Reloading MP Games Completely Changes Stats


Jul 12, 2013
Apologies if this has been covered and I just overlooked it!

Girlfriend and I have been playing MP again with the release of BNW. When we're disconnected by Steam or other reasons (my old card was dying and it crashed on me, for example), the game's stats are somehow completely messed up for me upon reload.

One minor example: reloading a game after Steam disconnected both of us, I found myself suddenly at war with previous Friendly civs. Not only that, but reloading several saves back had the same result, and I KNOW I was not at war with them at the time!

A bigger example: after said card crashed (since replaced!), we tried reloading again, and this time, it was even worse: playing as Germany, I had gone from 45 or so happiness with well-fed citizenry to negative 36 happiness, several starving cities, and half the empire in revolt!

Any ideas? We're at a loss. Sometimes MP saves will load fine, sometimes they just go nuts, a bit too regularly to just overlook. :/ Thanks!
Here's the trick with MP. You need to save it after both players have completed everything they want to do in a turn, but BEFORE you click End Turn.

Otherwise sometimes crazy stuff happens when you reload an autosave because somewhere in there the AI takes over for you and changes some things around. I haven't worked too hard to get the repro, I just make sure I'm careful when I'm host and I save the game. I ask everyone to complete their turns but as the host I don't hit the End Turn button.
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