I want you lot to play my Civ game for me


Nov 28, 2002

I just had a great idea, where I tell you lot what's going on in my game, and you all make the decisions for me. Nobody's done that before, I thought....then I noticed the entire forum for the Civ 4 Democracy Game. Oh, nuts.

Nevermind though, I think that's all far too serious, so we should have a fun little one of our own.

So, what will happen, is that I'll just feedback what's going on in the game, and on a first come, first served basis any of you lot can tell me what to do.

I don't care if you are serious or silly, crazy or sane, violent or peaceful, cultured or uncultured. You can make my units, my cities, my empire do whatever you want, and I'll let you all know how it's going.

Want me to build an archer, name it after you and then you tell me where it goes and what it does? Sure, no problem. Want me to build my first city at the North Pole? Ok! War with France for no reason, you say? You're the boss.

I imagine it will be a bit slow at first (not a lot to do) but eventually will be a sprawling epic :)

I am a casual player, with a full time job, a full time wife, and two serious PBEM games on the go, so I'll be playing this one at my own pace. Don't hassle me :)

Ok, I've just started the game, I randomly got Elizabeth and the English.

The game details are as follows:

Prince difficulty,
8 AI opponents (random), with random personalities,
Standard map, custom continents (random number),
Epic speed,
Temperate, Medium Sea Level,
All victories enabled apart from domination.

So, the first questions, to the first person/s to reply are:

1) It is 4000BC, should I settle, or move?
2) What do you want the warrior to do?
3) Is there anything else? (anything at all).

Number 3 will probably be a standard question. You might reply with, yes, call that warrior "Bill's Warrior", and let me tell you what he does forever".

Okay, hopefully this'll be fun and not a chore. If it becomes a chore, I'll just start nuking people :)


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Well, luckily, I wont be disbanding the settler, cos someone else got in there first :)

Phew, that would have been a short game.

Ok. Built London, the warior is heading for the hut, and mysticism is being researched.

Question: What should London start building?

Hey, moderator, nobody will see this thread in here :( (sad face * ten)
(although I do understand you have a job to do, why can this not stay in the main forum? It is about Civ IV after all..)
Argh said:
Hey, moderator, nobody will see this thread in here :( (sad face * ten)
Don't be so sure. ;) It's not as busy as the General Discussions forum, but you will get a lot of reads (and hopefully input) from people who really enjoy the game. Heck, as I post this, there are over 50 people reading this forum. ;)
Well, I'm sure you're right. Doing me a favour, eh ;) :)

Anyway, back to the game:

I'm waiting for someoe to tell me what London should do. The warrior is 3 moves away from the goody hut.

What should I do?
Build a warrior and send him off to capture slaves from other civs.
Right then, the next warrior built will go off and attack any workers he sees.

Hmm, this could get hairy, that could end up meaning war with a lot of other civs...

Right, warrior number one popped the goody hut. We only got 29 gold. Boring.

What should the warrior do, whilst Shillen's slave raider is being built? (7 turns left)
Try to scout out a second city site.
Ok, since the warrior is currently stood where the goody hut was, I'll carry on going East a bit.
London's borders expanded, revealing a goody hut nearby (still to be popped).

The warrior is uncovering nasty terrain to the East.

Should he keep going? Take a look at the map as it stands.


(3 turns till the aggressive raiding warrior is built).
after the warrior build a worker to improve the land and get gold
Padma said:
For that matter, it should also help you avoid the spammers, flamers, and trolls that abound in General Discussions. :)

Amen to that...might as well rename it the Spammers, flamer, & trolls forum on some days.

[On-topic] Fun thread. I'll try to help as well. You may want to ask more general questions than 'what to research next' so you can at least play ~10 turns before asking the crowd what to do.
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