Team Smackster : Training Game 01


Mar 24, 2002
Boston, USA, ex-pat
This is a training game for Team Smackster from SGOTM

We are here to play some games, and to give our newer players more experience with our playing style, which can be a little intensive for some.

You can read our SG's here, in all their glory and pain


And this one which is currently on going and a spoiler for SGOTM5 teams

The Roster for the game is currently


I think there is room for at least one more, interviews will be conducted in this thread over the next few days :lol:
We are playing the English, its a Deity game on C3C 1.22, everything else is random.

Standard SG rules (this is open to discussion)

Here is the start position. I'll post the save once we've discussed this a little.

MjM checking in.

What a wonderful start position u picked smackster :rolleyes:

This will be my first deity game so it will be a challenge.

Never played English so another first.

Worker NE or S , leaning more towards S, because maybe it will reveal something other than that start position. First build warrior? Not as good at opening deity moves as I've never played Deity. :p

edit: if dont see anything better with the worker move settle in place.
Right, the English!
Thats a good civ for a deity game.
The start doesnt look that bad, does it?

Also, it looks like this could be an archipelago map. We definaltely want to settle on the coast, but where...
What about moving the worker southwest onto the mountain, or straight north? Leaning towards south since there is a river there, and we want that lux too on deity.

What is the mapsize, Smackster?

The english! Feeling homesick, Smackster??? Or maybe you are back in "limey" for the holidays?

My suggestions:

1. We want to hook up the incense ASAP anyway so I would send the Worker there first and start roading it unless we go for the tile SW of mountain for London in that case the incense will be outside London area.
2. Settler S if we decide to settle there. It is coastal and river! The tile SW of the mountain in S/SW is probably a better candidate for settling in. Still both coastal and river and we can make better use of the "sugar" and also hopefully open up a few good tiles in the west.
Checking in and ready to roll
Do I see a hint of green to the north.

Certainly agree with worker to the hill, that gives us the best view before we've move the settler. Do we really want to settle on a spot without any +3fp squares? Is it worth moving until we find one? I've moved 6-7-8 squares before to find a good location, although its a risk, if you go the wrong way and hit a dead end with nothing. If this was a competitve game and there was something north, we would be in real trouble. Usually (but not always) in GOTM the map is designed so that luck doesn't play that much into it, but in a random map who knows.
The save is posted, at the bottom of the picture in post 3.

Tomassjj are you happy to start this.

I suggest that you should move the worker and then post a picture.
I can start, sure.
So its to the hill with the incense then.
Will give you a screenshot.

Not sure if a 3+ food square is critical since it is archipelago, but it would of course be the best.

If workers moves to the mountain it will give us larger view of surroundings and since we are not really sure where we will settle one turn of lost worker move is not a big deal IMHO.
Yeah, thats why I suggested moving the worker to the mountain in the first place, but smackster and wotan seem to disagree.
Wotan wants to settle right there by the river and coast.
Smackster wants to be Moses and keep us wondering around this desert for few hundred years before settling... :lol:

I say they are in disagreement with each other :cool:
So, panoramic view.
There is green in the north, and forest both south and north.
If we fancy a walkabout that is :)


  • greengreengrassofhome.JPG
    35.9 KB · Views: 199
crappiest start ever...
I wonder how much of a green land up north and should we try to move settler north for a better location for the capital.
We will see what the others say on it. I guess, even though the puter has huge advantages on deity, that one can spend a few turns finding a nicer spot...hopefully
It looks green, but on my big monitor it looks like a forest up there, on my laptop I could see no forest, one movement will only really show that forest and may only give a hint what is beyond.

We have three choices I believe.

Go north with the settler and see if there is anything up there

Go south with the settler, and hold him for one turn, move the worker two south west, to see if the river runs into an FP or something.

Lastly, and what I might do, send the settler north, and the worker SW. After two more turns, make a decision where to settle, even if it means moving the settler all the way south again.

An early settle can easily be made up for with good land. Although it can result in a tougher game if you dont find that good land, we have to make the effort.
I do see forest north on my monitor as well...
yeah, there is definately forest up there, on grassland. The forest to the south looks like its on plains.

I like your third option smackster. Moving settler north and worker south to scout a little more.

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