Cumulative PM-based History Quiz II

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Unhidden Dragon
Retired Moderator
Jun 25, 2001
They tried it on another forum, but it had died away...

Rules : -

1) Send your answers to the questioner using a private message. Do not post in the thread.
2) 10 questions - can be specialized or general.
3) Runs for a period of time, as decided by questioner.
4) Will announce points won by each challenger in thread.
5) Will announce answers at end of round - arguments over answers can take place now.
6) Highest scorer gets to set the next round of questions, and cycle is repeated.
7) No research fr Net or books or other - to make it more challenging.
8) No publishing of names if didn't manage to get any answers correct.
9) Poster who won prev round and prepared quiz, need not prepare quiz again if he wins again in the round after his prepared quiz - so as not to turn quiz into a 2 persons affair.
10) In the event of a tie at the top, questioner to decide who gets to do next quiz.


First round on me...

First thread
I apologize for my lagging a bit behind, but here is finally my a quiz. I have tried to make it not too hard, since I was a bit disappointed with only 4 entries last time.
So don't be shy, and good luck!

1.Who is this and what was he called?

2.What important invention is usually attributed to Cai Lun?

3.What is the witch of Agnesi, and how did it get its name?

4.What was the Ludlow massacre?

5.What is this?

6.Which composer wrote a cantata lamenting his dead canary bird?

7.What does it mean to dance the Paddington frisk?

8.What event is described here?
"The enemies Battaile standing firme, looking on us at a neere distance, and seeing the other Briggads and ours wheeleing about, making front unto them, they were prepared with a firme resolution to receive us with a salve of Cannon and Muskets; but our small Ordinance being twice discharged amongst them, and before we stirred, we charged them with a salve of muskets, which was repaied, and incontinent our Brigged advancing unto them with push of pike, putting one of their battailes in disorder, fell on the execution, so that they were put to the route.

I having commanded the right wing of our musketiers, being my Lord of Rhees and Lumsdells, we advanced on the other body of the enemies, which defended their Cannon, and beating them from their Cannon, we were master of their Cannon, and consequently of the field, but the smoake being great, the dust being raised, we were as in a dark cloude, not seeing the halfe of our actions, much lesse discerning, either the way of our enemies, or yet the rest of our Briggads: whereupon, having a drummer by me, I caused him beate the Scots march, till it clered up, which recollected our friends unto us, and dispersed our enemies being overcome; so that the Briggad coming together, such as were alive missed their dead and hurt Camerades."

9.Denmark was also a colonial power. One of its most well-known colonies was Trankebar. What was the geographical location of that colony?

10.According to Lynn White, which invention created the feudal system?

11.What event is depicted here?

12.According to legend, how did the painter Zeuxis die?

13.Which people is described here?
[---] have such absolute Notions of Liberty that they allow of no Kind of Superiority of one over another, and banish all Servitude from their Territories. They never make any prisoner a slave, but it is customary among them to make a Compliment of Naturalization into [---], considering how highly they value themselves above all others, this must be no small compliment . . .

14.What was the world's first computer game? NB: Be aware that many sources are mistaken about this one.

15.What is the origin to the saying "cobbler stick to your last"("sutor ultra crepidam")?

16. What sort of book is Guanzi?

17. Who wrote this:
The rights of men stem exclusively from the fact that they are sentient beings, capable of acquiring moral ideas and of reasoning upon them. Since women have the same qualities, they necessarily also have the same rights. Either no member of the human race has any true rights, or else they all have the same ones; and anyone who votes against the rights of another, whatever his religion, coulour, or sex, automatically forfeits his own. It would be difficult to prove women incapable of exercising the right of citizenship. Why should people who experience pregnancies and monthly indispositions be unable to exercise rights we would never refuse to men who have gout every winter or who catch cold easily? People argue that, differences in education apart, men are still naturally more intelligent than women; but this is far from being proven, and would have to be before women could justly be deprived of a natural right. Even if we did accept it, their superiority would consist in just two points, it is said that no woman has ever made an important scientific discovery, or shown signs of genius in the arts or in literature, and so on, but we would hardly attempt to limit citizenship rights only to men of genius. It is also said that no woman has the same breadth of knowledge, or the same power of reason, as certain men; but this simply means that, with the exception of a small class of very enlightened men, there is complete equality between women and all other men; and that, this small class apart, both sexes have an equal share of inferior and superior minds. It would be quite absurd to limit the right of citizenship and the ability to discharge public functions to the superior class. Whey, then, should we exclude women, rather than those men who are inferior to a great many women?

18. Whose coat of arms is this?

19.What was the Lunar society?

20.What is sedina stercoraria ?

21.Where was the famous explorer Maurycy Beniowsky (Moric Benovsky) appointed king?

22.I suppose everybody knows the name of this painting and who made it, as well as the two persons in the middle.
But do you also know who is in the lower left part of it, with his head encircled with red?

The limit for entries will be Friday 16.00 CET
Well there's a first, I can't even take an educated guess at any of those. It looks to be a good quiz though :)
Last news, a very impressive effort from Rambuchan; 15.5! :hatsoff: :goodjob:
Which leaves us with this scoreboard:
Rambuchan 15.5
I really hope my friend Rambuchan didn't kill the competion with this tour de force... :lol:
Ciceronian joins the list with a good 6p. But he is the only one so far to identify the gentleman in the last question! :hatsoff:
I feel I have to clarify question 14. I didn't ask for the first distributed computer game, but the first ever to be run on a computer. The one I have in mind predates Spacewar by years. It might be that this question is more difficult than I thought, and if that is the case I apologize, but I just found it so fitting on a computer gaming forum... :D
Wow! Well done to Ciceronian! I had no idea who that was in the red circle. Very difficult to find out too!
Didn't think that question was difficult somehow. I thought it is obvious enough by the fact that he stands out with his turban. Now who was the most respected Arab intellectual in Western Europe during the Middle Ages? And besides that, I had once read a caption naming all of the people in the picture a while ago.
I've never seen it before in my life.
Well at least you knew some answers :blush:
PH, can't you figure out what part of the anatomy this piece of armor is supposed to protect?

YNCS said:
PH, can't you figure out what part of the anatomy this piece of armor is supposed to protect?

In my experience answers aren't usually that obvious so I'm not taking a guess at one question and getting no points :p
Rambuchan said:
Yes I was embarassed by Luc's assumption we would all know the painting. I didn't :(.
I humbly apologize for this, it was not my intention to be haughty. :sad:
I just have a very high opinion about people's cultivation and knowledge on this board, and this painting is indeed quite famous, as is the painter.

Adler17 said:
Isn´t that not a bit too obvious for a male knight ;)?


privatehudson said:
In my experience answers aren't usually that obvious so I'm not taking a guess at one question and getting no points :p

This one turned out to be tricky, I understand, and one of the reasons seems to be that people are assuming that it is something used in the Middle Ages. Well, it is not. Not at all... :mischief:

By the way, this is one of the few nuts nobody has been able to crack so far. Apart from it also nr.6, 11, 14, 17, and 18 eagerly awaits to be solved.
Oh well, I'm not worried too much these days anyway as no-one ever gets my questions, so winning would be rather pointless even if I did know the answers :lol:
Well I guess that this is a good illustration on that some got it and some not.
Obviously I belong in the latter cathegory when it comes to making historical quizzes. Still only three answers... :sad:
I will give it another day and if nothing happen then I will call it off on Thursday already.
Now I could use a drink, and I will let it be strong... :crazyeye:
@luceafarul -- I request a clarification on question 14:

is it the first computer game of any sort (including text only
games), or the first graphical (ex: Pac Man) game?
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