40 Civilizations: Choose Your Own Adventure

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It’s her own city, I’m sure she knows what she’s doing

NIKO: Alright, what’s your plan?

Cleo walked over to a young man who was about 20 years old. They began to whisper in each other’s ears before walking over to Niko

CLEO: This is my cousin, Zuberi
ZUBERI: We can trust him?
CLEO: Of course we can!
ZUBERI: He looks...shifty
CLEO: He does not!
ZUBERI: Are you threatening the future of our civilization?

The group of Spanish soldiers at the middle of the road turned their heads at them and began to walk towards Niko

NIKO: Hey, I don’t mean to interrupt...
ZUBERI: But the Spanish soldiers are headed our way?
NIKO: Uhh...
ZUBERI: Grab a sword

Zuberi took his pack off and opened it. Inside the pack we’re three swords. Zuberi picked up the one that looked the most worn out. Niko’s guess was the sword belonged to him. Niko and Cleo took the remaining 2 swords

NIKO: You’re serious?
CLEO: Oh yeah
ZUBERI: I presume you can fight?
NIKO: I’m more of a...thinker

The Spanish soldiers suddenly yelled at each other and approached the group in a sprint

SOLDIER 1: It’s her! Their leader! We must kill her!
ZUBERI: Just try not to die and we will be alright
CLEO: We’re going to push to the palace

Niko looked at the palace that stood at the end of the road. It suddenly felt like it was slowly getting farther and farther. The sounds of shouting woke Niko up from his daydreaming

ZUBERI: Go, go, go!

Zuberi charged at the soldiers. There we’re about 5 soldiers who all we’re carrying lances. The first soldier tried to stab Zuberi with his lance, but Zuberi sidestepped fast enough to dodge the attack. With the soldier’s arm thrust out, Zuberi took his sword and cut it off, resulting in a loud cry from both the soldiers and all the citizens who we’re standing around them. As the first soldier fell to the ground, another soldier came and tried slashing Zuberi with his lance. It didn’t work. Zuberi countered the lance then proceeded to kill the soldier. Two down, three to go. The last three soldiers turned away from Zuberi and rushed at Cleo, who seemed surprised at the sudden counterattack. However, Niko was faster as he grabbed Cleo and threw her out of harm’s way. He then took his sword and swatted away a thrust that came at him. Zuberi was not far behind either as he sliced the remaining three soldiers while their backs were towards him.

ZUBERI: You should never turn your backs on the enemy

Suddenly, shrieks came from the crowd of civilians. Niko turned his head to see Spanish soldiers and Priests pouring out from every other road and alleyway.


They ran as fast as they could. Some Spanish soldiers tried throwing their lances at them but Zuberi ran near Cleo and swatted every lance that came near them. That was when Niko realized something:

If they want the leader, why are they after us?

The answer was obvious, but Niko didn’t stop to think. After what seemed like a mile long sprint, Niko, Cleo, and Zuberi were behind the walls of the palace. Guards began to pour out from the main palace doors and rushed outside to deal with the Spanish soldiers. Niko then entered the palace with Cleo and Zuberi.

ZUBERI: It’s much more fun when you’re around. The soldiers had much more motivation than I thought!
CLEO: You had fought them already?
ZUBERI: I was going to

Niko took a second to catch his breath before asking the obvious question

NIKO: Cleo?
CLEO: Yeah?
NIKO: You’re...the Egyptian Goddess I’ve been looking for, aren’t you?
CLEO: Figured out that much, huh?
ZUBERI: You never told him?
CLEO: I guess it slipped my mind
NIKO: Wow...I’ve been with you this whole time
CLEO: So...what did you want to do to me once you met me?
NIKO: I’ve...no idea

Zuberi then put a hand on Niko’s shoulder

ZUBERI: I think we can trust you
NIKO: Really?
ZUBERI: I’m a good judge of character
CLEO: Oh please
ZUBERI: Let’s start from the top. I’m Zuberi of Egypt, and you are?
NIKO: Niko of Celtia
ZUBERI: Celtia! Those Judaists!
CLEO: A what?
NIKO: I’m what?
ZUBERI: You haven’t heard about the religion your nation has founded?
NIKO: We’ve been out in the field
ZUBERI: Ah. You know, I think I’ve remembered something about Celtia!
CLEO: What?
ZUBERI: Apparently, our guards captured a girl who we suspected gave you away to the Spanish city of Madrid
NIKO: Young girl? Long black hair? A bit noisy?
ZUBERI: That’s the one. Quite a handful, that one
CLEO: No need to worry, she’s not the enemy
ZUBERI: Good! Because she was beginning to annoy the guards.

Zuberi walked over to a solder standing in the hallway and told him something. The soldier then walked off.

ZUBERI: I’ve asked for your friend to be brought back up. In the meantime, would you like to sit down somewhere so we could continue this conversation?
NIKO: Sure

Zuberi and Cleo took Niko to a large room filled with books. At the center of the room we’re many chairs made of stones. All three of them took a seat on their own chairs.

CLEO: Zuberi?
CLEO: You think we can show Niko...
ZUBERI: Show that to an outsider?!?

Cleo and Zuberi began to whisper something to each other so Niko couldn’t hear them. Unfortunately, their whispering became so loud that it sounded like they we’re speaking normally

ZUBERI: (You cannot trust him that much!)
CLEO: (Of course I can!)
ZUBERI: (You are far too stubborn)
CLEO: (Well I’m the queen and you are just a noble)
ZUBERI: (I’m not following any orders from you!)

Frustrated, Zuberi snapped his fingers. A guard quickly came to his side.

ZUBERI: Fetch that rock
GUARD: Yes sir

The air became tense. Zuberi and Cleo moved their chairs closer to Niko so they wouldn’t have to speak too loudly. Zuberi was the one that spoke first.

ZUBERI: You must not tell anybody of what you are about to see

Niko was too nervous to respond. What we’re they going to show him? The soldier soon came back into the room holding a sphere shaped item. The object was a pure purple colour and was shaped perfectly into a sphere. The soldier gave the sphere to Zuberi, left the room, and closed the door.

NIKO: What is it?
CLEO: It’s...
ZUBERI: Shush! No details!

Cleo looked at the floor and leaned back on her chair. Niko felt sorry for her but still felt curious at what the sphere was

ZUBERI: Touch the sphere
NIKO: What’s it going to do?
ZUBERI: We can’t tell you. You may lie to us about what you may experience.
CLEO: We’ve both touched it before without any reaction.

So they don’t know what will happen if it works. Is it going to explode?

Zuberi looked impatient while Cleo looked a bit worried. Niko decided he should probably touch it before Zuberi took it away. Niko took his right arm and slowly moved it towards the sphere. Slowly, he placed his hand onto the sphere. It was cold, but the sphere suddenly heated up and a bright light appeared at the center of the sphere. Clouds began to form and rotated quickly around the sphere. Niko’s vision suddenly went blurry. He suddenly began to see numbers flying across his vision. Red coloured numbers. Niko began to feel dizzy, but he had a strange feeling that he shouldn’t take his hand off the orb. As quickly as it had begun, the numbers stopped flying around, the orb stopped glowing and turned cold again, and the dizziness that Niko had felt suddenly stopped. Sure the experience shocked him but he was even more shocked as he lifted his head. Cleo and Zuberi had red coloured numbers over their heads. Instinctively, Niko also looked up to see a number over his head as well.

{5} ZUBERI: Well? How do you feel?
{0} CLEO: Do you notice anything that’s different?
{0} NIKO: Well...I see number’s over everybody’s heads! Red numbers!

Zuberi looked and Cleo and nodded

{0} CLEO: Since we didn’t get that reaction with the orb, I think we can assume that it worked
{0} NIKO: So...What’s up with the numbers?
{0} CLEO: The orb allows you to see the death time of a person
{0} NIKO: Death time?!?
{0} CLEO: Precisely. Basically, if a person will die within 10 days. A number between 0-10 will appear above that person’s head and show how many days that person has to live
{0} NIKO: What happens if the number is 0?
{5} ZUBERI: The person dies on that day! Duh!

Niko quickly looked at the number over his head and Cleo’s. They we’re both zeros.


Before Niko could say anything else, 4 guards walked in the room (one of them was the guard that brought the orb) carrying a girl. It was pretty easy to determine that it was Iris. Zuberi immediately stood up and gave the orb to the guard who had brought the orb in. The guard quickly ran out of the room carrying the orb. The other 3 guards set Iris down and left the room. Once Iris was free, she immediately walked up to Zuberi and kicked him in the leg

{5} ZUBERI: How dare you!

Iris stuck her tongue out at him

IRIS: You jerk! That’s what you get for throwing me in prison!
{5} ZUBERI: Perhaps you would like for me to throw you back into jail!
{0} CLEO: Alright, break it up you two

Niko probably should have stepped in first, but the fact that Iris had no number over her head interested him even more. Would that mean Iris would survive longer than 10 days? Niko was more frightened at the fact that Iris would be alive longer than him. In the midst of their arguing, Niko decided to walk over to a window perched at one side of the room. He looked out to all the people walking around to see if the Spanish soldier’s we’re going to win against the Egyptian soldiers that we’re still fighting outside. Instead, Niko got something he would have never expected in his whole life.

Everyone...in the city has a number!

It was true. Everybody in the city had at least a number 10 over their heads. Would that mean everyone in the city would die in 10 days? Luckily, Niko managed to see something a little positive, the Spanish soldier’s all had 0’s over their heads while the Egyptian soldiers all had numbers ranging from 2 to 10. However, Niko had to tell Cleo about how her city’s population would die in 10 days when he felt somebody hug him

IRIS: Niko! Where have you been?!?
{0} NIKO: Here, of course

A soldier then ran into the room, frantic. At the moment, Niko really couldn’t take any more bad news

{4} SOLDIER: My queen! A strange man wearing large robes entered the city!
{0} CLEO: Where is he from?
{4} SOLDIER: The Celtic Empire! He claims to be spreading the religion of Judaism!
{0} CLEO: Bring him in here
{4} SOLDIER: Of course

The soldier ran out of the room

{5} ZUBERI: This had better not be a spy!
{0} CLEO: Relax!

Soon, a man came into room. He wore a large robe that fell down all the way to the floor and carried a long staff and a thick and heavy looking leather book. But Niko knew this man very well.

IRIS: Gaillic!

Iris ran over to Gaillic and hugged him. Zuberi looked impatient for what Gaillic should tell him while Cleo was flipping through a book

{0} GAILLIC: Niko! Iris! You guys found Egypt!
{0} NIKO: And it seems that you did too

Niko would have been happier to see Gaillic again if it weren’t for the giant 0 above his head. Something Niko really did not want to see at the moment

{0} CLEO: I’m guessing you guys know each other
{0} NIKO: Good guess
{0} CLEO: Thank you
{5} ZUBERI: Alright, how about we get down to business. Tell us what you intend to do
{0} GAILLIC: Well I’m here to spread the faith of Judaism! Once I’ve spread it to a city, I can go home
{5} ZUBERI: And you found us?
{0} GAILLIC: Yeah! I never knew Egypt would be so easy to find!
{0} CLEO: We’re not that hard to find...

Suddenly, Gaillic looked at Cleo and pointed at her

{0} GAILLIC: Hey! Isn’t that the goddess of knowledge?
{0} CLEO: Uhh...
{0} GAILLIC: Prove the concept of infinity!
{0} CLEO: What?
{0} NIKO: You know that she’s as normal as you, Gaillic
{0} GAILLIC: Serious?
{0} CLEO: I don’t know how these rumours start...
{0} GAILLIC: So! Who do I talk to in order to spread this Judaism thing?
{5} ZUBERI: How do you plan to spread Judaism?
{0} GAILLIC: I just give this book to somebody!

Zuberi did a facepalm then took the book from Gaillic

{5} ZUBERI: I’ll see that this book is spread
{0} GAILLIC: Awesome! My work is done, then! So who’s ready to go home?

Iris raised her hand

IRIS: Yeah! I miss my own country...I just wish we don’t have to walk all the way back
{0} CLEO: Why don’t we give you guys some war chariots?
{0} GAILLIC: Sounds awesome!
{0} CLEO: Yeah, they should get you guys home before sundown!

Before sundown?

{0} CLEO: Actually, can I come with you guys? I want to see your city!
{0} GAILLIC: Sure!
{5} ZUBERI: What! No! You have already been gone for a week!
{0} CLEO: Come on! I want to see their city!

Zuberi paused for a moment before answering her

{5} ZUBERI: Fine. But I’m coming with you
{0} CLEO: Yeah!

Niko thought that is was good Zuberi was coming with them. After all, he had a 5 and Iris had no number while Niko, Gaillic, and Cleo we’re going to die today. Something happened very unexpectedly, though. And all of Niko’s good thoughts dropped from his mind. Zuberi’s number flashed and changed into a 0.

No...the numbers...can actually change! Did he...change his own fate?

{0} ZUBERI: I’ll go give this book to somebody while you go get the chariots ready
{0} CLEO: Alright

Niko had never been so close to Iris before. Niko, Iris, and Gaillic sat in one chariot while Cleo and Zuberi we’re in the other chariot. Iris still remained without a number while everybody else had a huge 0 above their heads. Niko spent the whole time praying a 0 won’t suddenly appear above her. Soon, the sunset had passed and night fell. Niko asked Gaillic for the time.

{0} GAILLIC: It’s about 10pm

We just have to survive for 2 more hours

That was when the chariot stopped.

{0} GAILLIC: Diamant is just over this hill!
{0} CLEO: We’re not taking the chariots in?
{0} GAILLIC: I’m not sure how everyone will react to these...horse things
{0} ZUBERI: Fine.

We’re they in the clear? That was what Niko thought before the 5 of them stood at the top of the hill. What stood before them was a city on fire. Diamant was covered in flames. A man with a zero above his head could be seen crawling out of the city gates before dying as his number disappeared.

{0} GAILLIC: Let’s go!

Gaillic was the first to run into the city. Zuberi then followed him, telling Cleo to stay back. Of course, Cleo ran after him. To Niko’s dislike, Iris soon followed them. There was still no number above her head so Niko ran after her.

The city was in chaos. Buildings everywhere were on fire. People we’re screaming everywhere. Some people had 0’s while other’s had 10’s. Unfortunately, it was easy to tell who would die in the blaze. That included Niko, Gaillic, Cleo, and Zuberi. In the distance, down a road, a black figure could be seen slashing people everywhere. Those people then vaporized as they were touched.

{0} ZUBERI: Shoot! We gotta get out of here!

As if it was on cue, the gate closed itself. If all of them tugged on the door, it could open. But the black figure that approached them fast suggested that they didn’t have much time on their hands.

{0} CLEO: How can it vaporize people?!?
{0} GAILLIC: Who cares?!? Let’s run!

In that split second, Iris mumbled something to Niko

IRIS: That’s that...creature...right?
{0} NIKO: Yeah. That shadow panther thing!
IRIS: If we can survive it once, we can survive it again!

Iris and Gaillic both ran down a different road to split up. Zuberi and Cleo ran off another road together. Niko saw in the distance the shadow panther, running straight towards him

It’s time to change my fate


1. Go after Iris
2. Go after Gaillic
3. Go after Cleo and Zuberi
4. Go alone

1=Religious, this could also be violent though, as Iris is annoying and you might kill her, you'll need Gods strength to brave it (hence Religious)
2=Intelligent, it doesn't fit anything else.
3=Friendly, most people, most friendly
4=Violent, its common knowledge that when you go at it alone, your always attacked and right before your certain death, your friends save you.

Am I right?
1=Religious, this could also be violent though, as Iris is annoying and you might kill her, you'll need Gods strength to brave it (hence Religious)
2=Intelligent, it doesn't fit anything else.
3=Friendly, most people, most friendly
4=Violent, its common knowledge that when you go at it alone, your always attacked and right before your certain death, your friends save you.

Am I right?
You forgot that they are grouped :p

You will die in 2 of the choices. Although you did get the part about intelligent doesnt fit anywhere correct. I couldnt fit that one anywhere.
Ok guys, I urge you to vote #3, it will let us live since we have the most people to use as human shields.
Hmm...interesting reasoning...let's see if you can survive with that reasoning ;)

(Trying not to give out spoilers is SO HARD)


3. I

Vote's remaining: IIII
Person most likely to use the final, 5th vote: Southernking
I like Gallic. Lets go with him. I VOTE 2 :D
Then that means...

1. I
2. II
3. I
4. I

2 WINS!!!!!

Would you like to know if we survived?
Spoiler :
We're alive :D

Also, the following voters would have died:
Spoiler :
Duke of Britain

Update soon!
Post #2 has been updated and the death chart has been added

You guys currently have a very...balanced personality. But we're still leaning on the Friendly and Intelligent routes :D
Friendly? INTELLIGENT!? HOW CAN WE, AMERICANS (I think we're all Americans here but I'm probably wrong and there are a few Brits or Canadians here, but I digress), BE SMART AND FRIENDLY!.
Friendly? INTELLIGENT!? HOW CAN WE, AMERICANS (I think we're all Americans here but I'm probably wrong and there are a few Brits or Canadians here, but I digress), BE SMART AND FRIENDLY!.
I'm Canadian :D

Duke of Britain is probably from Britain
Alexius has a picture of Napoleon so he might be from France (Or Canada)
Ilduce says he's from Canada (unless he's an American who want's to be Canadian)
Civ'ed likes communism apparently so...I dunno...China? Actually, probably America
Ninjacow likes cows. So he's from...uhh...America?
And you, are most likely...CANADIAN!!! :lol:

That's my guess :)
Ninjacow likes cows. So he's from...uhh...America?

ERRR! Wrong.

I’m Australian. We have lots of cows here as well you know ;), I can name a few (Tony Abbot, Pauline Hansen.) ;)

Seriously, I’m Australian and proud. :)
Damn Aussies!

And... I wish I was Canadian. Whilst the stars and stripes and freedom is nice and all... Canadia is better. Even if it is the 51st state.
Friendly? INTELLIGENT!? HOW CAN WE, AMERICANS (I think we're all Americans here but I'm probably wrong and there are a few Brits or Canadians here, but I digress), BE SMART AND FRIENDLY!.

Did you not read my location? I am offended that you would call me, a Canadian, an American. This is the biggest insult ever and I can never EVER forgive you.

I'm Canadian :D

Duke of Britain is probably from Britain
Alexius has a picture of Napoleon so he might be from France (Or Canada)
Ilduce says he's from Canada (unless he's an American who want's to be Canadian)
Civ'ed likes communism apparently so...I dunno...China? Actually, probably America
Ninjacow likes cows. So he's from...uhh...America?
And you, are most likely...CANADIAN!!! :lol:

That's my guess :)
GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn Aussies!

And... I wish I was Canadian. Whilst the stars and stripes and freedom is nice and all... Canadia is better. Even if it is the 51st state.
Don't worry, when I become Prime Minister I will be invaded the Northern half of the country, so if you live in New York, you'll be a Canadian 20 years from now.
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