Do your games always have Christianity as the 1st found religion?


Oct 7, 2008
Finland, South Coast
Playing fifth game of Gods&Kings now. I wonder can this be a co-incidence anymore: In every single game the first religion that is found is Christianity. Pretty weird.
Does that happen on your games?
Celts and Ethiopia seem to have a thing for it, and they're usually the first civs to get one.
Celts and Ethiopia seem to have a thing for it, and they're usually the first civs to get one.

Well, Ethiopia on my current game (and Christianity). I try to pay attention if this is Ethiopia / Celts -thing.

But, more! Does ANYONE have experiences that some other religions are found first??
Im pretty sure all the Civs have a default faith assigned to them based on historical significance. And most of the Civs in game are European/Christian so...
England was Christian, thus tries to found it if it can.
Celts, same.
Ethiopia, same.
Byzantine, same.
Sweden, Germany, Spain, France....
Iroquois were converted to Christianity.
Mayans, same.
Aztecs, same.

Get the picture?
if the celts or ethiopia are on the map than Christianity usually gets founded first.(i have seen Buddhist celts which was funny). if the celts and ethepia are not on the map i have seen islam or Hinduism founded first. Often though it is Christianity.
Im pretty sure all the Civs have a default faith assigned to them based on historical significance. And most of the Civs in game are European/Christian so...
England was Christian, thus tries to found it if it can.
Celts, same.
Ethiopia, same.
Byzantine, same.
Sweden, Germany, Spain, France....
Iroquois were converted to Christianity.
Mayans, same.
Aztecs, same.

Get the picture?

Well that explains a lot. Don't make sense why Celts sometimes choose buddhism though.

I have had Judaism and tengrilism founded first in some games.

Nice to know that there actually ARE other religions found first!
Its rare, but I've seen it. Whenever its not Christianity, it completely varies - seen Hinduism, Islam, Shinto and Judaism.
Judaism? I didn't think any civs had that religion... I also hate how Buddhism is founded second... and etc.
I see nothing in the xml that signifies the leaders having any preference to a certain religion.

I wonder if this is a case of people just noticing a certain occurrence more often.
If a civ's preferred religion has already been founded, then they choose a random religion to found. That's why you might see Judaism second. Currently, no civ has a preference for Judaism. That's unlikely to change unless Israel is implemented.
Someone posted the list before. Many of them are coded to pick christianity first
I see nothing in the xml that signifies the leaders having any preference to a certain religion.

I wonder if this is a case of people just noticing a certain occurrence more often.

The file that you're looking for is ..\Path\To\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC\Expansion\Gameplay\XML\Civilizations\CIV5Civilizations.xml. You can search for "Civilization_Religions", which should bring you to line #4902. You can find the G&K civilizations in CIV5Civilizations_Expansion.xml, starting at line #414.

Buddhism: Siam
Christianity: America, Austria, Aztec, Byzantium, Celts, Denmark, England, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Inca, Iroquois, Maya, Netherlands, Polynesia, Rome, Russia, Sweden, Spain
Confucianism: Korea
Hinduism: India
Islam: Arabia, Babylon, Carthage, Egypt, Ottoman, Songhai
Shinto: Japan
Taoism: China
Tengriism: Huns, Mongol
Zoroastrianism: Persia

The general rule is that the preferred religion is the one that was most prevalent or most official during the leader's reign or, if that religion is not implemented, then the one that is most common today.
Korea has a thing for Confucianism, too.
the korean symbol is the yin-yang.. i would think they would go for taoism,,
The file that you're looking for is ..\Path\To\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC\Expansion\Gameplay\XML\Civilizations\CIV5Civilizations.xml. You can search for "Civilization_Religions", which should bring you to line #4902. You can find the G&K civilizations in CIV5Civilizations_Expansion.xml, starting at line #414.

Christianity: America, Aztec, England, France, Germany, Greece, Iroquois, Rome, Russia, Austria, Byzantium, Celts, Ethiopia, Maya, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain
Islam: Arabia, Egypt, Ottoman, Songhai, Carthage
Taoism: China
Hinduism: India
Shinto: Japan
Zoroastrianism: Persia
Buddhism: Siam
Tengriism: Huns

The general rule is that the preferred religion is the one that was most prevalent or most official during the leader's reign or, if that religion is not implemented, then the one that is most common today.

Yes, I can confirm that this is what I've seen, so it seems to work. It also makes sense...
the korean symbol is the yin-yang.. i would think they would go for taoism,,

Even so, they're very much Confucian, Indeed when you see Religion maps these days, North Korea is colored Confucian.
Also the Mongols found Tengriism too
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