Resources are Black boxes?

John Ross

May 15, 2005
I just tried my first mod, all I did was change some rules around. I created a new resource, so I created a new one in the resources.pcx file as well. Those are all the changes I can think of that I made, but now, ALL the resources, even the ones that come with the game, only appear as black boxes. What gives?

You have to put the Resoruce.pcx file into Indexded mode and you need to have the pink in a spot and the line color in another. Not exactly sure where though.

Welcome to CFC :)
Thanks a lot for the welcome, and the quick reply! I guess I should admit, though, I have no idea what Indexded mode is. I wonder if I'm even using the right program to edit these .pcx files. I downloaded some freeware called IfranViewer to look at them.

Anyone else ever have this problem? I'm so sorry, I hate sounding like a complete newbie (though I am when it comes to this!)
Does the resources file HAVE to be a .pcx? Could I do it in the regular paint program and save it as a 256-color .BMP?
It must be a .pcx file. You can mod your resources with a .bmp file if you are more used to paint, but than you have to convert it to .pcx. And if you have Conquest, you must chance the resource file in Conquests/art.

Although I´m pretty new at CFC, too : Welcome to CFC
John Ross said:
Does the resources file HAVE to be a .pcx? Could I do it in the regular paint program and save it as a 256-color .BMP?
No, they must be a PCX. They must be an indexed 256 color PCX with some special colors. The first color is the background color, the 2nd is the lines of the checkerboard. The rest you can fiddle with.

If you didn't backup the file before you began editing it, ask and someone here can post the palette. Be sure to say which paint program you're using. I use mainly Photoshop, which has the two reserved positions as the first two, paintshop Pro has them as the last two.
You can take a photo editor, save it as a bmp, open paint, edit it, then save it as a 256 BMP, then change ti back.

THat's what I do. Works for me all the time.
Nate1976 said:
You can take a photo editor, save it as a bmp, open paint, edit it, then save it as a 256 BMP, then change ti back.

THat's what I do. Works for me all the time.
If you do this, make certain you get the two reserve spots in the palette set correctly.
Great help, guys. I'll do that with Paint. Just got to make sure about those reserve spots, not exactly sure what you're referring to. Do the first two spots on the grid have to remain empty? The Paint I'm referring to by the way is the one that comes with Windows XP, under accessories.

And I take it the resources are all black because I did mess up the border on the grip inadvertantly.

Bjornlo said:
If you didn't backup the file before you began editing it, ask and someone here can post the palette.

This seems to be the case. If someone could post it, that would be swell! Thanks again for all of the advice from everyone. A very nice community here, much different than other boards I've frequented in the past decade!
John Ross said:
Great help, guys. I'll do that with Paint. Just got to make sure about those reserve spots, not exactly sure what you're referring to. Do the first two spots on the grid have to remain empty? The Paint I'm referring to by the way is the one that comes with Windows XP, under accessories.

And I take it the resources are all black because I did mess up the border on the grip inadvertantly.

Bjornlo said:
If you didn't backup the file before you began editing it, ask and someone here can post the palette.

This seems to be the case. If someone could post it, that would be swell! Thanks again for all of the advice from everyone. A very nice community here, much different than other boards I've frequented in the past decade!

What paint program do you use? They do not all use the same palette.
What program did you use to open the PCX files? Without hacking, Paint can not open or save PCX files, open any palette file, or save any file as indexed.
The ones I prefer (in order)
Adobe, Photoshop CS (8.0) (also like 6.0 & 5.5) Powerful, but slightly complex
Corel, Painter 9.0 - very complex.. does it all though.
Adobe, Photoshop Elements - do not recall if it has palette manip, check first. Basically PhotoShop for alot less money. Some of the fancy (and hard to use) features, like Histograms, are missing.
JASC, Paint Shop Pro 9 - does have palette tools, and a rich feature set. I own it, but stopped using it once I got better at Photoshop.
I also like and use MS Photo Draw, maybe the best pure drawing program on this list. As easy as it is to draw with is how hard it is to edit a palette with, just about impossible. If you do not change the colors, the palette is unchanged though. And this program was discontinued 2-3 yrs ago and can probably be bought cheap.
I was told, but have not checked if MS PictureIT! has palette tools. I suspect it does, but do not recall for sure.
The Gimp (, free. Not as nice or as easy to use as the others, but it has what you need and it is free.
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