Huns Deity Help decent map...


Nov 2, 2015
interesting map. standard size. start on a smallish continent with 2 other cvs. NE is venice ok no real threat. SW is Catherine. Decide I need to take her out asap before she steam rolls me. ruin warrior turns into battering ram. i make a scout and 2 warriors. manage to take her 2 cities by turn 30 and wipe her out of the game.

I could send my small army to venice but venice doesn't expand at all neither is it a threat ever so there really is no point in wiping out the only other civ i have contact with. Plus moving the army all through those jungle and hills on the opposite side of my capital would take countless turns by that time he would have too big of a defense.

So have this continent all to myself basically till turn 150-200 when the rest of the world finds us. By that time the Ottomans are severely ahead of the game having a beefed up city with wonders and out techs me by far. 2 separate play throughs ottomans have been killing the game with 4 other civ on the continent doing alright.

So honor at this point does me no good. The huns special units now serve no purpose. I have to turn the play style from a domination win to a science or dipo route because I can't possibly attack anybody. it would take 7-10 cities to fill up the open space on the continent with each city capable of taking 2-5 luxuries. (This continent is very resource dense) or focus on a few cities. What do you all think?
Which is why I generally pick Liberty even as Huns, just because of how flexible it is in the long run. Good game though, you have all the room for yourself to plant as many cities as happiness allows and win easily. Don't kill Venice of course, you will need their money as you're the only one they can trade with and they send twice as many trade routes
Only reason to kill Venice would be if there's CS's nearby that you REALLY don't want him removing (since Venice/Austria acquired CSs can't be liberated.) But even in this case, you'd probably be better off letting him do his thing. As stormtrooper said, he's your only trading partner (and since you've eliminated Russia, you are his only option, and he has double routes.) meaning that he can be the primary component to your economy, plus there's a strong tech boost that you should be getting from all the trade routes.
I don't think domination is removed as a possibility judging from what you've said so far. You have to take some time expanding and working on infrastructure so you can improve and sell all those resources, build a huge army and enough of a navy to cover them, then go to town. Between your spies stealing from the Ottomans and Venice having double trade routes and you being the only viable trading partner for that, your research should catch up quick.
Put honor on hold, work at partial commerce or partial rationalism. Rationalism gives you more options but commerce could be very helpful with domination. Just try to have honor completed before you start the never-ending bulldozing session on the other landmass.
Don't play Huns on a Continents but if you like the challenge and you're isolated I wouldn't give away any culture, religious, or maritime Civs to Venice. I really would focus on getting my units off the Continent while they're still viable. The Ram~Horse Archer is viable till turn 150? Go find your other opponent build an expo or acquire one on that Continent and clean house through Honour. It's the fastest way to victory and negates the stronger ability of the other Civs to win. i.e. Science, Culture, etc... I have watched a youtube of a guy clean a normal map in about 120 turns but you would need the honor upgrades and crossing oceans is questionable. You could Science up and build a Navy(and any Civ can win a Culture Science Victory) or any Civ can do what any other Civ can do if it's played perfectly. Anything is possible

Recently I played a match as Pocatello and went Patronage but Ram was on the opposite end of the map on a 2nd Continent(he has stolen all but 3 of my CS friends and it's like bulldozing cement). Really the wrong strategy, I should have gone full Rationalism and my lack of a decent UU really hurt me taking out a Medieval~Ren Capitol...had to wait till Industrial to get the steamrolling. I hate waiting for upgrades!

interesting map. standard size. start on a smallish continent with 2 other cvs. NE is venice ok no real threat. SW is Catherine. Decide I need to take her out asap before she steam rolls me. ruin warrior turns into battering ram. i make a scout and 2 warriors. manage to take her 2 cities by turn 30 and wipe her out of the game.

I could send my small army to venice but venice doesn't expand at all neither is it a threat ever so there really is no point in wiping out the only other civ i have contact with. Plus moving the army all through those jungle and hills on the opposite side of my capital would take countless turns by that time he would have too big of a defense.

So have this continent all to myself basically till turn 150-200 when the rest of the world finds us. By that time the Ottomans are severely ahead of the game having a beefed up city with wonders and out techs me by far. 2 separate play throughs ottomans have been killing the game with 4 other civ on the continent doing alright.

So honor at this point does me no good. The huns special units now serve no purpose. I have to turn the play style from a domination win to a science or dipo route because I can't possibly attack anybody. it would take 7-10 cities to fill up the open space on the continent with each city capable of taking 2-5 luxuries. (This continent is very resource dense) or focus on a few cities. What do you all think?
Venice knows you are a warmonger though. Enrico is not adverse to backstabbing you in the games I have played with him.
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