrong doing and had to excuse herself to wash her ax. On the way to her hut, she was heard saying " Good For Nothing Twit"

Brian and Petruchio DiSaaMuel were both killed by barbies.

Lauren DiSaaMuel. Icon for women everywhere.

Walter DiSaaMuel. Weirdo.

Kaite DiSaaMuel. She was killed by spirits

"Rara Avis Sumus"
andrew and cara lie here

andrew: age 23, died 3300 BC?

cara: age 23, died 3300 BC?
Marcus Viviano (NPC Despot) - Final Location unknown. circa 3300BC
The CivGeneral plot land

Here lies the following people: (Hey are we at Cerimonial Burial yet ;) )

Mara Jade II, Crag Ors, and Brasian Jade
Here is the Memorial to Nirvana Decimus, died at age thirty. Her ashes are spread among the natural world.
This is the burrial cave of the family d'Atrous.

Here lie the following members of the family of d'Atrous:

Elenora wife of Atrous the Great
born before 4000BC and died 3300BC, offering her live to give birth to 2 children, Helena and Tasius.
here is Artheouis I :mad:

OOC: i may have to stop playing the rpg as i hate the random events that have killed one of my characters so far :rant:
We dumped the body that may be Nikos Ginakis here, around two this afternoon. Perhaps we should go get something to eat for our hard work.
Izcoatl died in the wild, presumably of old age, only Freya knows for sure...
Maximus Desmond Neverlis died from old age today :(. He is survived by a wife, two sons and a daugter.
Stuk Aza, Agrippina, and Quintus Peesea have died in the past few days, all of causes unrelated to old age.
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