Number of Games Per Player:added December 26th, 2004
There has been a longstanding rule that each player could only have two games per fastest finish table. However, due to the database setup, more than two games per player was possible on the high score table. We have now fixed this, so it two games per player per all tables.
Game Types:
Only single player epic games are allowed. The 'Play Last World' option is not allowed. Scenarios are not allowed.
World Settings:
Any default world settings are allowed. You may choose the map's Size, Barbarian, Landform, Water Level, Climate, Temperature, and Age settings. You may enter a seed number for the map only if you have not used that seed before in the game or the editor for a map with similar settings (Size, Landform, Water Level).
Difficulty Levels:
Any of the default difficulty levels are acceptable, and will be ranked according to other games of similar difficulty. C3C games at Demi-god difficulty will be ranked against Civ/PtW Deity games. C3C Deity and Sid will have their own new difficulty rankings.
You may select who your opponents are. This change is mainly to reduce the already tedious task of choosing a map to play on.
You must have at least the following number of opponents per mapsize: (will be the same for any game type)
Tiny: 2
Small: 3
Standard: 4
Large: 6
Huge: 8
Victory Conditions:
- Allow Conquest Victory
- Allow Cultural Victory
- Allow Diplomatic Victory
- Allow Domination Victory
- Allow Space Race Victory
- Preserve Random Seed
- Allow Cultural Conversions (PtW/C3C only)
Player's Discretion:
- Respawn AI Players
- Culturally Linked Starting Loc.
- Civ Specific Abilities
- Scientific Leaders
- Wonder Victory changed December 26th, 2004
- Accellerated Production
- Elimination
- Regicide
- Mass Regicide
- Victory Point Scoring
- Capture the Princess
AI Aggression Levels: (C3C only)
- Least Aggressive
- Less Aggressive
- Normal
- More Aggressive
- Most Aggressive
Graphics modifications are allowable. So are setting the colors and names of the civilizations. Any changes beyond this are disallowed.
Civ 1.29f
PtW 1.27f
C3C 1.22f
For patches visit Civilization III: Patch & Updates
Exploits and Cheats:
The following list of exploits and cheats may be incomplete. If you have a question regarding the validity of a tactic please feel free to ask in the Civ3 - Hall of Fame Discussion Forums.
Green exploits - allowable.
Orange exploits - may result in your game being excluded.
Red exploits and cheats - disallowed.
View Opponents - Using the F10 screen 'View Opponents' list to find out what civs the AI are playing in your game. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Prebuilding - Using one improvement or unit as a pre-build for another not available to build yet. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Palace Jump - Disbanding or otherwise losing your capitol will result in the Palace being relocated to another of your cities. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
FP rank bug - Cities around the FP are not affected the same by corruption as cities around the Palace. Placement of the Palace as far away from your 'core' as possible thus can drastically reduce corruption. (Civ/PtW)
RCP - A city placement scheme some would call an exploit. (Civ/PtW)
ICS - A city placement scheme some would call an exploit. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
ROP Backstab - Attacking a civ which you have an ROP with can allow you to get into perfect position before the attack. This carries a heavy reputation hit. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
ROP Resource Denial - Signing an ROP and using your units to block or hamper AI movement in their own territory.
Scout Resource Denial - Using a Scout or other non-military unit to block or hamper AI movement in their own territory.
Short Rushing - Breaking into the build sequence using 'Big Picture', or 'Unit Build' options, you can rush remaining shields before the production for that turn is calculated. This allows for finishing a build either by completing the current build in total, or rushing something else that is slightly less costly, and allowing the regular production to finish the build. Other similar options, like making sure citizens will not riot and changing prebuilds during this phase are also allowed. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
GPT for Upfront - Signing GPT for upfront compensation from the AI, and then using a declaration of war or disconnect of trade route to cancel the deal. Comes with a reputation hit in some cases, in others it is free. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Changing Laborers pre-Production Phase - Breaking into the build sequence and changing Laborers from high commerce tiles to high production tiles by navigating through the city arrows or F1. Changing the Laborers in a city which has already completed it's production phase is allowable though. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Mobilization Exploit - Breaking into the build sequence and changing Laborers to generate infinite shields. (PtW)
Infinite Map Trading - Selling your map multiple times to the same AI without having any map updates that would be valuable to that AI.
Reloading - Reloading a save to try and change game events is not allowed. You may reload if the game crashes, you have started a new playsession, or to avoid Domination victory.
Save File Editing - Use of any program or utility to modify a save file.
Modifying Default Game Rules - Other than the civ colors and names.
Use of non-Acceptable Utility Programs - Use of any utility program not on the acceptable utility programs list.
Worker Dogpile - You may not join workers to a city that is starving or rioting.
Acceptable Utility Programs:
MapStat - Gives the domination limit, and how close you are to it. Use of Mapstat options to generate knowlege of the AI that is otherwise hidden from you in your game is not acceptable though.
Apollo - Gives a prediction on when Cultural victory would be triggered.
CivAssist - Gives a quick view on diplomatic options available.
HOF Map Finder - Automates generating maps, screenshots of the starting location, and checks the domination limit for you.
CrpSuite - A domination limit utility that works with C3C.
There has been a longstanding rule that each player could only have two games per fastest finish table. However, due to the database setup, more than two games per player was possible on the high score table. We have now fixed this, so it two games per player per all tables.
Game Types:
Only single player epic games are allowed. The 'Play Last World' option is not allowed. Scenarios are not allowed.
World Settings:
Any default world settings are allowed. You may choose the map's Size, Barbarian, Landform, Water Level, Climate, Temperature, and Age settings. You may enter a seed number for the map only if you have not used that seed before in the game or the editor for a map with similar settings (Size, Landform, Water Level).
Difficulty Levels:
Any of the default difficulty levels are acceptable, and will be ranked according to other games of similar difficulty. C3C games at Demi-god difficulty will be ranked against Civ/PtW Deity games. C3C Deity and Sid will have their own new difficulty rankings.
You may select who your opponents are. This change is mainly to reduce the already tedious task of choosing a map to play on.
You must have at least the following number of opponents per mapsize: (will be the same for any game type)
Tiny: 2
Small: 3
Standard: 4
Large: 6
Huge: 8
Victory Conditions:
- Allow Conquest Victory
- Allow Cultural Victory
- Allow Diplomatic Victory
- Allow Domination Victory
- Allow Space Race Victory
- Preserve Random Seed
- Allow Cultural Conversions (PtW/C3C only)
Player's Discretion:
- Respawn AI Players
- Culturally Linked Starting Loc.
- Civ Specific Abilities
- Scientific Leaders
- Wonder Victory changed December 26th, 2004
- Accellerated Production
- Elimination
- Regicide
- Mass Regicide
- Victory Point Scoring
- Capture the Princess
AI Aggression Levels: (C3C only)
- Least Aggressive
- Less Aggressive
- Normal
- More Aggressive
- Most Aggressive
Graphics modifications are allowable. So are setting the colors and names of the civilizations. Any changes beyond this are disallowed.
Civ 1.29f
PtW 1.27f
C3C 1.22f
For patches visit Civilization III: Patch & Updates
Exploits and Cheats:
The following list of exploits and cheats may be incomplete. If you have a question regarding the validity of a tactic please feel free to ask in the Civ3 - Hall of Fame Discussion Forums.
Green exploits - allowable.
Orange exploits - may result in your game being excluded.
Red exploits and cheats - disallowed.
View Opponents - Using the F10 screen 'View Opponents' list to find out what civs the AI are playing in your game. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Prebuilding - Using one improvement or unit as a pre-build for another not available to build yet. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Palace Jump - Disbanding or otherwise losing your capitol will result in the Palace being relocated to another of your cities. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
FP rank bug - Cities around the FP are not affected the same by corruption as cities around the Palace. Placement of the Palace as far away from your 'core' as possible thus can drastically reduce corruption. (Civ/PtW)
RCP - A city placement scheme some would call an exploit. (Civ/PtW)
ICS - A city placement scheme some would call an exploit. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
ROP Backstab - Attacking a civ which you have an ROP with can allow you to get into perfect position before the attack. This carries a heavy reputation hit. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
ROP Resource Denial - Signing an ROP and using your units to block or hamper AI movement in their own territory.
Scout Resource Denial - Using a Scout or other non-military unit to block or hamper AI movement in their own territory.
Short Rushing - Breaking into the build sequence using 'Big Picture', or 'Unit Build' options, you can rush remaining shields before the production for that turn is calculated. This allows for finishing a build either by completing the current build in total, or rushing something else that is slightly less costly, and allowing the regular production to finish the build. Other similar options, like making sure citizens will not riot and changing prebuilds during this phase are also allowed. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
GPT for Upfront - Signing GPT for upfront compensation from the AI, and then using a declaration of war or disconnect of trade route to cancel the deal. Comes with a reputation hit in some cases, in others it is free. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Changing Laborers pre-Production Phase - Breaking into the build sequence and changing Laborers from high commerce tiles to high production tiles by navigating through the city arrows or F1. Changing the Laborers in a city which has already completed it's production phase is allowable though. (Civ/PtW/C3C)
Mobilization Exploit - Breaking into the build sequence and changing Laborers to generate infinite shields. (PtW)
Infinite Map Trading - Selling your map multiple times to the same AI without having any map updates that would be valuable to that AI.
Reloading - Reloading a save to try and change game events is not allowed. You may reload if the game crashes, you have started a new playsession, or to avoid Domination victory.
Save File Editing - Use of any program or utility to modify a save file.
Modifying Default Game Rules - Other than the civ colors and names.
Use of non-Acceptable Utility Programs - Use of any utility program not on the acceptable utility programs list.
Worker Dogpile - You may not join workers to a city that is starving or rioting.
Acceptable Utility Programs:
MapStat - Gives the domination limit, and how close you are to it. Use of Mapstat options to generate knowlege of the AI that is otherwise hidden from you in your game is not acceptable though.
Apollo - Gives a prediction on when Cultural victory would be triggered.
CivAssist - Gives a quick view on diplomatic options available.
HOF Map Finder - Automates generating maps, screenshots of the starting location, and checks the domination limit for you.
CrpSuite - A domination limit utility that works with C3C.