Are Small Maps OK?


Oct 23, 2002
Portsmouth, UK
Just a quick question.

Points 1 and 3 on the HOF website contradict as 1 says small maps are included and 3 says they are not.

Which is correct?

Thanks in advance

You may play your game on any of the default map sizes available in-game. Custom map sizes are not allowed. Make sure to have culture flipping and preserve random seed on. The map must be randomly generated, allowing all basic victory conditions, and with a random selection of at least the minimum number of opponents listed below.

Tiny: 2+ rivals.
Small: 3+ rivals.
Standard 4+ rivals.
Large: 6+ rivals.
Huge: 8+ rivals.

Hey Meli,

That quote is from the HoF submissions page, which was updated by Aeson around a month ago. So you can play small maps for the HoF, if you have at least 3 randomly selected AI opponents in the game...
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