Need help in Diety


Aug 20, 2013

So I rolled some decent dirt on this map as Maya and went Liberty to expand wide but now at about 200 turns in I've fallen miles behind the AIs on tech and I'm probably going to lose the space race at this point.

If anyone is interested do you mind opening the save file and positing some tips to help me to optimize my game at this point.

I've got a couple issues. I know my beakers is too low but I also wan't to focus on getting the Hermitage in the capital ASAP which means lots of Opera Houses. I feel if I get that culture bonus I'll be able to burn through ideology policies more easily & get more happiness and then allow myself to grow faster.

Last issue is the mod Bulgaria (Krum) by DAVEY_HENNINGER is needed for the file. However Bulgaria was wiped out by Shaka so I'm not sure if the mod is still needed if a Civ has been eliminated from the game (my gut feeling is the mod is still needed).



  • Pacal_0215 AD-1525.Civ5Save
    1.2 MB · Views: 27
If you really were focusing on a science victory, you shouldn't be focusing on building opera houses. Focus on building educational buildings instead such as universities, public schools and libraries. The science wonders are also helpful such as national college and Oxford university.
Well my concern was that since I'm about to hit ideologies the more culture I get means I can get more science and happiness policies.
As my population is capped by happiness I don't think Public Schools will do much until I get more citizens. Bit of a conundrum I guess.
Well my concern was that since I'm about to hit ideologies the more culture I get means I can get more science and happiness policies.
As my population is capped by happiness I don't think Public Schools will do much until I get more citizens. Bit of a conundrum I guess.

Can't you get any more production? It seems that you have a hammer shortage. If you had enough hammers, you would be able to have both opera houses and public schools.
Ok screenshots are here!

Thankyou for showing interest :)

So there's a couple ways forward I see. As Reddish suggested focusing on Schools first and filling scientist specialists would provide a more immediate boost to beakers

However city population is arguably still too low to support scientists and that will impede growth. Most cargo ships are putting hammers into the newer cities to get them going quicker.

Alternatively focusing on Opera Houses means I can get a Hermitage quicker and get through Order more easily - as I'm about to hit ideologies. That means additional happiness policies and then the T2 policies that provide science bonuses to factories and extra hammers from mines/quarries. With more happiness I can then reroute the next series of cargo ships into food and grow more quickly and then have more population to work scientists.

I guess it's just the awkwardness of playing Liberty opposed to Tradition - you don't get the early happiness & population growth bonuses. But I have all the policies & Wonders that benefit a wide civ; all Liberty, maritime infrastructure, Machu Picchu, Sistine Chapel & Forbidden City...
So it should be possible to catch up quite quickly on science as all the foundations are there to support massive growth...

You said it yourself, you need food. Try to get food, but I see that your happiness isn't that good so you're ok.. how are you so confident? It seems you're doing a good job so far. What type of victory are you going for?
Overall your science is way below the benchmark at that turn number with that many cities.

A couple of notes based on the screenshots:
-Even if we put aside that wide isn't necessarily optimal, I really think some of those cities are overkill. Like Copa and Calkmul. Also I suggest to settle sooner if you want more cities. It will take too long for a city founded on turn 200 to be worth something. Especially as you struggle with gold.
-What victory are you going for ? This is not clear, you have a lot of CV wonders but have a lot non aesthetics policies.
-Your core cities are too small, even for liberty. Did you have happiness issues ?
-Your Renaissance was maybe too late. You have too many pre renaissance policies. Exploration + Liberty probably would have been enough.
-Don't plant academies in desert.
-Apparently you have a Custom House, why did you generate a GMerchant ? With the UA ?
-Palenque does not work university, why ?
-Electricity is soon finished but due to all those new cities I doubt you can Oxford radio right ? Another problem of late game cities.
At this point tbqh your only realistic shot of winning is to spam out Frigates and Battleships and clear out as much as you can, because that's a really big lots of cities and most of them are just dead weight
Overall your science is way below the benchmark at that turn number with that many cities.

A couple of notes based on the screenshots:
-Even if we put aside that wide isn't necessarily optimal, I really think some of those cities are overkill. Like Copa and Calkmul. Also I suggest to settle sooner if you want more cities. It will take too long for a city founded on turn 200 to be worth something. Especially as you struggle with gold.
-What victory are you going for ? This is not clear, you have a lot of CV wonders but have a lot non aesthetics policies.
-Your core cities are too small, even for liberty. Did you have happiness issues ?
-Your Renaissance was maybe too late. You have too many pre renaissance policies. Exploration + Liberty probably would have been enough.
-Don't plant academies in desert.
-Apparently you have a Custom House, why did you generate a GMerchant ? With the UA ?
-Palenque does not work university, why ?
-Electricity is soon finished but due to all those new cities I doubt you can Oxford radio right ? Another problem of late game cities.

-Going for a science victory - but I only decided that in the mid game. But I wanted to go wide with Maya so I invested in some early culture wonders to help with social policies. I didn't want to go too wide initially because Assyria would have attacked me, but they got attacked by the Huns instead and lost all their cities but their capital so I had the freedom to expand more later/

-Yeah I did have happiness issues. Part of the issue was I was late to getting a religion so no access to religious buildings or Religious Centre. I got Ceremonial Burial so that helps a bit. I honestly though that Forbidden Palace, Aristocracy & Meritocracy would give me enough happiness but it didn't so I was forced in putting the extra policy into Exploration for extra happiness from Lighthouses and Harbors.

Not having many horses or stone scattered around for the Circus & StoneWorks didn't help either. Plus all the Citystates on the map are being destroyed by the Genghis Khan & Shaka so I lost luxuries from citystates too & the other allies have been taken by Greece.

-Yeah I got a Merchant from the UA. In hindsight that was a bad decision
- I stopped working the science specialists just to focus on growth in the capital for the time being. I figured that trying to get to a point where all the food tiles are being worked was best for the time being (since there aren't many food tiles around the capital)
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