Does Multiplayer Team Vs Team in Civ V could look like Dota Style?


Jul 5, 2013
In Dota, The multiplayer games every team have players that are Called "Carriers" and focus on farming to support the others in late game.

In Civilization, for example, in a 3v3 match, i think this could be usefull.

Imagine a team with America Arabia and Romans.
The América and Arabia can adopt liberty and keep expanding like a normal game.
But the Romans, instead to do the same, adotp Honor, build barracks and go Spamming Warriors.
As they rush the Iron Working togheter, A and A can give all their gold and iron to the Romans that now can be responsible for Fight for entire team with their Top Line Unique Units, While A an A can just focus on expansion and gold earning.
In the Midle Age, the Arabians can make an economic transition to build massively their Horse Archer while Americans keep supporting both Arabia and Romans.

Does this work?
I somewhat doubt it, but I haven't played any multiplayer like that so I can't put my finger on why.
Resources are shared for somethings. I believe beakers and culture, so techs and policies are shared.

Not sure about happiness and gold.

Anyway, it seems like you could do this to a very small degree. If you have 1 guy focusing on tech and the other on culture, then the last could focus on building cities in strategic locations and high production locations.

I wouldn't call this dota style though.

It will be interesting to see how trade routes work in team games, now that you mention it. You could REALLY optimize your trade routes through teamwork.
A carry from Dota in Civ 5 would be more like a civ focusing on nothing but production or science until late game with allies that can defend the carry 2v3 until late game. In Dota you basically have to play 4v5 for 30-40 minutes until the carry can 1v5 the entire enemy team

I'm a newb so don't know how well it would work but i'd go for something like Tall Babylon and Ethiopia defending at the front focusing on science/culture with Rome in the back going wide and getting dozens of production cities up and running then spamming armies late game.

OP your strategy sounds more like a fast push in Dota, I think Huns combined with Songhai and Spain would be best for that if they can manage to get loads of gold from barbs and wonders then mass buy loads of rams and horse archers.
I actually do this more then i do single player.

Science is shared (although as far as i can tell, it is slower then single player because you have multiple people working on it). Cash is not shared, but it isnt hard to convince your teammates to help out by sending a cash trade. Happiness is not shared, but you can trade luxureies to help your teammates.

The two best ways to have a "carry" is to have 1 person concentrating on science or cash. For example, a Korean player can build the great library, oracle, p.tower, leaning tower (for free great scientiest), kremlin and brandenburg gate. (obviously the wonder from satalites is also GSci, but that is too far down the tech tree). With all the great scientest being produced, and placing them as tile improvements, you can DOMINATE the science rate, letting your allies mostly ignore universities and concentrate on military.
Likewise you can have a player like alexander or Maria T concentrate on building massive amounts of cash. Then either buy out, or ally with all the city states in the game and otherwise acting as the groups bank. Did the group hit education? Give out money to the guy with jungle tiles to buy a quick university and get a leg up on the competition. Did the enemy sneak attack a city that is underdefended? Send over money for a wall and an archery unit to fight them off.

I put up another thread on multiplayer forums talking about synergies for team play as well. Using the Korean carry example, once Korea has gotten the group astronomy, he can gift his turtle ships to his poly teammate. With poly under control of the ships, they will be able to enter deep water, and their combat power is far higher then even privateers.
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