Give up a city to get tec

Håkan Eriksson

Commander of the Swedes.
Nov 25, 2000
Göteborg, Sweden
Have anyone tried this strategy? If you have one setteler over and dont know wath to do with it I usually search for a civ that have all tecs that I have and atlest one more. Then I found a city rely near them. And then I start to build uits in it. But I move every new unit out of the city. And when I have two units just out side the city I start a war at the near civ. Then the march right into my city and take it, often with only one unit. And then I just use my units to take backe the city and one of their tecs!

Often they even want to make peace by them.

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Wouldn't it be easier to just build a diplomat and steal a tech you need?

[This message has been edited by Thunderfall (edited April 25, 2001).]
Why not just produce a diplomat and steal it?

Seems like a waste of a settler.

Also, you'll have to have the city built to at least size 3 before you begin this strategy. It will go to 2 when the AI takes it and 1 when you take it back. The AI will wipe it off the map if it's size 1, and you'll wipe it off the map if it's size two (the conquering AI will make it size one and I don't beleive that you'll get the tech if the city you take is size 1)

Finally, won't the units that this city produces either disappear or become property of the AI?

Seems like a difficult way to get 1 tech, though I've never tried it and perhaps I'm missing something.

Edit note: Sorry for repeating TF - looks like we were typing at the same time.
Diplomacy - the art of
saying "Good Doggie"
until you can find a rock

[This message has been edited by Kev (edited April 25, 2001).]
If you're going to do this (and I have to say I rather agree with others anyway) then at least you should do it properly! You should take 2 techs not 1. But...

* Take the units you produce to another city and "home" them (support them) from there.
* When the sacrificial city is taken, first send a spy/dip and steal a tech. from that city.
* Then send the units back to retake the city and take a second tech.
* Re-home the units.

Aaarrggghh! what a fuss for such little reward. It would be far quicker to steal techs in the conventional way. And settlers are too valuable for sacrificial mavoevres like this. Wouldn't it be better to make a defendable city and have it produce another settler? Oh, I remember... you might not know what to do with it!

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I know it might seem like a lot of work and for little. But let's say that you don't have Writing.

And I don't do it so often. Often only when I am bored.

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When you don't have Writing, you usually haven't explored much of the map.

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I do this all the time in multiplayer. If someone takes a city of mine, i take it back with interest:
- 1 diplomat to steal tech
- 1 diplomat to establish embassy
- 1 diplomat to incide revolt and steal another tech + offending units.

All this for 1 city that he takes from me.
Mybe this should have been in the Strategy forum. Even if yo thik it's bad one

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I might try that idea sometime, but still, I have to agree that it probably is easier to just use a Diplomat... But about that "not having Writing" thing, I'll have to try sometime... I wonder how well it'll work if I refuse to research writing... Heh, I know one advisor who'll be angry I'd guess...
Just save before trying that kind of strategy for the first time. So that you won't bale me if it gos to hell.

<FONT COLOR="Red">Se bara till att spara inan du prövar en sådan strategi. Så att du inte klandrar mig om det hela går åt helvete.</FONT c>

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