R&L03 The Lost Dutchman's Mine (C3C)


May 2, 2003
Finger Lakes, NY
- Emporer Level, C3C Game
- 4 Million year old Archipelago map
- Warm, Wet, 80% Water
- Raging Barbs & Less Aggressive AI
- standard victories, nothing new
- seafaring & scientific opponents
- We are the Americans
- 20 Turn start, 10 Turns until end of IA, 5 Turns in Modern

Special Rules:
- Our reputation is sacred & no intentional tarnishing is allowed
- We are not allowed to begin any wars until declared until the second AI war is declared (that we can see). Alternately, we could say start no wars until we are declared on the first time (discussion). Coupled with the less aggressive AI, this should push the wars back a bit, to encourage IA & Modern unit use, and less AA expansion.
- We are not allowed a Diplomatic victory, AI is
- One CRITICAL resource has been limited to a single tile - the Lost Dutchmans's Mine. We do not need to control it, but we will likely want to.

An early and maximum land grab, followed by infrastructure growth is stressed. Raging barbs, will still require a few units for defense.

Roster: (FULL)
- RowAndLive
- DJMGator13
- Elmarae
- jb1964
- Iroquois Plisken
- rrau (skip until 3/12)

I'll post the starting map & first 20 soon.
I'd like to join, if you don't mind. I'm in one Emperor SG (SW 2), and SW 3 with you.

Never played the Americans or Archipelago, but I like the sound of using Modern units.
Iroquois Plisken, Welcome!
Slow start due to my not posting the start. I'll try to get to it before the weekend.
:clap: All thanks to Brother Bede for generating a mod'ed start! :clap:

Here is a screenie -


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4000BC – 0
scout E-S, Ann NE, Washington founded on the spot > scout in 5.
This spot will be a powerhouse for both pop & shields. After expansion, we’ll have 3 wheat, 3 BG, 7 forests, 3 grass (4 w/city tile) on a river. Of course, the rest of the game will be a challenge. There’s also a GH nearby.

Let’s discuss. I’m inclined to go for researching wheel (unique). At 90% we draw 40 turns, or at anything less is 50 turns at max +2gpt. We could alternately go for CB in 20 turns at 90%, or go for alpha then math and try for Zeus / ivory. We start with Masonry & Pottery.

I’m tempted to go for a farmer’s gambit, with scout > granary > settler.

Here’s another map after the first moves:

2 dyes, 2 silks. The pink circle is a good second, as it gets coast, both silks, the gold and shares a wheat. The white pair may be better, since we again have 1 shared wheat, and the gold under the city. We could also move the S white city N1 and share all 3 wheats.

Tech, Production, Dot Map. What say you?


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For tech, I'd go for alpha so we can get some curraghs in the water and make contacts.

I like the 2 white better than the pink. We need as many cities near our core as we can get. I'm equivocal on moving the s white circle.

Farmer's gambit is good. We'll also need galleys asap to send out settlers to other islands.
Hiya, just letting you know I found the site.

I have nothing else to say. :)
OK, random thoughts…

SoZ? I don’t see Ivory on our map so until it shows I’ll assume it’s not going to be available.

I like Alpha as our first tech w/ either Writing/Map Making or CB/Myst/Poly being a goal. Curragh's are a good thought but w/ raging barbs we'll also get raging barb galleys. Going MapM gives us galleys and Polytheism normally produces a good trading tech. Flip a coin.

City placement – The two hill locations are my vote. Gold/Coast on one and the ability to share the wheat w/ the other while making the grass below open for improvement. However, if our real estate is limited we should try maximizing the number of cities we can lay down on our “huge” (NOT) tracts of land.
I'm here also.
4000BC – 0
scout E-S, Ann NE, Washington founded on the spot > scout in 5.
This spot will be a powerhouse for both pop & shields. After expansion, we’ll have 3 wheat, 3 BG, 7 forests, 3 grass (4 w/city tile) on a river. Of course, the rest of the game will be a challenge. There’s also a GH nearby.

3950 – 1
Ann mines, scout N-E

3900 – 2
scout N-NE

3850 – 3
scout 2W & pops GH for maps

3800 – 4
scout 1 NE-N

IBT: Washington scout 2 > granary in 20

3750 – 5
Ann roads, scout 2 S-SW, scout 1 2NE

3700 – 6
scout 1 2N, scout 2 W-S

3650 – 7
scout 2 S, scout 1 S-W, Ann SE

3600 – 8
Ann roads, scout 2 NW, scout 1 SE-S

3550 – 9
scout 1 S-SW, scout 2 N-NE

IBT: Washington expands

3500 – 10
MM Washington for a taxman & granary in 15 @ +5gpt
Ann 2W, scout 1 SE-E, scout 2 2N

3450 – 11
Ann roads on Dyes, scout2 N, scout 1 S

3400 – 12
scout 1 S, scout 2 2NW

3350 – 13
scout2 NW-N spots another coast to W, scout 1 S

3300 – 14
scout 1 SW, scout 2 NW spots whale

IBT: Dyes connected

3250 – 15
Dyes have no happiness effect, MM lux to 10%, work dyes & get granary from 10 > 6
Ann SW, scout 1 S, scout 2 NE-E

3200 – 16
scout 2 NE bounds of island about finished, scout 1 NW-N, Ann mines

3150 – 17
scout 1 N, scout 2 2E & island fully cleared.

3100 – 18
scout 2 2SW, scout 1 NE trying to keep fog from growing barb huts

3050 – 19
scout 1 rests, scout 2 2SW

3000 – 20
scout 2 SW, Ann roads, scout 1 rests

- I’ve marked my thoughts on the dot map below. 2 whites as before, other sites in pink, fishing villages in yellow.
- Our island has 3 dyes, 3 silks, 6 wheat, 1 cow, 1 gold, 1 fish, 1 whale, 12 BG, 28 forests
- 2 freshwater lakes, but no rivers
- Granary due in 1. Afterward, MM from dyes to wheat for growth in 4 & build settler
- Alpha due in 30
- scout 2 (N) should explore 2 W coast tiles to see if we can get a better vision across.

Gator is UP
Elmarae is On Deck


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Here is the save -
I should be able to play today, since I finished COTM10 and haven't even dl'd 41 yet.

Are we playing with the patrol barb fix? It's an easy fix and Ainwood has setup a utility to fix for those not comfortable with edititng the ini file.
I have the fix installed on my C3C, having barbarians that only react on the n/s axis is boring and exploitive.

AFAIK it only affects the person playing the turns. If you don't have the fix then barbarians remain relatively static, if you do then they roam. The next person who plays will not be affected by the previous players settings regarding barbarian roaming.
Preturn - 3000BC
mm off forest to the mBG - granary still in 1 pickup some food

IBT - Washington granary => settler

Turn 21 - 2950BC
minor moves with scouts (since all our island is exposed I wont keep log on scout moves)

Turn 22 - 2900BC
Ann to roaded wheat

Turn 23 - 2850BC
Ann irrigates

Turn 24 - 2800BC

Turn 25 - 2750BC
mm off wheat to forest - since only 1 food needed
new citizen on growth will not go to forest since there are bonus food available
we can shave 4 turns off research -

Turn 26 - 2710BC
irrigation completes and we grow to size 3
mm Washington for +5 food
lux to 10%
my minor scout moves reveals that the island to our west is occupied

we met Theodora
BYZ: 2 cities, 35gold, spices, up BW, ALPHA & WC, down MAS & POT
Trade: POT, MAS & 92gold for ALPHA and BW
set research to WRIT - at Emporer it will be a race to PHIL - we may not have time for COL first

In case it wasn't mentioned earlier we have 3 scientific cvis and 4 seafaring civs (BYZ are both) so 5 civs started with Alpha

Turn 27 - 2670BC
Ann roads the wheat first to aid our first settler

Turn 28 - 2630BC
Washington grow to size 4 / settler will complete next turn
lux to 30% - we need a warrior after the settler for MP

IBT - Washington settler => warrior

Turn 29 - 2590BC
I head the settler to the grass NW of gold hill - it's coastal and will have 2 wheats and 2 BGs without expansion, although the wheats will need to be shared

Ann irrigates wheat
lux to 0
stay on warrior since we need to let Washington grow in size before the next settler

Turn 30 - 2550BC
Washington size 3 - lux to 10

found New York - set to curragh
mm Washington to give New York a mBG

Notes to next player
1) Not much - we're pretty much in expansion phase
2) should be able to have settler factories in both cities but with limited space only 1 is really needed
3) Do we want to consider the Colossus - in New York after the curragh

The save

EDIT: this one works now also - I linked it as 2500BC and it was 2550BC.
Second try

Try this

Edit: I also fixed the first one.
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