US West 1840 to 1900 Development Thread


Oct 17, 2003
Ajax, Ontario


This is a C3C scenario for either single player mode or multiplayer with up to 8 human-controlled civs.

Since there are more than 8 civs, Sima Qian's PBEM multiplayer tool will be required to set up a multiplayer game.

It covers the time period from 1840 to 1900. The scenario uses an inverted time scale with the earlier turns each of 3 months,
while later in the scenario the years go by faster as the pace of technology increases and railroads speed travel.
At the start of the scenario all civs are at the beginning of the second era.

The Eras ( and approximate dates):
1. The Past - before 1840
2. Manifest Destiny - 1840 to 1860
3. The Blues, grays and The Last Spike - 1860 to 1880
4. The End of the Century - 1880 to 1900


The 130 Mbyte scenario folder, copy to conquests/scenario folder and right click on "extract here":
Note: Since Atomic Gamer has shut down, the big folder is now on

The .biq file and a text file describing the scenario (well most of it, still working on it):


    73.7 KB · Views: 117
  • US_west_info.txt
    10 KB · Views: 85
The Americans:

1. Dakota Territory & 2. Kansas Territory ( linked alliance #1)

3. Missouri Territory & 4. Texas Republic ( linked alliance #2)

5. Oregon Country & 6. California ( linked alliance #3)

The Indians (AKA Native Americans)

7. Cherokee & 8. Kiowa ( linked alliance #4)

9. Cheyenne 10. Ute 11. Sioux

12. Shoshone 13. Zuni 14. Apache

The Others

15. Mexico 16. The Mormons 17. The Hudson's Bay Company

War at Start - Alliance #4 is at war with alliance #1 & #2 .

For an 8 player game, the recommended civs are Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Oregon, California, Mormons and The Hudson's Bay Company with the other civs controlled by the AI.

For a single player game these are the playable civs:
North & South

Dakota and Kansas are anti-slavery while Missouri & Texas are pro-slavery.
Pro-slavery civs start the game with a slave market small wonder. This building auto produces slave workers until the emancipation tech makes the slave market obsolete.
Free Staters and Border Ruffians – These are invisible units which can only be auto-produced by wonders:
In Kansas a Free Staters unit is produced by the Popular Sovereignty Wonder, every 7 turns.
In Missouri a Border Ruffians unit is produced by the Missouri Compromise Wonder, every 7 turns.
The idea behind these units is to use the civilization “sub bug” to eventually trigger the Civil War when these civs are controlled by the AI.

Far West

Oregon Country:
Discovered in 1812, the Oregon Trail through the South Pass saw its first wagon train led by Benjamin Bonneville in 1832. In the game, this is represented by the Oregon Trail wonder which is already built in Baker City at the start of the game. This wonder produces a settler unit every 10 turns and expires with the coming of the railroad.

North of the Oregon Country, the British Hudson’s Bay Company has established a number of trading posts. The Company has the Royal Charter wonder which provides
a company store (same as a market) in each city until it expires with confederation. The company will eventually become a province of Canada.

South of Oregon, we have California, in 1840 still a province of Mexico. However the Commandante at Monterey, Jose Castro is feuding with the governor, Pio Pico who has re-located his capital to Los Angeles. A few English-speaking settlers have made their way south from Oregon to settle here. Then in 1842 John C. Fremont arrives with his mapping expedition and opens up the passes in the Lake Tahoe region including the infamous Donner Pass. The gold rush of 1849 is represented by the Gold Rush wonder, which the California player can build. This wonder produces a settler every 5 turns and expires with the discovery of corporations.

In The Middle

We have the Mormon settlers newly arrived in the Salt Lake area. This is not quite historical as they did not really arrive until 1847. The Mormons are one of the more challenging civs to play as they have to go through some extra techs before they can become a US state. That and the fact they are surrounded by Indians.

Across the south from Santa Barbara in the west to Del Rio in the east are the Mexicans. The Mexicans have some major problems, very bad government (juntas) and a road system (trails really) which runs north-south instead of east-west.

Capital Building (palace renamed)
Church (replaces temple
General Store (replaces market)
Saloon (+2 happy)
Railroad Station (+50% tax output, increases luxury trade)

Small Wonders:
Whiskey Distillery (+1 happy, all cities)
Slave market (auto produces a slave worker every 5 turns)
US Federal Armory (auto produces a US rifleman every 10 turns)

Great Wonders:
Popular Sovereignty
Missouri Compromise
The Gold Rush (auto produces a settler every 5 turns)
Oregon Trail (auto produces a settler every 10 turns)
Western Union
National Park
LDS temple (unique to Mormons)
Royal Charter (unique to Hudson's Bay Co.)
Here are some, see posts 26, 27 and 29 for more details.

The Prospector, a worker who defends with a strength of 1, can trigger a golden age.

The Hudson Bay Company:
The Fur Trapper, a cheap unit with defense of 1.

The Free Stater, invisible guerrilla warfare unit, auto-produced.

The Border Ruffian, invisible guerrilla warfare unit, auto-produced.

The Guardia and The Federales
For Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Oregon & California,:
Start government is the Autonomous Region.
With the US Territorial Government tech, US Territory Government becomes available.
With the the State of The Union tech, US State Government becomes available
Both tech are in the Manifest Destiny era.

For The Mormons:
Start government is the Quorum of Twelve.
With the Compromise of 1850 and the 1890 Manifesto tech, Utah State Government becomes available.
However, the 1890 Manifesto tech is in the End of the Century era.

For The Hudson's Bay Company:
Start government is the Trading Corporation.
With the Confederation tech, Canadian Provincial Government becomes available.
However, the Confederation tech is in the Blues, Grays and Last Spike era.

On the Tech Screen, the bottom row is reserved for government related techs:
I don't know if this is the complete list of improvements, but maybe there could be room for blacksmith (increase production) and sheriff's office (reduce corruption/build veteran units).

Looking forward to test the beta.
I will be posting a beta version in a few days for those brave pioneers who want to try it.

I would be willing to give it a try, assuming that I can keep my borrowed Windows laptop. My Macs do not seem to like mods like this a whole lot.
I've been trying to reset my password so I can upload some files, but the reset e-mail never
arrives. Anyone else having problems with Atomic Gamer?

I am Eric. Got to Atomic Gamer and have been trying to download from Public Servers and after the two minute wait, I hit Download and get this below

Sorry, but the file you requested could not be found. Please use our searching or browsing capabilities on the left side to help you find the file.


I'll get going with the solitary game once I can download from AtomicGamer! And for the record in our first beta game I would like to "claim" my starting claim in TEXAS! That is if I can get Atomic Gamer to find the file for me to download!!!
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