Error that may cause to fail your scenario to load


Feb 3, 2010
Used to live in Irpin'
When you attempt to start a new scenario and the game crashes without any explanation, even before taking you to the scenario selection screen you may check your pediaicons.txt for the long names of unit pcx files that are displayed in civilopedia
(i.e. art\civilopedia\icons\units\UNITNAME_Lg.pcx). When the length of such name is somewhere around 30+ characters, the game won't load.

This error may look obvious now, but it did ruin a couple of my evenings.
This is why I rename all my icons to "Large" and "Small". I also changed the path to art\units\unitname\pedia\large.pcx following Steph's example. In fact I should have skipped the pedia folder and put the files directly in each unit folder (art\units\unitnam\large.pcx). It is much faster to copy/paste things in the pedia.txt when you do it this way.
Many units by Sandris already use this folder configuration, in fact all those that were finished by Steph. I believe some units by Plotinus work like this too. It saves time moving all the pedia icons in the Civilopedia\Icons\Units folder and copying/pasting each different name (because all these files need different names when they are in the same folder - if they have each their folder, they can all be called the same). Saves a lot of time because you can then copy/paste like a robot and stop thinking :scan:
I put all those files in one civpedia folder. And name them consistently (_large, _small)
Consistency is the key to quality! If there's an error, then I know where to go. And in the .txt file, you can just copy paste the path and only have to change the unit name.
With my method, if there's an error I know where to look too, and it's all in one place :) I currently use Steph's Editor and it automatically searches for the files specified in the pediaicons.txt, I don't even have to run a game to make sure everything is OK. It puts in red letters the name of the unit that has a problem, I go to the unit's folder and check each file. And when it's corrected, I don't have to reload or refresh anything, I just click on an other unit and then click back on the unit that had a problem, and the letters turn black meaning it's OK :) Very powerful tool.

I used to do the same as you Theov, but I've found that pasting very long names, checking the spelling, looking in the units folder AND in the Civilopedia folder was time-consuming and I got lost sometimes. Now I use two letters for each Civ (RO for Roman, EG for Egyptian, etc.) and call "Spearman" all my spearmen, "Acher" all my archers, and so on. Then I have RO_Spearman, EG_Spearman, (...) RO_Archer, EG_Archer, etc. I avoid a lot of typos and can see all the Roman units at once in the Units folder, and it makes copy-pasting a lot faster. I also use a twist in Steph's Editor: I have changed the Civ adjectives to RO, EG, etc. and added a bunch of units copies with "Prefix" and automatically got the Editor creating a RO_Warrior entry, RO_Spearman entry, RO_Archer entry etc. I have lately added 800 units in a few days.
I don't know why but I never even thought of putting the files in another folder! I started out just following the tutorial and I never really questioned it I guess.

Usually I name my files ending with LG or SM, and if the names are long I abbreviate them to begin with, for my own convenience. But still, this information is good to know if someone ever experiences a seemingly unexplainable crash.
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