Archont of Cootertown
- Joined
- Sep 8, 2004
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- 1,165
Up to 2000% Faster*!!
The project you never knew was being made is finally complete**!!
E2K.OB is an entirely new*** 180x188 epic earth mod highly revised set of rules. Nothing changed for change’s sake, it does not radically change the gameplay of the Conquests epic game, but rather tweaks it in almost every area, resulting in a different, but familiar, experience.
The graphics undergo the biggest makeover, with well over a hundred units added (primarily “flavor units”
, new terrain, and resources. I sought to add techs, units, and game mechanics where needed. For examples: There is an early version of what was the only amphibious unit, the marine. Mountains, jungles, and marshlands are impassible by most units. Oceanic currents speed up sailing ships’ movements, reducing long distance travel time and tedium. Civilizations benefit from three special units, instead of one, for more variety. Upgrades, spy and diplomat missions are cheaper. And dozens more.
So download the mod, take a nap while doing so if you have a phone line, and try it out. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. If you were, it’s because your great grandfather was molesting you while you were playing. Happens to the best of us..
And don’t forget the Read This. It will answer any questions you don’t have, and maybe some that you do.
Download Here!****
*than a glue-covered slug in a meat freezer.
**Actually Post-Beta, Pre-Whatever’s after that. E2K.OB may be too polished to be considered beta, but I haven’t completely played through it myself, so I’ve attached the suffix “Se”. That stands for Stupid Edition. What that means to you is, it might crash, but stands a good chance of not melting your hardrive, so just save often and if something does go wrong, post your problem and I promise I’ll fix it within 24 hours unless I don’t. (Don’t worry about having to restart a game, because any errors will, with 92% certainty, be solely a referencing issue, ie can be fixed while a game is in progress. You will only be set back as far as your last saved game).
***E2K.OB uses an old, modified version of Rhye’s of Civilization’s earth map.
****Actually here.*****
*****Actually, EARTH2000.OneBillion has moved to a new location. Now Get!
Don't worry about the rest of this shlt \/
IMPORTANTE: Installation: Uzip the main part of the mod (267 megs) to you desktop, open the "Earth2000.OneBillion Se" folder, open the "Civilization 3" folder. Inside should be the "Conquests" folder. Cut this, and paste it into you ../Infrogames Interactive/Civilization III/ folder. Overwrite when prompted.
Patching: You also want to download the small patch above (added 9-16, 3 megs) and the one attached below, just under the readme (added 9-29). Unzip these to your ..\Civilization 3\Conquests\Scenarios folder and overwrite when prompted.
There is one extra step. Go into ../Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios/Earth2.Onebillion /Art and change the name of the "Leaderhead" folder to "Leaderheads". Without adding the "s", the game may occassionaly crash while displaying the victory or diplomatic advisor screen.
You start the mod by clicking on the "Civ-Content" at the Conquest's main menu. Earth 2000.OneBillion and Earth 2000.OneBillion lite (slightly faster on slow PC's) are the massive world map games. Earthish and Earthish2 are small 8 civ maps, for quicker games or multiplayer.
I will be re-uploading the entire mod tomorrow or April 2006 to avoid all this confusion. I will also make a few minor gameplay tweaks, so you may want to wait or just start a new game then.
Thanks to..
Rhye Kinboat UtahJazz7 Aalgo Dom Padro II Aluminum Muffins Balou Bebro Embryodead Riptide R8fxt Bjornlo Rita Poon Steph CamJH vbraun Hikaro Takayomasa Civ army 1994 Smoking Mirror Orthanc Thunderfall Winter vuldacon Kindred72 Cyber Dreyk
..And anyone else who's work I've ripped off.
The project you never knew was being made is finally complete**!!

E2K.OB is an entirely new*** 180x188 epic earth mod highly revised set of rules. Nothing changed for change’s sake, it does not radically change the gameplay of the Conquests epic game, but rather tweaks it in almost every area, resulting in a different, but familiar, experience.
The graphics undergo the biggest makeover, with well over a hundred units added (primarily “flavor units”

So download the mod, take a nap while doing so if you have a phone line, and try it out. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. If you were, it’s because your great grandfather was molesting you while you were playing. Happens to the best of us..
And don’t forget the Read This. It will answer any questions you don’t have, and maybe some that you do.
Download Here!****
*than a glue-covered slug in a meat freezer.
**Actually Post-Beta, Pre-Whatever’s after that. E2K.OB may be too polished to be considered beta, but I haven’t completely played through it myself, so I’ve attached the suffix “Se”. That stands for Stupid Edition. What that means to you is, it might crash, but stands a good chance of not melting your hardrive, so just save often and if something does go wrong, post your problem and I promise I’ll fix it within 24 hours unless I don’t. (Don’t worry about having to restart a game, because any errors will, with 92% certainty, be solely a referencing issue, ie can be fixed while a game is in progress. You will only be set back as far as your last saved game).
***E2K.OB uses an old, modified version of Rhye’s of Civilization’s earth map.
****Actually here.*****
*****Actually, EARTH2000.OneBillion has moved to a new location. Now Get!
Don't worry about the rest of this shlt \/
IMPORTANTE: Installation: Uzip the main part of the mod (267 megs) to you desktop, open the "Earth2000.OneBillion Se" folder, open the "Civilization 3" folder. Inside should be the "Conquests" folder. Cut this, and paste it into you ../Infrogames Interactive/Civilization III/ folder. Overwrite when prompted.
Patching: You also want to download the small patch above (added 9-16, 3 megs) and the one attached below, just under the readme (added 9-29). Unzip these to your ..\Civilization 3\Conquests\Scenarios folder and overwrite when prompted.
There is one extra step. Go into ../Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios/Earth2.Onebillion /Art and change the name of the "Leaderhead" folder to "Leaderheads". Without adding the "s", the game may occassionaly crash while displaying the victory or diplomatic advisor screen.
You start the mod by clicking on the "Civ-Content" at the Conquest's main menu. Earth 2000.OneBillion and Earth 2000.OneBillion lite (slightly faster on slow PC's) are the massive world map games. Earthish and Earthish2 are small 8 civ maps, for quicker games or multiplayer.
I will be re-uploading the entire mod tomorrow or April 2006 to avoid all this confusion. I will also make a few minor gameplay tweaks, so you may want to wait or just start a new game then.
Thanks to..
Rhye Kinboat UtahJazz7 Aalgo Dom Padro II Aluminum Muffins Balou Bebro Embryodead Riptide R8fxt Bjornlo Rita Poon Steph CamJH vbraun Hikaro Takayomasa Civ army 1994 Smoking Mirror Orthanc Thunderfall Winter vuldacon Kindred72 Cyber Dreyk
..And anyone else who's work I've ripped off.