
Restart or not?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Music Master
Apr 11, 2002
Well for those of you that have been living under a rock or something DZ being forced to resign as he looked at the world builder.

Now do we restart the game and turn the cheat option on or or just we carry on with the game we have going?

No=Carry On
Abstain= Why vote? ;)
Restart with the no cheat option on.
I will refrain from voting for a bit.

On a point of order, we didn't decide via discussion what level of support this poll would need to have before it would be considered valid. That question might be moot if the vote goes big one way or the other. If it's a close vote then it could matter, since the Judiciary might then have to handle another tough review. We're up to the challenge of course, just a cautionary note about jumping into this type of decision. ;)

Also we didn't quite complete the discussion on using the style of mod which combines no-cheat and autolog. This pretty much forces my hand though on nailing down that topic. I will start a separate informational poll on what filesystem people have, to gauge the potential impact.
This compiled with the whole debate on government structure... I honestly don't care. I didn't even know that the game had begun until a few days after it had. There are very few discussions about the actual game (if I see one more politcal party thread...) and even fewer screenies. Not really the best way to keep people involved.
Carry on, everyone. No need to delay things any further due to my dumb @$$. :) I wasn't even planning to run for anything next term, so please don't factor me into it personally.

EDIT: And ironically, I can't even vote to keep this game going. Someone help me out here, will ya?
I voted no, the last thing we need after all that has been happening so far in the demogame is for a restart.
I've asked the Censor to review this poll, and determine if it's an official Initiative poll or not.

-- Ravensfire
It is very unfourtanate that DZ has pretty much left the DG but that doesn't mean that one mistake and event prompts us to restart. As BCLG100 said the last thing we want to do is restart after all thats happened.
I sometimes vote abstain if I either don't support either choice, or if I can't deside which one to support. I feel this is necissary, because if the final vote after two days is 2-2-0, some people might assume not enough people saw the vote. But if the vote is 2-2-20, then it's obvious people have seen the vote, but not many people have a hard conviction one way or the other. I also don't like people who don't vote in RL and then complain about the government. If you don't like either choice, write in someone. If 25% of the voters voted for a write-in, even if it wasn't the same write-in, it would send a message. If that same 25% don't vote, people just assume they were lazy or apathetic.

After all that we have struggled to go through already, before a save was even created, I can't see giving up now. Personally, I think restarting now is the same as if we restarted after we found we didn't like our start position.

Maybe we can just pretend that our SoW went out to meet some troops, but disapeared on the way back. I say it was the Mongols and we declare war right away. :p
Donovan Zoi said:
Carry on, everyone. No need to delay things any further due to my dumb @$$. :) I wasn't even planning to run for anything next term, so please don't factor me into it personally.

EDIT: And ironically, I can't even vote to keep this game going. Someone help me out here, will ya?
DZ that's silly. You're a vet to the DG and it would be helpful to have you around.

Come on people it's 10 turns into a game where IIRC there's no prez and it's been a cluster from the start. I say do over.
As Censor, I hereby find this poll meets all requirements as being official and valid as a binding Initiative of the Citizen's Assembly. It shall take effect once the poll is closed.
I say RESTART ... and take the opportunity to revote for a prezident ... let's not get caught up in legal constitutional ammendment issues ...

We don't have a prezident ATM ... Why not revote I don't understand :confused:

It's only 10 turns ... RESTART
A player made a mistake and pressed a button ... this could happen again ... RESTART (with Cheat off)

Surely this is a no brainer ... it's a game people !!! ... lets have fun with it and explore this game in a supportive and entertaining environment.
I would like to urge everyone to vote 'no' on restarting the game. NOT because I'm glad DZ's out (quite on the contrary actually) but simply, and I cannot believe not more people have made this point, because in reality you can't go back either. The world would be quite messy if you were born to poor parents somewhere in a shack in the middle of Africa, decide that you don't like your 'starting location' and restart your life until you're born to a rich family of noble blood.
This was one of the reasons we continued playing when fraud came to light and we could have started completely from scratch creating a new CoL, adopt a new form of government etc. But we didn't.
Also: People! We are living a legendary moment here! Can't you see? If we go on now, eventually we can look back and say 'remember the start? it was messy, it was bad, but look what rose from it all! all of us truly form a great nation!' If we simply restart, we can only tell the tale of CIV DG1 that never actually was to be...
The only thing I see as important here is that Ctrl-S and Ctrl-W are to close. If we don't end this here and restart the game with No-Cheats on, we may end up with the next person seeing the game after 50, or a 100 turns!

Restart the game, not just to get DZ in again, but to avoid this further inside the game.

Two turn-chats lost is acceptable, Twenty is not.
I'm also researching a quick change in CustomAssets which would either change the hotkey for world builder to something other than ctrl-w, or open an "are you sure" popup.
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