Monthly Competition June-July 2015


Wise Man
Mar 11, 2005
So has everyone moved into the new digs yet? Lots to do - pick out curtains, hang pictures, get a new shower curtain. Luckily, we have Oz to help us find things. Lots of helpful vets around - I made two new bookmarks today myself: one of Vuldacon on the art of FLC-making, and another of Civinator on Teleportation. One of our vets is the venerable Shirokibbure, whose signature says "still modding Civ3", bless his soul, who has singlehandedly kept the dust from collecting in the Monthly Competitions Submissions Thread by offering two awesome leaderheads, one each for June and July. You can hang these on the wall:

Alexander the Great of Macedonia.............................and......................Ashurbanipal of the Assyrians

Thank you, Shiro. Your leaderheads will be duly noted as monthly winners in the Hall of Fame, and your leaderheads will both appear in the Leaderhead of the Year contest!

Details HERE
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