Question about 'Just War'


Dec 9, 2003
Does selecting 'Just War' for a religion you founded apply to other civs attacking your own cities (assuming they follow that religion), or is the benefit reserved only for the religion's founder? What about the other enhancer beliefs like Reliquary?
I didn't see anything in the civilopedia about whether enhancers were founder or follower... been wondering that myself.
I have the same question, and what about the bonus belief on Byzantines. Do other civs get that bonus when they acquire Byzantine religion ?
Just War is +20% near enemy cities following your religion. There is another for friendly cities, but I forget the name. Fun to use a great prophet to convert a city then DoW and attack.

I will have to test enhancer and Byzantine bonus tonight.
Yes, but the question is... since they follow the religion, do they get a +20% when fighting near YOUR cities?

Have to pay attention to mods on combat mouseover if I ever pick that one...
Yes, but the question is... since they follow the religion, do they get a +20% when fighting near YOUR cities?

Have to pay attention to mods on combat mouseover if I ever pick that one...

Yes, and does near mean in the ownership range or a certain number or hexes regardless of ownership? Maybe if you popped a city four hexes away from the enemy you could get both bonuses.
I have found the answer in the CvGameCoreDLL code:
Just War only gives +20% combat strength for the units of the founder of this religion. Not for any followers!
In order to gain the combat bonus, the units of the religionfounder of Just War must fight on a tile, which is allowed to be worked by an enemy city, that is following the religion of Just War.
Enemy cities are only those cities, whose owner is in war with the founder of the Just War believe.

You can find the code in the function CvUnit::GetGenericMaxStrengthModifier (see the spoiler below).

Spoiler :
// Founder Belief bonus (this must be a city controlled by an enemy)
			CvCity* pPlotCity = pBattlePlot->getWorkingCity();
				if(atWar(getTeam(), pPlotCity->getTeam()))
					ReligionTypes eReligion = pPlotCity->GetCityReligions()->GetReligiousMajority();
					if(eReligion != NO_RELIGION && eReligion == eFoundedReligion)
						const CvReligion* pCityReligion = GC.getGame().GetGameReligions()->GetReligion(eReligion, pPlotCity->getOwner());
							iTempModifier = pCityReligion->m_Beliefs.GetCombatModifierEnemyCities();
							iModifier += iTempModifier;
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