Rat13 - 3 v 3 AWM


Nov 29, 2004
City of one angel
A new game, continuation from Rat12

the settings

we turn out to be Mali together with Washington and Hatty
our starting techs are wheel, agri and archery
our friends start with 2 archers, settler and worker

settled on the spot and started another strong skirmisher
popped hut for 39gold
went for mining, then AH, BW, hunting, pottery

we are at war with Cyrus, Toku and Asoka
since Japanese are pretty close, use GOS here, they build first 3 archers then came to attack
they lost 2 archers but then surprisingly defeated our skirmisher

went for skirmisher then worker, then skirmisher (ust to be safe, but we can build the rax first)
connected the cows, we can then chop forest for 2nd city

both are pretty smart at developing the land
Washington is growing like weed due to the flood plains

as for the builds, both went for an additional archer,
but then Hatty went for settler, archer, archer while not moving the settler
Washington for rax then settler
rather weird order

they did the nonsense of 90% research again, this is major :smoke:

we just started a chop that will give hammers next turn, we can change to settler for the hammers
skirmisher is done in 2, rax in 17
mysticism in 1, we have horses nearby but no copper

our capital



the whole place

after 40 turns

Greebley - up with 20 turns for the first rotation
We started with archery? How is that possible?
If we don't have copper, we'll probably have iron... maybe this game will be long enough to have us need it!
Immaculate said:
We started with archery? How is that possible?

That's always the case when you form a team, you get archery extra...
I don't understand the logic behind this, anyone else ...???
Fishing, Writing, was researched. I started on Iron Working as I didn't see copper near us.

I completed the Barracks, 2 more Skirmishers, a Worker and started a Settler (with the help of tree chops).

One of the Skirmishers is waiting for the settler. One is guarding our capitol and one is harassing Japan who is too close for comfort. I just pillaged the Elephant square. Not sure if Japan will react. If not then keep pillaging him. He only has Archers.

I built one Cottage and started another. I prefer the cottages to Irrigation.

Our allies both have 2 cities total now.

Here is a picture of us and Japan. The best way for us to expand is toward them. I was thinking the yellow dot for our second town. We are really going to have issues trying to expand. We may even want to war Japan early.

Right on! We should pillage those sheep and everything else to keep hgim down until we can overrun him (hopefully with swordsmen).

Also, I agree heavily with your pro-cottage maxim, although the proposed second city site doesn't look like it has too much cottage potential.

Lets hope Mali isn't such a pushover for Persia this time!

Edit: Actually, scratch that; between cows, oasis, and two grasslands (after chop), it should be okay, but we should farm the plains.
It may be more desierable to build southeast of the jungle. You're missing out on cows, but you get wheat, sugar, and the horses, and a whole lot more grassland. Then another city on that plains hill such that you get the marble and the cow. That's what Landmonitor would do.
Greebley -
Immaculate - up with 20 turns for the first rotation

Japan is the only one besides us to have only 1 city :haha: The opression strategy is working. I think they will attack once they have 3 archers in town, that's what they did the 1st time round.
I think the yellow dot is fine given all the considerations.
Got it. I will post tonight. Got to go to school now.
I plan to settle one or two cities, get them on graneries (probably but not for sure) and establish some workers.
I had a quick look at the save before i went to school but i noticed that we are tearing down both forests with silk when there are other forests available.
Generally, and this may just be me but if i have 1 or 2 forests that provide forest tile benefits but also have other forests with bonus commerce, i would rather work a tile that provides 2 food, 1 hammer and 1 coin then one that provides just 2 food and 1 hammer. Anyway, i am gonna let one of the forest stand and cancel the chop for now so that we can work a forest with an extra coin whenever we would normally work a forest. Also, i am gonna set up one farm to help us grow (we can always switch to cottages once we get to our happiness limit (or get close to it). I am gonna send a worker to chop the forest that the skirmisher is one (the one where you want to build a city).

Anyway, i will write more once i have played my game.

PS: lets not forget the other game.
I had a quick look at the save before i went to school but i noticed that we are tearing down both forests with silk when there are other forests available.
I would have done exactly the same, the rationale is that those forests will have to go anyway eventually. We do not want to end up having no forest left, so I think we should not chop the other forest tiles, at least we should have 2 forest tiles left after all chopping.
We are also building a cottage on one of the Silk tiles. This is because that square gives us +1 gold and so provides extra gold for research. I was unsure about building a second town on the other silk as we will want one to keep for the happiness. That is not for some time however and we could temporarily build the cottage there.

So my plan was to work the silk tile. It just has a cottage rather than a forest which I much prefer.

There are trees to the NE we can continue to chop if we so choose [Edit: the ones outside our current border]

Edit: If you are going to cancel an action, I would prefer you to cancel the current chop, but keep the cottage on the silk tile rather than touching the cottage. I think the extra gold with the cottage will really help. If you are going to continue the chop, then we can still build a cottage that will give us decent gold in the short term, but our village would be replaced later on when we get calender. It is a tough trade-off IMO.
Greebley said:
We are also building a cottage on one of the Silk tiles. This is because that square gives us +1 gold and so provides extra gold for research. I was unsure about building a second town on the other silk as we will want one to keep for the happiness. That is not for some time however and we could temporarily build the cottage there.

So my plan was to work the silk tile. It just has a cottage rather than a forest which I much prefer.

There are trees to the NE we can continue to chop if we so choose [Edit: the ones outside our current border]

Edit: If you are going to cancel an action, I would prefer you to cancel the current chop, but keep the cottage on the silk tile rather than touching the cottage. I think the extra gold with the cottage will really help. If you are going to continue the chop, then we can still build a cottage that will give us decent gold in the short term, but our village would be replaced later on when we get calender. It is a tough trade-off IMO.

Totally cool. I agree with you on continuing the cottage. I don't think its necessary to keep two +1 commerce forests (I hope this doesn’t come back to haunt me but I tend to think that one is enough). I am just going to keep one and cancel the other so I can go chop the future city site before we build on it (no use losing the forest without getting any hammers from it if we can help it).
I agree with you on the cottage though. I think it’s a great move that pays for itself immediately. I often do the same thing in my solo games.

Rat mentioned that the reason he would chop it is because it should be chopped later anyway. I agree with him but think we should wait ‘till the last minute and make the most of it while we can (get 1 more commerce when we need to work a forest).

Also, I will keep forests. I usually do and enjoy the lumber mills later in the game. Two sounds like a nice number (I don’t intend to chop down all the forests if that is what you were thinking).

Anyway, I don’t want to step on any toes and I am happy we are discussing this, but I think things will be fine. Trust me a little bit :D

EDIT: Where people thinking (based on what landmonitor mentioned) that the second city might be a our production/army type city while a third city (possibly in the southern jungles) would be a purely commercial city?
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I accidently played 21 turns. Nothing much was happening and i was just pushing enter too much. Sorry.

We finished the cottage and built a farm for our capital. We also started a road towards the iron once it was revealed. The second worker cleared the forest where Djenne was built and started to make a farm to the south of it (it will have food problems until it grows since it will only have a plains farm and some fishing for 2 food each (for now))

The egyptions built a new city. We got iron working and i set course for mathematics to grab construction after. My thinking: We can use swords and catties to grab Kyoto, then go for Jumbos with his elephants.

We lost the pillaging archer but not before he got the sheep and the jumbos. We managed to kill 3 archers before he died though.

The Japanese were moving towards our new city site but we managed to grab it first. It will need to grow its culture before its any good though. Anyway, we were able to found Djenne before they did. As a consequence they seemed to have built to the south of Kyoto.

I built a second settler and sent him south with our capital's skirmisher and left our capital undefended. Once the settler was done i built a new skirmisher. (none of our cities are currently undefended). Its building another one currently.

We got iron (see map above) in our new city (Kumbi Saleh- the one i think should be a commerce city). Thats kind of why i built it there (that and because it fits well with our capital and grabs some bananas for food).

When Djenne was built it was set to build barracks because it will be a better production city then a commercial city (i think anyway), while when Kumbi Saleh was built it was set to build a worker so it can start chopping some jungle.

Anyway, thats it.

Greebley -
Immaculate -
Talamane- up with 20 turns for the first rotation
I looked at the save and Washington has 2 cities very close to Japan. We should try and help him by getting rid of one of those 2 Japanese cities. We could also help him defend in case he is in trouble.
Remeber the AI has much greater bonuses than us, so if we help 'our' AI's to grow we will also benefit.
Where is the quote in your signature from Rat?

Is it Murakami?
OK, got it. Will re-read the thread, look at the game, and post my turns tomorrow nite.
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