Final Fantasy 7 Map


Jan 1, 2005
This Final Fantasy 7 World Map is based off the World Map in the BradyGames Strategy Guide. Each starting location is either a city, a landmark/small place in the game, or a materia cave. Each materia cave has a bonus resource. North Corel is connected to Gold Saucer with a railroad. There are no settlers. Player 1 has 7 cities because there are 7 Chocobo Tracks. This is for C3C.

Version 2.0 is here. All civilizations are of the American culture group because there are FF7 city graphics (made by Hikaro Takayama). Mountains and forests in the north are white because of the winter-terrain for tundra forests and snow-capped mountains, and the bases are green because I couldn’t make them white without making grassland white. The railroad is now like a gondola because the track is straight (railroads by Soufie77).

Version 3.0 is here. Now there are starting locations so computers don’t start in random locations. There is also a changeable version of the map with regular unit rules. All terrain produces +1 of everything more.

Version 4.0 is here. It is made to be used with Thunderfall’s “Less Yellow” terrain modpack in order to make the different terrains stand out more, but it was too big to include it in the zip (so download it yourself if you want to and put the files in terrain folder under art in the ff7 folder, but don’t replace the two files already there). Changeable version of map now has randomized resources (earlier resources were unchanged) without the specialized resources. In the no-touch FF7 map, the mountains have been made impassable and all cites on mountains are now hills. The mountains around the marsh have been improved a bit. For that, all planes are now mobile, the bomber is a transport, and the helicopter can attack in air.

Version 4.5 is here. Now there is a map based on the changeable map with many different attributes (FF7 – Random Start). The starting locations have been randomized, there are no more victory point locations, and the resources have been randomized even more.


  • FF7
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Since I can't seem to get the actual map, here's the minimap. I would really appreciate it if somebody could download this and post a screenshot from editor. The only places that aren't that accurate are those three long islands (one of them has Mideel) and the area around Fort Condor and Junon Harbor. The spaces near the left side and on the bottom are there to create that effect you get when you go in circles in the actual FF7 game.


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    FF7 Minimap.JPG
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It sure looks like Final Fantasy 7, all right. But, and I may be wrong, wasn't there something like this before?

At any rate: The map is cool, but you should try to mix up the chosen terrian a little bit. The thought of uniform terrian in areas look weird, it wouldn't hurt to make it look nice on the mini map by adding forests or spots of various other terrians.

Edit: The mountain range all along the marsh lands looks off. However, it's also been a loonngg time since I played this game. :) question, are the mountains impassable?
There's forests, but I was using an official FF7 map and wanted it to be as accurate as possible. I couldn't make the mountains near the marsh better. I thought of making the mountains impassable, but then there couldn't be a many cities (such as the materia caves or Mythril Mines) because they start right on the moutain, and it would result in a glitch if the city made a unit.

There is another map on this, but I think my map is more accurate.
You can download midi files for Final Fantasy VII, and this patr is the legal part. However, downloading mp3s is illegal.
A good file converter should convert the midis into mp3s, or you just change the text files that correspond to which music is played.
Map is updated again. Sorry if you're dissapointed with me constantly changing things; but its for the better (at least I think so). The only thing that I could do now is add music (but I can't find FF7 mp3s or a good midi-mp3 converter demo) or add Vanilla and PTW versions.

By the way, how can I edit the map the least amount so I can change it to vanilla or ptw? When I try to import the map to Vanilla or PTW Edit, (even without the marsh) is says it isn't a valid map.
Here's a screenshot of the only places modified in the original FF7 map. The railroad is the cable car from North Corel to Gold Saucer, the mine iwth the road is that small village near Gold Saucer, the road from Mt. Nibel to Nibelheim is the mountain pass between the two in the game, and the road to the right is the mountain pass in the game from Costa del Sol.

The updated file has a notepad format for the readme making is smaller by a couple of kilobytes.


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Magus, Go to, they have legal mp3s available for download. That's where I got most of the music for the FF mod from. Great map, BTW. I'm assuming you put some of my FF resources like Mythril, Materia and Chocobos in :mischief:
Well, after all the help I got from Hikaro, I'm going to start turning this map into a mod. The mod will include FF7 music, resources, wonders, techs, etc. When it'll be finished, I'll post the link to the mod (which will be under a new topic in the mod section) here. The plain map will still be available for download, though. Expect this mod in no more than a month.
Hey, Magus, I'm currently working on the last UU for the various FF XI civs (to whit, the Windhurstian Cardian), after which I'll be starting on the Shinra SOLDIER. I'll also be working on the SHinra attack sub sometime soon, as well. Of course, the Wutai Ninja, Highwind, Shinra Grosspanzer, Death Machine and Custom sweeper are already available for use.
Thanks, I already downloaded your current FF7 units and I'll wait until you complete them before releasing my mod (if I'll be finished by then). The reason why this mod will take so long is because I'm taking summer college classes through July 22nd. :( I just got back a couple of minutes ago, and I'm going to continue my work on my mod after I finish this post.

BTW, can you PM me that background you have for the rocket screen and tell me where to place it? It would make a great addition to my mod. And also, do you have any new graphics or plans for the rocket in Civ 3 (maybe making it resembling the Shinra Rocket 26 if its possible)?

Last question, what were those magiteklarge and magiteksmall .pcx's you sent me for?
Magitek is the technology that allows for Materia and is prereq for the Samurai (or Windhurstian Mithra Ninja, Wutai Ninja (AVALANCHE), Mitrhil Musketeers (Bastok), Blue Mage (Bervenia), SeeD (Garden), Gesper (Estar), etc. The actual icons were taken from a FMV screenshot of the White Materia in FF VII, so I thought you might be able to use it for some materia-related tech.

BTW, how many civs will be in this mod? I'm asking since I have a Yuffie model and am about 60% finished with Aeris and could easily make LHs off of them, if you want.

As for the Advisor screens, I'll jsut zip them up in the apropriate folders and email the whole lot once I get Aeris finished as the foreign advisor. Of course, I have Yuna as the cultural advisor, but since she's the only one that's not from FFVII, you might get away with it. I'm not sure who I'd make culture advisor in her place, though....
As of now, it's going to be Shinra vs. AVALANCHE. But I can easily change that if you create those leaderheads (then there'll be an alliance vs. Shinra). You'll just have to tell me which cities would best go under what civs. Thanks for all the help, and if you have any further FF7 files to give me, let me know. With Yuna, thats fine because it's an FF game, isn't it?

BTW, why is President Rufus of Shinra listed twice in your leaderhead library (just curious)?
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