
I've never used a promo for healing, always consider that a wasted promotion and the reason the AI's military power is rated so low vs mine. I protect my experienced units and find the barracks line quite useful, later in the game any units I have not currently fighting that have less experience than fresh units receive get replaced instead of upgraded and the old unit is sold to bolster my economy.

I always move units in groups so I can rotate out damaged one to replace with fresh, sometimes even ceding ground slightly to give my units time to heal. A unit who used a promo for a heal is at a disadvantage vs one who used it for a permanent modifier and I win the war of attrition vs AI this way.

The AI is completely incompetent when it comes to empire management, the only way they can stay competitive is getting the bonuses from higher difficulties. I can field an army 2-3 times the size of the AI and still maintain a positive income (through aggressively hunting barbarians in the early game later bullying CS then finally by good planning and investment) while they're usually running huge deficits on King or lower because they're playing the exact same way they would on Immortal or Diety. They're constantly losing units and tanking their research with the negative income.

Go into the city screen and click the building you want to sell. You can sell one building per city per turn I understand.

You also cannot sell buildings with 0 maintenance cost, such as walls or banks (which makes some of the wonders that give free walls/castles a little less useful unless in that regard unless you plan ahead and don't build them at that location until you've attempted the wonder).
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