Need help to find a useful leader personality chart.


Sep 16, 2008
When I was a lurker here about 1 year ago, I found this useful leader personality chart. It wasn't the leader personality matrix, but a more simplified version of it, featuring all of the leaders from all expansions.

It was color coded to tell you if a leader would trade with you or go to war with you or convert, or become your vassal, ect. Green to red on the attitudes needed towards the player in order to enable the different diplomatic options towards the player, and a 3rd party civ if applicable; such as with the civ you want to declare war on.

I prefered it over the leader personality matrix, because I could print it out, as it was a good visual, which I could reference to while playing the game.

But I stopped playing Civilization for a while, because of a busy schedule, and started to play again. Unfortunately I can't find it on these forums anymore. Does anyone know the chart/table I am referring to? If so could you point me out a link to it please? Thank you so much for the help ahead of the time.
This would be very useful to me aswell.

If anyone can find it id be much obliged :goodjob:
I think you are looking for the Reference Guide. It has a large table with all of the leader traits along with a lot of other items. I don't know of a more simplified version. The reference guide can be found:
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