Term 3 Office of the Licentian Censor


Poet Jester
Nov 4, 2005
Hamilton College/Florida
I'm back as your Censor people, this is Swissempire's Reign Part 2
The procedures shall stay the same as last terms, and thats pretty much it. Please post requests and notification in this thread, that is all:D
]The Procedures of the Censor of the Citizen's Assembly
Term 2
  • Official Polls for Initiative and Referendum
    1. To be validated as an official poll with the weight of an Initiative or Referendum as defined in Article C.1.2 of the Constitution and other forms of law, the poll must meet the following standards:
      • The question and answers must be stated clearly and fairly.
      • The minimum duration of a poll is 2 days.
      • The number of votes must exceed 1/4 the census - for the current term, it is 9 votes.
      • Polls must be public except for those which must be private due to requirements of higher laws.
      • The results of polls which meet these guidelines will be tracked in an official poll index.
    2. It is highly recommended, though not required, that some previous discussion on a subject exist before a poll is started.
    3. The Censor and the Deputy Censor shall be responsible for validating polls that meet these criteria (though the Censor may overturn the decisions of his deputy).
    4. A post confirming the validity of the poll will be placed in the polls thread, as well as recorded in the official thread of the Censor in the Polls subforum.
    5. Validation must occur within 48 hours of the poll's closure, after which point the poll is assumed valid until either the Censor or Deputy Censor has a chance to review the poll.
    6. For purposes of conflict resolution, a poll may have its validation status changed at any time after the initial decision is made, though validation must be judged by the standards in effect when the poll was first created. That is, all polls may not be judge based on ex post facto changes to these procedures.
    7. If you are confused or have questions about a good poll, it is recommended that you read the excellent Definitive Guide to Polling by old demogamer Almightyjosh for helpful information.
  • Official Polls for Recall
    1. Polls calling for the Recall of an official as defined by Article C.1.2 of the Constitution and relevant parts of Section 7 (Impeachment) of the Code of Laws must meet all standards listed above in Section A of these Procedures, except that they must meet these additional standards
      • Recall Polls must be open for a minimum of 96 hours.
      • Votes in a recall poll must be private.
      • Requirements detailed for specific offices in all higher forms of law must be met.
    2. Citizens are reminded to be civil in all matters relating to recalls. The moderators may intervene as they deem necessary.
  • Elections
    1. Nominations
      • Nominations for elections shall begin 8 days before the end of the current month (and therefore 8 days before the end of a term).
      • Nomination threads for all offices shall be posted in the main Civ4 Democracy Game forum at approximately 0:00 GMT of that first day by either the Censor, the Deputy Censor, or by another citizen appointed by the Censor.
      • The first post of the nomination thread shall contain a summary of the duties of the office in question, as defined in other relevant forms of law.
      • In case of planned absence, a nomination, self-nomiantion, acceptance, or rejection of a nomination for a specific office may be registered in advance of the nomination period with the Censor.
      • A citizen who is banned from the forum for any reason may register nominations, acceptances, and rejections of nominations through a private message or e-mail to the Censor.
      • A citizen must accept any nomination (or be self-nominated) to be placed in the election.
      • A citizen may accept only ONE nomination. In cases where a citizen accepted multiple nominations, only the first acceptance shall be considered valid.
      • Nominations for an office close when the poll for the election of that office is posted. A link to the election thread shall be posted in the nomination thread.
    2. Debates
      • Debates may occur in both nomination and election threads.
      • Citizens are reminded to be civil in these debates. The moderators may intervene as they deem necessary.
    3. Election Polls
      • Elections shall begin approximately four days after nominations were originally posted, and shall end four days after are posted.
      • Individual threads with polls shall be posted for all contested elections.
      • The results for elections that have only one contestant or which had no contestants shall be validated after all polls for contested elections have been posted.
      • Evidence of fraudulent elections (such as the creation of double-logins for additional votes) shall be evaluated by the Moderators, who may alter the validated results if it is determined that cheating has occured.
      • All regulations for elections in the Constititon and Code of Laws, and any other relevant higher forms of law, shall always apply.
  • Amendments to the Procedures
    1. The Censor may propose and make amendments to the Procedures of his Office at any time, provided they are annouced and discussed 72 hours before they take effect.
    2. An amendment may also be made through an official poll.
  • Disputes
    1. The Censor shall always attempt to resolved disputes over portions of these Procedures with citizens as they arise. If not acceptable resolution may be reached, however, the dispute may be taken to the Judiciary where these Procedures shall be applied as a form of law and ruled upon as such.
    2. As a lower form of law created and applied by a single office, the Rules of the Civilization Fanatic's Forum, the Constition, and Code of Laws, as well as any other laws created by the Citizen's Assembly shall always take precedence.
Do you have any idea on how to handle the possible change in our executive poistions sometime AFTER the normal nomination/election cycle will end?
Thoeretically you could add it to the CoL under Elections

Section 1. Nominations and Debates
Nominations shall be posted approximately 8 days before the end of the term, or when this Code of Laws takes effect. debates will last through the duration of the nominations. Nominations will be closed when the election polls start.

Section 2. Election Polls
Election Polls shall be posted approximately 4 days before the end of the term, or four days after nominations are posted, which ever comes first, and will be set to run for 3 days (72 hours). The candidate with the highest number of votes at the end of the 3 days is considered the winner. If two candidates tie, then a run-off poll, lasting 2 days (48 hours) is posted with just those two canidates. The election for designated players shall be multiple choice, and list all of the possible candidates. Any candidate that recieves over 50% of the vote is a designated player for that term.
That should probably make it so when the CoL is ratified, we can post nominations and it 7 days we will have the new government up and running!:goodjob:
I won't be able to keep up the nomination tracking thread. If someone could, that would be great
Censor Swissempire,

I'm trying to determine the schedule - when will the election polls be posted?

-- Ravensfire
On the 26th of March. They will be private polls running for 4 days. They extra day at the end of the month will be for transitioning the governments and any other problems that may arise(taking a lesson from last term).

P.S. Ravensfire, will you be accepting your Censor nomination
Done, could someone post the screenies
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