America The Resilient


Mar 13, 2007

It is the year 4000 BC. George Washington and his people had been vagabonds, wandering the earth in search for a place they could call home. The Winters were harsh, and the cold chilling to the bone. Washington noticed his people were tired of wandering, and tired of the opression comming from the cold Enviornment. So Washington looked onward beyond a frozen river for a place his people could call home.

The Decision had to be made...

"John, my friend, even though the chill of winter freezes my bones, I get a feeling that solidarity and prosperity is just beyond this river."

John Adams looked to the horizen where Washington was pointing and replied, "George, you know our small group of people are sick and they are tired. To ask of them to travel beyond cold and water, is surely to be a challenge."

"I know John", said Washinton, "But fortune favors the bold. If we are ever going to become an independant civilization, we MUST find a place to call home. Issue the order through out the camps. We will cross the river in the cover of night to avoid any hostile barbarians".

"I will do my best to motivate them, my old friend. :) "

And so John Adams spread the word. People were scared, but they also knew that their small group would give way to the possibilty of success. However some people were too afraid to attempt. One well spoken and ambitious man among them, Thomas Paine, decided he needed to rally moral within the group.

"These are the times that try men's souls: The winter warrior and the moonlight patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his people... But he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman... For theirs is a better tomorrow."

With Thomas Paine's words, the stage was set, and the people were ready. They were about to cross into the unknown in search of their indepandence to be a civilized culture.
And so it was that a few men used their clubs to make several small fishing boats. Fishing had been a skill mastered by the American Nomads through out the generations. This time, they would put their boat making skills to the test....

As night fell they began to row across the river with only the light of a full moon to guide them. It was very dangerous. One boat had been lost. The others kept on. For at this point there was no turning back.

Suddenly there was a sign of the shore. With a breath of hope, Washington stood up in the lead boat, raised his foot on to the tip, pointed toward the coast and shouted, "Solidarity is only a few more row strokes away! Onward to the coast, my people!"

Washington's people finally reached the shores. A shout of joy and hope spread through out the nomads. There was so much excitement, one caveman clubbed a woman and took her for his wife. This was to commorate the new life they all were about to have.

Tired from the grueling trek acrross the river, Washington's people found what ever natural comfort they could find and rested. Most slept for a few hours, but Washington stayed up with his good friend Adams to make plans for the day. This was a new world they had just set foot upon.

And so Washington sent a Caveman, covered in animal furs and a head full of scruffy hair, to scout the land and lookout for Barbarians. His weapon of choice to defend himself in case of any hostile encounters? A wooden club made from the local Maple Tree.

As the sun rose on the new day, Washington sat on the hill and the sunlight shined bright over the valley. Washington saw the land that he had lead his people to, and it was good. As his people began to awaken from their short nap to the sunlight, Washington returned to them and issued his proclamation:

"My people, for centuries you have wandered from land to land, journeyed through the schorching heat of summer, to the freezing chill of winter. Now in the midst of this chill, you have accepted and conquered the challange that I had beseached upon you at the risk of life and limb to set foot upon this earth. Now as the sun has risen on this morning, let this mark the dawn of a new age for our people. This is the land that we shall settle upon, and call our home!"

Cheers errupted and Washington's people were so impressed with their new home that their leader had brought them to, that they decided to name it after Washington himself.

In 4000 BC, Washington was founded.

To Be continued...
Very nice opening but I was not sure at first whether you were playing Civ or giving us a lesson on Washington crossing the Delaware. J/K

Keep it up. I like your style.

Definitely get a warrior to protect Washington, then a work boat for those clams, and then get a worker.

What is your strategy? You could go for Stonehenge for a lot of happiness since you're charismatic. I would go mining>bronze working>mysticism>the wheel>pottery. Try to chop Stonehenge. You will have some large cities quickly.
Chapter 1: The Ancient of Days

Act 1

The old man leaned over in his chair towards his youthful listener and smiled. "So you see, Timmy, that's the story of how Washington came to be."

With his eyes gleaming of curiosity, the young boy looked up at his elder, "Wow, Grandpa! Is that where we come from? I want to know more! How did did we get like we are today? What happened then?"

The old man looked at his watch with his young kin gazing at him, hanging on every word. "Well, Timmy, I guess I have a little more time.

A few years had passed by since George Washington had sent out 3 of his best warriors to scout the new land. The village of Washington had began to grow and to flourish very fast. But the people of Washington were very primitive in those times. It was the ancient of days and only the strongest of the men in the tribe in Washington village gained riches and privileges. Washington himself saw how chaotic it could be at times and decided that he should lead with absolute despotic power. This was the only way to ensure the stability of the tribe.

But George Washington, knowing that there had to be a much more civilized way for his people to live, grew with ambition....."

... "John, there must be a better way of life to ensure the stability of our tribe. Washington is growing fast and it is getting crowded. People are beginning to become unhappy. Our old ways do not any longer suffice. Our skills of fishing and farming have fed us so far, but how much longer will it sustain this population? I know we can become much greater than this."

"You're right, George"-

"Don't call me George. We may be old friends, but from this point onward you shall refer to me as, 'Your Excellency'."

"I apologize, Your Excellency. But if I may, I have a suggestion..."

"Mr. Adams, I value your long time friendship, but at this point it's best that the people view me with absolute authority. There for I cannot allow it be rumored that I am ruling with a whisper in my ear. Besides, I'm already a step ahead of you. We shall take advantage of Washington's growing population, and recruit the smartest members of our tribe to solve these concerns.

We shall also recruit the strongest of our tribesmen and train them to become great warriors. This is an unchartered land, and we must protect ourselves from the unknown threats.

Send out 2 of our Warriors fresh from the community barracks to scout the lands to the north east and the south west. I must know what else this wondrous land holds."

Several months later, a message came to Washington from the Cavemen Warrior unit dispatched to the Northwest a few years prior...

"Your Excellency! It appears we have good news. Our scouts to the northwest has reported a fertile land rich with resources! According to the reports, strange animals have been discovered. Among these are pink little animals that snort, and fluffy little white ones that make funny crying noises. The rumor is that these lands are filled with fresh water, and great lakes made of sparkling crystals."

"Why John, that's great news! That's just what I've been waiting to hear! Recently I have been considering solutions to the concerns that that I have for our Tribe, and it is my philosophy that expansion is the answer. We are going to expand beyond the borders of Washington, and this new fertile land sounds like the perfect spot. Recruit some of the villagers to settle on this new land and finance their expedition. We have enough in our treasury to do so, and to pay maximum of those other smart folk we recruit for learning about the mysteries of life.

Speaking of which, by the way, how has the recruitment and research plan been coming along?"

"There have been some significant breakthroughs. Our most intelligent minds have invented this circular object they call, the wheel. Through this technology, our land workers have learned how to build what they are calling, 'roads'. This will cut down on traveling times from one point, to another very significantly. We have also learned how to mine and it is becoming very productive for our village."

"But what about these animal resources to the northwest that we our warrior unit is reporting of? We are not a people of shepherds. We know very little of how to raise animals for food, clothes or for anything else of that matter. Has there been any break through's with Animal Husbandry?"

"Well, research has been ongoing with it, and we should learn these secrets very soon. There is one man among all of these intelligent minds that has been leading the way and has stood out above all others. Rumors are even going around that he can make light fly from the sky. If this is true, then surely he is no mortal man."

"Ha! Sorcery! He can control the elements, you say? Only the gods can do that! This must be shear myth. That just goes to show you how urgent we need progress for our people. What a gullible bunch!? What is his name?"

"They call him Ben. I believe it's Ben... Franklin."

"I must meet this Ben Franklin. If he is as you say, I can make use of his talents. Order him to my Palace. As a matter of fact, you need to be there too, Mr. Adams. Set up a meeting of the elites within 2 weeks. I have a grand plan to expand our great tribe and it all starts with organization and expansion. We are to make our tribe beyond just a tribe. We are going to forge it into a Civilization... A civilization that our descendants will tell tales to their children about....."

...The old man looked at his watch and winked at his attentive young listener. "Well Timmy, that's all the time I have for today."

"Awe c'mon Grandpa... I want to know what happens next!"

"Come back tomorrow and we'll pick up where we left off. The GPS v7.0 says your Daddy is just around the block and I have some chore's to do, not to mention your Grandma's solar car is in shop the having some panels replaced. So she needs me to pick her up from the skylight mall. But just to make sure you were entertained, she bought you a new virtual game yesterday after work..."

Young Timmy hopped out of his chair with excitement. "For me! Let me see!" As Timmy grabbed the package out of his Grandfathers hands, his eyes grew as big a Reagan 99 cent piece. "I can't believe it! You guys got just what I've been wanting! C:7! The game where there's always one more turn! :D "

To Be Continued...
Chapter 1

Act II: Meeting of the Minds

"Glad you could make it back Timmy! How do you like your new game?"

"I love it! But I'm not allowed to play it on school nights anymore. Dad caught me playing it past my bed time. I'm a little tired because of it."

"Hahaha! Must be a good game then."

"Definitely! So are you going to tell me more about our ancestors today? Who was Ben Franklin?"

"Absolutely. Take a seat....

Timmy, this is the story of an empire that searched to find it's place in the world. This is the story of our ancestors...

As George Washington prepared for the meeting of his smartest, strongest, and wisest men of the village, the people had come to call this new land they had settled on America, and themselves Americans. Rumors of the northwest lands began to spread like wildfire. There were stories told of savage people who danced nearly naked to the gods and wore feathers as their hair. There were tales of hostile barbarians that hid in the forests and of savage beasts that attempted to eat the warriors alive. No one knew for sure if this was true, but ever day the farmers would have something new to tell that they heard had from the village fisherman the day before.

Now the day of the meeting finally came when a few of the strongest and the brightest of the village's men arrived at Washington Palace. As George Washington sat at the head of his table made of the oak wood from forests near bye, a stocky gentlemen wearing a brown hat made of animal fur arrived and graced the room with a smile. With John Adams at his side, he made his way closer to get a closer look at the despotic cheiftan he would soon refer to as His Excellency.

Ben Franklin had always been a polite man, and his less that stellar vision often forced him to closer quarters for a more personal social encounter. Washington arose out of his chair, delighted with the arrival of his guest.

"So this is the famous Ben Franklin! The man who can control the elements and make light fly from the sky?! Why he looks like a normal man to me!"

Ben Franklin let out a giggling chuckle, "Ha ha ha! Is that what they're saying about me?"

"The people refer to you as though you were a god."

"Well, I'm not a god, but I do believe there is one."

Washington's eyebrows raised up, "Only one?"

"Well... that is something I've only began to ponder. As for light from the sky, I was almost struck by it on my way home from the water well.... twice this happened. These experiences have lead me into observations about life around us, and I have often wondered why me?"

"You have an incredible story. Come, let us sit down at my table. My woman is preparing a fresh meal for every one, so let us talk a while. I have some tribal business to be discussed."

As the 3 men took their place, John Adam's interest peaked with Ben Franklin's words. "Observations you say? How do you supposed to answer such questions?"

Ben took off his hat and held it to his chest. With a deep breath he replied, "Well, this is a process that I like to call science. You see it starts with observations, then a question of why and how, and then an idea. After that it takes experimentation to make more observations until you find what works and you discover the answer."

Just then a man of mysterious ora entered the room. His eyes were aged and the wrinkles on his face suggested wisdom. The length of his beard only to be outdone by the length of his robe. Made of many colors, it stretched down to the sandals of his feet. This was the village philosopher.

Washington leaned back in his magnificent chair and invited the man to the table. "Mr. Luther. I'm so glad you could join us. Come sit down. We have important business to discuss. This is the famous Ben Franklin."

Ben held his hat up and gave a little tip. "Pleasure to meet you."

The elder quietly nodded his head as he sat down in his wobbly wooden chair. This was a quiet man, passive in his nature.

"Ben here was just explaining this new concept called science." John explained. "It seems to be the means by which to make progress in our tiny little society."

"Speaking of," Washington jumped in, "Have you learned any secrets to Animal Husbandry?"

Ben's smile grew into a big grin. "Why yes we have! Just yesterday we completed our scientific research!"

Relieved, Washington responded, "Now we can finally begin making food from the herds of sheep and pigs we have discovered. It is the means by which to develop an empire. That is exactly why I have summoned you all here" Washington said. But not everyone has arrived." Washington's face began to appear irritated. He was losing his patience.

"How dare they keep their ruler waiting? No matter, Ben, please continue about this science that you speak of. Perhaps it can be quite useful to our people."

"It's mostly about conducting experiments. If they work than we can provide our people new technologies. But this may seem difficult to understand in our primitive ways to the average villagers. Because of this I have invented what I call Writing."

"Writing, huh?" Washington said as he stroked his chin.

"Yes, it's the process of recording onto stone all that we have learned. With it, we can expand our culture and teach others how to conduct their own experiments. I know there are more out there like me that have an interest in science as well. Why with science and the help of others, we can learn all kinds of things. "

Just as Washington opened his mouth to reply, a tall man with an imposing figure walked into the room. He had a long scar down his arm. This was a man that had seen battle.

"Mr. Horatio Gates, my old colleague... I'm glad you could drop in."

"Spare me the formalities" the seasoned warrior grimaced, "I know you better than any one else, except maybe John here."

Washington looked agitated, "You and I have fought together against several foe, but you need to show your leader more respect. You should know better than to keep your ruler waiting."

Gates grummbled at the bottom of his throat as he sat down. "Someone tried to steal my hay. They no longer have any legs."

The wise old philosopher shook his head in disgust upon hearing those words.

Washington took a quick sigh and continued on, "I have summoned you here for a purpose. It is my vision to expand the boundries of our tribe. All of you have your own specialty of experience. It's because of these specialties that I have commanded you-"

Suddenly a messenger burst into the room! "Your Excellency! Your Excellency! Forgive me! But we just got reports that upon discovering a remote village, our unit lead by Warrior Benedict in the Northwest has been attacked by viscous barbarians!"

Whispers of voices went over the room. Then in a moment of anger, Gates jumped out of his chair. "This is why you should have sent me, Washington!! Benedict couldn't lead ants to a picnic! Now we have probably lost our-"

"QUIET!" Shouted Washington. He turned his attention back to the messenger. "Are there any survivors?"

"Yes, 2 of them survived. Our unit hid in the woods and with the strategy tactics of Warrior Benedict managed to ambush their barbarian attackers."

"You were saying Mr. Gates?" John Adams said with one eyebrow raised.

"Hmmph." Replied Gates. "I still should have been the one."

Arising from his seat also, Washington turned his attention to Gates, "I suppose you wish to be in charge of all military affairs? But one thing you forget Mr. Gates, is that I do not need advice of how do deploy my warriors. For as you well know, yet seem to disregard, I did not get into power by being a military fool. I am the same General Washington who fought with you in the battles of Concordance against the plundering Barbarians. I got into this position, by my own military hand. You need not forget that."

After putting Gates back into his place, Washington turned back to his messenger and responded, "Thank our stars they survived. I shall give them a promotion. Send this message back to them and have them camp out in the forest to heal their wounds. After that they are to continue their scouting mission, but to remain confined to the safety of the forests. If any hostiles should arise, they are to use the woodsman ambush tactics that Commander Benedict has tought them." Washington smiled at the young messenger. "Now go."

"Sir there's just one more thing..."


"Our scout to the west has learned of a strange new tribe of people. They're leader wishes to meet with you."

"A new tribe! And they're not far from us as well.... This attack and the fact we are not alone could pose a problem..."

"Your Excellency, if I may," Ben interrupted.

"Go on" Replied Washington.

"Lately my friends and I have been conducting experiments on how to cast metal. With this we can help our warriors by giving them sharp Axe weapons. And it will also allow us to clear the forests near the village."

Washington paced a little. "Axe Weapons would certainly make our warriors much stronger. And if these people to the west are hostile, we will certainly need that extra strength."

"There's just one thing..." said Ben. "In order to do this we would need a special metal. One that we don't have right now and we would have to find it before we can make Axe weapons."

Washington stopped for a moment and looked Ben Franklin in the eyes, "Ben, you are every thing I had hoped when I summoned you to this meeting. In order to make America great, am forming a team of advisors and I want you to be my Technology advisor. You shall lead out greatest minds in advancing our science and culture. Will you accept this appointment on my staff?"

"Why I'd be delighted."

"Good then it's all settled. John Adams, my old long time friend, I am giving you the title of Domestic Advisor."

"Thank you George" John said

"Don't call me George! Do that again and I just might change my mind."

"I apologize Your Excellency. It's an honor."

"Well you have always been vital to our people. It's only natural you recieve the position.

"What about me?!?" snarled Horatio Gates. "Why don't you appoint me in charge of military affairs?"

"Mr. Gates, your military experience is why I have called you here. However you have proven to be too arrogant and self absorbed to be given the title of Military Advisor at this point. Doing so at this point would be playing with fire. But enough about that. It seems it's time to eat."

Horatio Gates grinted his teeth in anger.

The old philosopher, who had been silent through all of this, glanced at the firey warrior and spoke his first words of the meeting. "A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times."

John Adams smiled in delight. "So that's why you invited him here. I'm glad he can speak."

The Elder smirked and said, "A single conversation across a table with a wise man is worth a month's study of books."

It was then that all eyes turned to Ben Franklin as they all smiled.

As George Washington prepared for his meal that was being brought in by his servants, he offered one last thought from his mind. "If there are people of culture to the west, we must establish relations with them. We also need to recruit more of our people to settle new villages to claim the land. Hmmm" Washington pondered for a second, "I will journey out in 5 days to meet their leader."

......Timmy's Grandfather seemed exhausted from the days history lesson. It was at that point Timmy's father entered the house. "Dad!" shouted Timmy as he jumped out of the chair.

"Hey Sport! Did you enjoy your time with Grandpa again?"

"Yeah he's telling me all about our ancestors, and how George Washington met Ben Franklin and lots more."

"Dad, did you tell him yet?"

"Tell me what?" Asked Timmy

"Nope, I haven't gotten that far. I'm surprised you haven't told him the story yet." Answered the old man. "But don't you worry, we'll get there. We should make this a regular thing. What do you think about that Timmy?"

"Yeah that would be cool. But not on weekends, because I want to play my new game you and Grandma got me."

Timmy's Dad looked at the old man, "Oh yeah Dad about that, thanks for causing some trouble. I caught him playing it at midnight last night. He can't stop playing it!"

"Well you know what they say son, It's the parents that count. I just spoil 'em. Heh heh" The old man chuckled as his next of kin went out the door, "I'll see ya soon Timmy!"
Great story so far...I can't wait to read the next installment!

Oops, I was cleaning my keyboard... Carry on...
Thank God his excellency did not appoint Gates in charge of the military.

Where is Alexander Hamilton?
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