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How About a Discworld Scenario?


Oct 17, 2003
Ajax, Ontario
Any Terry Pratchett fans out there?
The round map might be tricky, maybe a circular playing area surrounded
by impassible terrain.

Things to consider​

1. What would be the object of the game? Domination and spaceships
would not be appropriate (wars should be short, bloody and pointless).

2. Need a list of Civs, I think no more than 10 to keep the speed up. Also
a list of cities/towns for each civ. Some of the smaller places could be barb.
villages with names.

3. Need some unusual units (I'm thinking of witches flying on broomsticks,
werewolves, etc.).

4. A list of wonders, (eg. Unseen University) and their effects.
Some of the wonders would have unplesant side effects (like the pyramids that
cause a civilization to get stuck in the past) and I wonder if the game engine
can simulate this in any way.

5. Some unique resources (cabbages, lots of cabbages).

That would be good for a start. I've only read about 2/3rds of the books in
the series so I don't have a complete picture of things

What do you call a troll with a crossbow with a 2000 lb. pull?
i really like discworld
but it would be hard to make a map for such scenario because there is no map of discworld and the descriptions are very poor and vague
Actually, there's a map of the discworld published by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs; I think I've got a scan of it somewhere ...

A Discworld mod sounds tricky to pull off, but it would be marvelous if you succeeded.

A possibility for the Edge is using Sea for the oceans, and use space gfx for Ocean, having the disc surrounded by it. Then make it impassable.
that map doesn't fit the descriptions....
and Terry Pratchett would never have anything to do with that map because he believed that mapping Discworld would kill the humor and the mystery somewhat
Bóreas said:
that map doesn't fit the descriptions....
and Terry Pratchett would never have anything to do with that map because he believed that mapping Discworld would kill the humor and the mystery somewhat
Stephen Briggs convinced him otherwise. Google for it.

Perhaps you'll believe Amazon.
you would have to do better then that to convince me
that map is way off
besides, on every book the description changes a bit of the geography
there's no way they could do a map of Discworld

EDIT: you posted when i was typing, thats not fair
i was talking to eric A
but you should probably choose a book so that there will be no disagreement.
Oh, I would *so* want this scenario! I remember back in the days of Civ1 renaming my faction "The Ankh-Morporkians" and playing as Lord Vetinari.

I note that maps exist of the Discworld and refuse to look at them. I think it's in the first book that Pratchett tells us (obviously mocking the heroic epics he aims to parody) that no map is provided, and we should feel free to draw our own. If a Discworld scenario is created, I think that's the spirit it should go in. No slavish desire to make it utterly accurate in every detail (LOTM-style - and there's nothing wrong with that when it's Tolkien, but it just wouldn't be appropriate for "silly" fantasy like Pratchett) but just lots of slapdash fun. Huzzah!
[TLC] Well, to my mind "silly fantasy" is a positive term! Although you are right. I was lucky enough to be one of the first people to read "Night Watch" (I proof-read it) and I thought he was really taking things to a new level - this was comedy in the sense of a Shakespeare comedy - light and deep at the same time. Of course, since I was proof-reading it I was reading it very slowly, which rather heightened the tension.

That said, my favourites of his are the relatively early ones that are most funny - from Mort onwards for a few books. The very first ones aren't really so good, but from the fourth he really hit his stride and was extremely funny. The more recent ones don't have so many jokes and he's clearly trying to be a bit more serious, or at least thoughtful; to my mind "Night Watch" is the only one that really achieves this successfully, but it does do it very well.
I made a Discworld map for civ 2, maybe I could find it in my parents old computer, if someone is interested...
Oh, and I think a DW mod should stay true to the books, don't add stuff "just because it's silly".
Over the summer I actually made a 256*256 Discworld map for C3C. I've attached a pic of it. I haven't worked on it in a while, anyone who wants it is welcome to it. The map itself is more or less done (the edges of the disc could be tidied up), though resources, starting locations and the like are just randomly distributed at the moment. The Discworld appears circular on the map, meaning that in game terms it is taller than it is wide. In retrospect I should probably have made it elliptical.

Edit: I've moved the download to this post.


  • disc.gif
    17.5 KB · Views: 437
  • Discworld.zip
    58.3 KB · Views: 115
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