Renaming Mods


Aug 15, 2002
Anchorage, Alaska
Ok, I am wanting to keep 2 versions of Master of Mana in my mods queue. I have tried renaming them Master of Mana-1.42 & 2.0. However, it will not load using these changes. Only if the mod reads Master of Mana will it load.
Have tried a couple of things to no avail. Any thoughts? Thank you.
How have you renamed them? By editing the .modinfo file or just the folder?
You'll get better answers asking in the Modding forums, or you might try sending a private message to the creator of master of mana.
Any mod that changes the user interface in some ways will have references to the mod's folder in the mod itself. MoM certainly modifies the UI in the relevant way.

Possibly More Than You Really Want To Know Section:

This is due to the Theme related things used for the UI. There is one references in Assets/XML/Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.xml which points to the mod's Resources folder since that folder does not override the BtS one if you don't, unlike the Assets folder where anything in it overrides the file of the same name in BtS. Then in the file which that first thing points to there are some references to the mod in the path/include definitions which allow it to find the rest of the stuff it needs.

If you change the first reference to have the new mod folder name, and then go to the file it points to and chance the mod folder name in the two places in there too, then it will probably work with the new folder name. Unless MoM has added even more references to the folder name that I don't know about.
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