Ressource bug? 8 aluminum mine gives only 2

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Jan 8, 2010
I have a single aluminum mine. When I put my cursor on the aluminum icon, it says "8 aluminum, 1 hammer".

Yet I am only getting 2 aluminum. If I put m cursor on the aluminum ressource at the very top, i can read "2 aluminum, 2 total, 0 used".

Is this a bug? How do i force the game to recalculate?

I tried to do this by picking "third alternative" from autocracy, which doubles all strategic ressources quantity, but the result was odd. I now get 10 aluminum total... makes no sens. I should have gotten either 4 or 16.

Any idea what is going on? Is this a known bug?
Nevermind I am a silly person. I haven't played this savegame for a few days and forgot i had sold 6 aluminum to someone. It should say that in the resource overview though "2 aluminum, 8 total, 0 used, 6 traded".
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