CIV4 PBEM Enhanced


aka Cottus Arci
Aug 2, 2004
Melbourne, Australia

Note: The games name has been changed, since it will no longer be played on a PBEM Format.

A multiplayer game with a huge difference. In some ways similiar to the Democracy game, but with a fair amount of unique elements to make it a completely different experience.

Game Settings

The simulation itself will run on a PTBS Simultaneous turns basis.

Map Size:- Standard
Number of Human Civs:- 4
Number of AI Civs:- Definately none
Game Speed:- Normal
Victory Conditions:- None, like in real life... I severely doubt 1 Civ alone can achieve total victory.
Other Options:- Only 'Culture Flips after Combat', however in-game rules state a Civ cannot raze a city once it reaches Size 6.


This is the interesting part. I always thought it strange that every civ leaders in every game lived for 6000 years, and always thought it would be interesting to implement some form of internal politics,
leaders rising and falling, elections, into the game. Each Civilisation will be made up of many individuals. Sufficient numbers would be necessary to make this work. Basically, there will be no political parties as such, competing for power over a particular Civ. Instead, individuals (dare we call them Politicians) will compete for specific positions within a Civilisation.

Each Civilisation will have a governing body. (Known as the GB or Big 8)

The Governing Body

- Leader
- Vice Leader/Treasurer
- Military Advisor
- Scientific Advisor
- Religious Advisor
- Foreign Affairs & Trade Advisor
- Cultural & Civil Advisor
- Infrastructure Advisor

These people are elected into these positions and hold term for a set amount of time. With all of these positions, every important decision relating to the game will be accounted for.


Pretty much the most integral part of this game is voting. As a holder of any position with any Civ, you'll vote on anything and everything, not to mention the discussion on issues that will come before, after and during certain decisions. This is where the real politics come into play. Majority rules, and not only will you be worried about the interests of other Civ's, but you'll also have to worry about your fellow advisors... if you want you shape the Civilisation you're in, then you'll have to exert some influence.

The Big Decisions

(See image below)

Rate:- The Rate of Tax/Science/Culture (TSCR). 20 Votes, 10% rate for every 2 votes recieved. It's the Financial advisor's duty to post a proposed budget (roughly what + or - Gold will be with each rate).

For the rest, majority rules.

Tech:- Technology Research.
Borders:- Open Borders.
Trade:- Trade agreements of all kinds.
War:- Applies for both Conquest & Assisting Allies.
Civics:- The Civics. Civics can only be modified (or requested to be modified) every 4 turns.

Continued in post #5 (Improvements)


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Top idea, old chap. Sounds very interesting. I'd love to join in myself, but I've recently made a lot of work for myself with this thing in my new sig, below.

Good luck though, and I'll be applying to join one day I'm sure. Very creative :)
Will people who have played (worked) for one civilization be banned from applying for jobs in another? Otherwise you might get double agents, trying to bring down an enemy from within.

Or is this something that you would allow, since it could happen in real life? (the double agent part, not, say, the president of america retiring then applying for a job as Russia's military advisor)

Obviously if the same person using the same name applies for a job in his former Civ's worst enemy, it will look dodgy. But you might get people creating second accounts (civfanatics accounts that is, with new email address), specifically to try and gain an advantage. You'll have to watch out for that.

Sorry, I see the worst in humans ;) :) Heheh
Continued from post #1


(See image below)

Improvements/Units/Wonders will be built in a majority rules format for each city. Particular positions get double, triple and sometimes even quadruple votes for certain improvements/units/wonders.

Continued in post #6 (Units)



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Continued from post #5 (Improvements)


(See image below)

Just like with Improvements, certain members of a Governing Body will be bonuses.. in the case of units, it's alot simpler.

Leader - 2 Votes for any Unit... exceptions for this are shown below in the table.
Military Advisor - 3 Votes for any Unit... exceptions for this are shown below in the table.
All other advisors/members will have a standard 1 point vote... exceptions for this are shown below in the table.

Continued in post #7 (Wonders)


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Continued from post #6 (Units)


(See image below)

Still yet to draw up a format here, but will be very similiar to Units & Improvements. Each member of the governing body will recieve 1 standard vote, the Leader & Infrasctructure advisor will get more, and it will be relevant.. as in, a military and cultural wonder will qualify for bonus votes from the military and cultural advisors.

Continued in post #9 (Great People)


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Continued from post #7 (Wonders)

Great People

(see image below)

Here is the table for when a Great Person is generated. Again, a vote. Again, majority rules.

Continued in post #10 (I'm interested... what happens now?)


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Continued from post #9 (Great People)

I'm interested... What happens now?

First, take into account this game will be require a fair amount of discussion, debating, voting, sneaking, extorting... the typical political stuff. On some days, it may be as simple as a single post and a vote, on others, there could be more. It's a game for the long haul, but one I hope will be thoroughly rewarding for the effort put in.

This said, and you're still interested... here's the plan...

1. We've reached the initial minimum player amount...

2. The game rules are set, the forums are up and ready at

3. The vote has begun on what Leaders (Civs) will be in the game. Please refer to the rules at (check my sig) to see how the process works.

4. After thus, each Civ will then hold its initial Elections. Each player must allocate what position they're running for... so if players 1-7 run for Leader & player 8 runs for Vice Leader, then player 8 will automatically be Vice Leader. At any point where there is more than 1 player running for a position, then all 8 players must vote (and natually, not for themselves). The elections continue until places are filled.

Note: A Civ can have more than 8 members. In fact, the more, the better. Other players not in the GB will simply be considering 'back-benchers'.. and while they cannot vote, they are free to express their opinion... and conspire with each other to get some front-seats come next election.
Interested (Enlightened) Peoples

These lucky people will be a part of this game from get-go

1. Great Scott
2. Herandar IV
3. Mr. Pointless
4. joethreeblah
5. Argh
6. Locky III
7. decarth
8. potatokiosk
(enough for 1 Civ!)
9. Corossol
10. Boogaloo Shrimp
11. cloudraine
12. mabeco
13. DaveShack
14. truckeegeek
15. MookieNJ
16. realn
(enough for 2 Civs!)
17. Sigma
18. wolfman1234
19. Traxis
20. Abdukrahman
21. shday
22. facehuger
23. Border Fox
24. nrseven
(enough for 3 civs!)
25. vra379971
26. Jeppson
27. drhirsch
28. azzaman333
29. CB Droege
30. Byrath
31. Cleric
32. Romaneste
33. SamE
Argh said:
Will people who have played (worked) for one civilization be banned from applying for jobs in another? Otherwise you might get double agents, trying to bring down an enemy from within.

(Note: I had my original reply to this copied to a word file, but I accidentally closed. I'm reposting because I feel it's a good point)

I quite like the idea of double agents trying to bring an enemy down from within. I've made an amendment to this... for a player to run for any position in an election for any civ, they must first be authorised by myself. Here's the procedure...

Player wishing to run for a position within a Civ must email my administation email, PBEM_Enhanced[at]

I will check their IP address, duplicate IP addresses will warrant an alert, shown to all friendly (Open Borders & Allies) Civ's of the Civ in which the person applied for.

Quite simply, double agents can go 2 ways.

1. They can simply enlist as a member of the foreign Civ. If the foreign Civ has alot more than 10 members, this is effective... as the player can remain as a member and be privvy to certain information, and remaining so since competition for places with alot more than 10 members would be quite high, and their excuse for not running for election could be that they are still new to the game/Civ and wish to wait till their time comes. The downside of this, is, they aren't an advisor/leader, so they'll have no say when it comes to voting... and may miss out on certain information and/or discussion that only the 'Top 10' are privvy to. Another one is, certain Civs could make it compulsary to run for election immediately or after a set amount of time that the player has been a member. Besides, if you don't run for an election, it will look a little suspect.

2. A player is only a member of his friendly Civ, and has never run for election could join another Civ and enlist to run for an election there. Since they've never had their IP address recorded before, there will be no warning bells.

Something like this, however, is risky. Once you are elected and part of the 'Top 10' within a foreign Civ, you'll have a tricky task of looking like you're doing the right thing, when, in fact, you are trying to sabotage it's operations. As in, if you lose the trust of your fellow advisors and voters, you'll be out the very next election. Plus, someone for this task will have to never run for election within their own Civ. Which, at this point, the agent will need to ensure his friendly Civ trusts him enough... after all, he has a Top 10 position now with a foreign Civ... Is he just feeding you misinformation and spying on YOU instead???

Argh said:
Sorry, I see the worst in humans ;) :) Heheh

I actually want to see the best & worst in humans in this game. Muhahaha :lol:
Ok, an overall analysis of the voting structure for each leader... the Big 10.

Please note, the 'Big Decisions' have a bias of 10... since they are.. well... 'Big Decisions'... as in for the Leader, he really has only 18 votes instead of 180... but gives an idea of who gets how much of a say and who doesn't.

A few points, naturally the ideal position is Leader, then Vice-Leader.

Interesting to note, Infrastructure is quite high overall, but lowest by a fair whack in the Big Decisions.

Naturally, I think we'll see alot of interest in Military.. as it fares quite highly in decisions, and naturally with the added bonus of war-time fun.

Of the 4 that are in the 2nd lowest group in Big Decisions (with 9 votes), it goes Culture (surprising eh?) Civil, Financial, then Religious... I guess a treasurer really isn't the most exciting job... I have a feeling this and Civil will be the least in demand.

Culture may be high up, but I think Foreign Affairs & Science (both 3rd in Big Decisions) have their own fields which are more appealing than Culture.. so they should prove to be higher in demand... and same goes for Religion..

So heres my Top 10.... in terms of what I think demand will be (handy to know during election time)

Vice Leader
Foreign Affairs & Trade/Science (Tied)


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Herandar IV said:
Remember how much trouble you had filling up the 18 player PBEM game??

(Which I still haven't received yet... I thought those were jokes about getting to play as a Christmas present.)

It wasn't too hard. It was more about getting the 18 to realise the game had begun. Well, thing is, I see the amount of posts Argh is getting for his Anarchy game... and I see the amount of posts for the Demogames... so there's definately hope for this thing...
Pah, most of those posts are me and three other people. It hasn't "taken off" as much as it looks like it has. Lol.

Still, I could chuck it in soon and join this instead :) Maybe.
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