CIV Gold!


CIV Gold - Project Lead
Nov 26, 2001
[BtS] CIV Gold 5.1 FINAL now available for download

[BtS] CIV Gold 5.1 FINAL

This version replaces 4.0 and adds numerous 30 civs, 24 leaderheads and fixes to the mix.

CIV Gold 5.1

July 24, 2009

CIV Gold is a civilizations mod for Civ4 that combines serveral of the most popular user-created civilizations, while applying standards for graphics and content across the board. It can be used as a standalone mod to give users more options in their games, or it can be used by mod-makers to add a “plug-and-play” civ component to their projects.

With CIV Gold we are attempting to create the “definitive” civ add-on for users and mod-makers, alike. This pack is meant to be focused, complete, and comprehensive.

Version 4.0 contained 90 new civilizations and 24 new leaders for existing Firaxis civs. In version 5.0, that number has increased to 120 civilizations and 58 leaders, in addition to several new leaders for 4.0 civs.

NOTE: This is a very big mod. Loading time may be up to 15-20 minutes.

Added Civilizations for 5.0

Nez Perce*

*Native Realignment

The North American First Peoples' civs were re-aligned as follows:

Anishnaabek ---> Algonqian
Aniyonega ---> Cherokee and Seminole
Dinnehih ---> Apache and Navajo
Ni-Mii-Pu ---> Nez Perce
Piliwni ---> Paiute
Tillikum ---> Haida
Upaajut ---> Inuit and Dene
Vo'ostaneo'o ---> Metis

The Barbarian civ list was edited to reflect the new additions.

Added Leaderheads for 5.0

Abu Bakr (Arabia)
Adenauer (Germany)
Akbar (India)
Amina (Nigeria)
Ataturk (Ottomans)
Atotoztli (Aztecs)
Boru (Ireland)
Bush (America)
Caligula (Rome)
Cixi (China)
Constantine (Rome)
deWitt (Netherlands)
Duvaliler (West Indies)
Dido (Carthage)
Francis II (HRE, Austria)
Gorbachev (Russia)
Gustav (Sweden)
Henry the Navigator (Portugal)
Hitler (Germany)
Innocent III (HRE)
Itzcoatl (Aztec)
Jackson (America)
Jean (Canada)
Jingu (Japan)
Kim Jong Il (Korea)
Khufu (Egypt)
Kruger (South Africa)
Logan (Iroquois)
L'overture (West Indies)
Meiji (Japan)
Menelik II (Ethiopia)
Mursilis (Hittites)
Mussolini (Italy)
Nefertiti (Egypt)
Pachacuti (Inca)
Philip II (Spain)
Pinochet (Chile)
Pius X (HRE)
Piye (Nubia)
Pol Pot (Khmer)
Putin (Russia)
Reagan (America)
Richard I (England)
San Martin (Argentina, Bolivarian)
Santa Ana (Mexico)
Smoke Jaguar (Mayans)
Trudeau (Canada)
Vercingetorix (Celts)
Wu (China)
Xerxes (Persia)

Leaderhead Replacements

The follow leaders were replaced with improved versions:

Ayenwatha (Iroquois)
Alexander (Greece)
Basil (Byzantines)
Bolivar (Bolivarians)
Charles V (Spain/HRE)
Cochise (Apache)
Cunhambebe (Tupi)
Curtin (Australia)
Deganawida (Algonqians)
Dom Pedro II (Brazil)
Franz Joseph (Austria)
Geronimo (Apache)
Hector (Troy)
Ho Chi Mihn (Vietnam)
Kamehameha (Polynesia)
Kekkonen (Finland)
Lenin (Russia)
Maria Teresa (Austria)
Mary Queen of Scots (Scotland)
Mihai (Romania)
Mindaugas (Lithuania)
Mongkut (Siam)
O'Higgins (Chile)
Peron (Argentina)
Richelieu (France)
Robert the Bruce (Scotland)
Selassie (Ethiopia)

CIV Gold Credits

Giving credit in a project like CIV Gold is a logistical nightmare. Over a period of several releases spanning 5 versions, components are added, removed, replaced modified, etc. An original civ may, over time, have the text edited, leader replaced and unit redesigned to the point where it is almost a new civ.

Likewise, contributions are often cumulative. A new unit is designed. Someone adds a new weapon to it. A third person does some re-texturing. The fourth supplies some missing pedia and strategy text.

Bearing in mind the complexity of collaboration in the project, the following represents my best attempt at crediting all those community members who played a role in brining this project together.

It's important to note that some individuals are being acknowledged because, although their original work may have been removed or replaced, their inital contribution remains highly valued.

Core Team

Wyz_sub10 (Project Lead)
Fierabras (3.0, 4.0, 5.0)

Sevo (1.0, 2.0)
Shqype (1.0, 2.0)
Amra (3.0, 4.0)
ripple01 (3.0)
purplexus (3.0)

Add. CIV Designers

Anima Croatorum
CivArmy 1994
Tactician Zhao
The Q-Meister
Tunch Khan

Add. Art Contributors

Rabbit, White
Robo Magic Man
The Capo

Add. Sound Contributors


Add. XML Work and Testing

huayna capac357
The Almighty dF
The Snag

Special thanks to the following non-core members who contributed A LOT of materials, time and expertise: Aranor, bernie14, esnaz, cybrxkhan, C.Roland, Ekmek, GarretSidzaka, GeoModder, Rabbit, TheCapo, White, woodelf and Mkann.

Spoiler :

[BtS] CIV Gold 3.0 FINAL now available for download

After much tweaking, pulling and fussing, the official release of 3.0 for Beyond the Sword is now ready and available for download. For those among you who have downloaded the beta, thank you for your interest and feedback. It is strongly recommended that you download the Final, as it has several tweaks and many additions.

Please feel free to leave any comments you may have on the download page or, preferrable, within this forum.

Thank you for your continued interest and support. :)

[BtS] CIV Gold 3.0 FINAL

CIV Gold 3.0 - Beyond the Sword (FINAL) Dec. 18, 2007

The final version of 3.0 for BtS will be uploaded tonight, available for download in the afternoon (made one quick replacement this morning, needs to be recompiled). I will try to post a list of changes and fixes later on, but suffice to say that there are several additions and improvements beyond the Beta release.

Among them:
- added Selassie, Jayavarman VII, Basil, Makeda, Hirohito, Philip II and Cetshwayo as add. leaders
- fixed several diplomacy errors and added diplomacy text
- several corrections to typos and puncutation
- moved Sitting Bull to Sioux Empire
- balanced some units
- replaced some art pieces with better versions
- added/replaced from buttons

Please visit the CIV Gold forum for details.

NEXT UP: Version 4.0 with many new civs

CIV Gold 3.0 - Warlords (Oct. 25, 2006)

CIV Gold Forum

CIV Gold 3.0 - Final Vanilla Edition (Sept. 10, 2006)

Additions in 3.0:

- Six new civilizations:
* Byzantines (courtesy of Amra) - Theodora and Basil II; Tagmata replaces Knight
* Scythians (courtesy of Amra) - Atheas; Scythian Rider replaces Horse Archer
* Maori - Heke; Waka replaces Galley
* Indonesia - Suharto; Kopassus replaces Marines
* Maghreb (North Africa) - Hassan II; Moorish Cavalry replaces Knight
* Upaajut (Inuit, Yupik...) - Thanadelthur; Qimuksiit replaces Warrior
- new leader for Greece: Philip of Macedon (Expansive / Industrious)
- new leader for Abyssinia: Haile Selassie I (Philosophical / Organized)

Changes and Fixes from 2.0:

- fixed missing First Contact quotes
- fixed problem with Siamese unit flags
- fixed Tashunkewitko error for Diplomacy XML
- added missing Strategy text pieces
- new leaderhead for Trudeau of Canada
- re-skin of Franz Joseph of Austria
- added monkspider's new Vulture unit for Sumeria
- re-balanced Infantry class unique units
- re-balanced Knight class unique units
- made Maasai Moran more distinct from Mali Skirmisher
- fixed various spelling errors

Update - Version 2.0

Note: Please download (bottom of post), as well. I forgot to edit an XML file, so here it is. Unzip *this file* after installing the mod, and unzip it to \Mods\Civ Gold2\Assets\XML

2.0 is done and ready to go! Please see the updated FAQ in Post 3 for additional details. A thumbnail has been attached giving you a glimpse of the 23 new civs, and 26 new leaders.


- 23 new civilizations, including the Sioux, Pakistan, Australia, Brazil, Siam and the Khmer Empire
- 26 new leaders, including King Kamehameha, Juan Peron, Tomislav and Yulia Tymoshenko
- First Contacts quotes for all leaders
- new reskins for the Mohawk Archer and Brule Warrior
- Proper Team Colour flags for ALL civs - no more "white flag" problems
- ColorVals reassigned - no more overlapping borders
- unit order and select sounds for Romania, Canada, Croatia and Magyars
- added Mary Stuart as a Scot leader
- many small fixes: spelling, syntax, etc.

Civ added to 2.0:


Coming soon: White Rabbit's Ethnically Diverse Units, more sounds for more civs, Warlords compatibilty version!

Update - Version 1.1, compatible with Civ 1.61

1.10 – April 23, 2006-04-23

· Compatible with CivIV 1.61
· Adjusted Leader settings as per 1.61
· Added Hammurabi as 2nd Babylonian leader – thanks to Amra for his LH work
· Fixed ghosting/shading LH issues caused by 1.61 changes
· Changed backgrounds for Trudeau, MacDonald, Deganawida, and Ayenwatha
· Yunupingu favourite civic changed to ‘Emancipation’
· Kastrioti favourite civic changed to ‘Nationhood’
· Replaced Willem van Oranje leaderhead – thanks to Amra for his work
· Replaced Maria Theresia leaderhead – thanks to Amra for his work
· Corrected Mao Zedong entries in Diplomacy XML file

The CIV Gold Team is proud to announce the release of CIV Gold!

CIV Gold is a civilizations mod for Civ4 that combines some of the most popular user-created civilizations, while applying standards for graphics and content across the board. It can be used as a standalone mod to give users more options in their games, or it can be used by mod-makers to add a “plug-and-play” civ component to their projects.

With CIV Gold we are attempting to create the “definitive” civ add-on for users and mod-makers, alike. There are some great civ combo packs out now, but none that apply universal standards across the board. This pack is meant to be focused, complete, and comprehensive.

Each new civilization in CIV Gold has:

- fully animated leaderhead(s)
- re-skinned unique units
- full graphics for buttons and unit flags
- complete pedia entries for civ, leaders and units
- representation of at least two people in the "Great People" lists
- unique "First Contact" diplomacy text based on actual quotes or cultural proverbs

Many thanks to the original authors who had included several of these components in their releases.

The CIV Gold Team is Sevo, Shqype and Wyz_sub10.

Civilizations included in CIV Gold:

Nguni (Zulu)

(see the readme for more details)

The CIV Gold Team would like to thank all the original modmakers for their support of CIV Gold. Please refer to the readme files of those original mods for extended credits of the many graphics authors, XML editors and music splicers that help make any mod successful.

Please feel free to contact with any questions or comments.

CIV Gold version 3.0

NOTE: To unzip the file, you would need either WinRar or 7-Zip.
Some users have reported problems when trying to use WinRAR to open. In that case, download 7zip to be sure. Sorry for the format, but 7zip does a far better job with compression than RAR or ZIP.

Leaderhead Pics


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Version 2.0 FAQ Addendum

What’s changed from version 1.0?

The focus on 2.0 was, of course, the addition of 23 new civilizations. But we took the time to make a few corrections to version 1.0. Most notably, adding proper colour-based flags with alpha channels (eliminating “white flag” problems), and changing the colour values so that there is no border overlapping.

How will this work with the ‘Warlords’ expansion pack?

Right now, version 2.0 is not compatible with ‘Warlords’. In the near future, however, two versions (or one with a patch) will be available so that CIV Gold can be used along with ‘Warlords’. An additional challenge will be adding civ-specific buildings for 43 new civs.

What about duplicate civs between ‘CIV Gold’ and ‘Warlords’?

For ‘Warlords’ owners, the patch will make the six duplicate Gold civs unplayable. In other words, users will play with the ‘Warlords’ versions of the Zulu, Turks, Korean etc. For non-Warlords owners, they will continue to use the Gold versions of these civs.

Will there be a ‘CIV Gold 3.0’?

It became quite clear during the making of 2.0 that massive updates – 20+ civs – are simply too difficult to coordinate with any predictability. Plus, one opens oneself to the risk or more errors, more bugs going undetected. Future releases will include new civs, to be sure, but they will be smaller (and hopefully more frequent) additions of 2-3 civs.

You added ‘x’, but you didn’t get the appearance/description/abilities right.

If you think we’ve missed the mark with anything in CIV Gold, please let us know. We’re responded to past comments by changing Sobieski’s appearance, the Mohawk Archer unit, and the civ colours in 2.0. We will definitely consider all requests for changes, but may not accommodate all requests for changes.

Why was White Rabbit’s ‘Ethnically Diverse Units’ left out?

Two reasons – 1) time. This release had been delayed so many times that I just wanted to get it out with all the critical components addressed. 2) Because EDU affect all civs (including vanilla ones) I wanted to wait until ‘Warlords’ to see what would be affected. The plan is definitely to add them (at least Settler, Scout and Warrior) in a future update.

You added unit sounds for some civs, but not for others. Plus, some civs had diplomacy music that hasn’t been included. Why’s that?

Unit sounds for civs have been included where available. I didn’t create any new ones, as my Khmer and Samoan are not up to par. As for diplomacy sounds, they take up a lot of space and really push the download size. I may add these as an optional download at a later date.



Why didn’t you include ‘x’ civilization?

We had to draw a line somewhere. In order to ensure that we did things right, we needed to work with a small amount of civs. Twenty is still a decent number, though, and we tried to include those civs that were the most popular among users. Many outstanding civs remain and we plan to incorporate more of them in future versions.

How did you decide which civs would be included?

We looked at a variety of things – popularity among users, degree of work done (i.e. did it have re-skinned units, pedia entries, etc.), and geographic distribution, etc. We did not entertain political issues.

Some of the leaderheads don’t look like their real-life counterparts. Why is that?

At present, the editing tools are a bit limited. We worked to mix and match whatever “parts” were currently available to us. Our goal here was to try and create at least a vague resemblance to the real thing, and to try and have some variety in the animations.

Why did some of the leaders disappear? Canada, Turks, etc. used to have more than two leaders.

We decided to standardize the leaders at a max of two per civ. This was done for two reasons – balance and time. We didn’t want one civ to have too many options, and because we were doing animated leaderheads, we needed to keep the overall number reasonable.

Some of the unique units have changed a bit.

One of the issues that seems to come up a lot with new civs is balance. With this in mind we looked at the unique units and compared them to those found in the “vanilla” version of the game, making changes where warranted.

Why have you listed some navigators and kings as ‘Great Engineers’?

Ancient history has recorded a fairly narrow range of contributors to society. When trying to find great people for some civilizations, the options were often limited. As such, a king who commissioned stunning architecture might be called a great engineer (certainly, he had a vision!) or a great prophet. A navigator or general might be labeled an engineer because in a sense, they are.

Where did you get the text for the First Contact meetings?

Where possible we used direct quotes from the leaders, themselves. In many cases, though, quotes simply weren’t available. For those leaders, proverbs from their representative culture were used.

What about the expansion pack – won’t it add six new civs?

When the expansion pack is released, we will likely have two versions: the non-expansion version with all CIV Gold civs, and the expansion version with the duplicate civs removed…removing ours, not theirs of course. 

What’s next for CIV Gold?

No doubt we will be tweaking the original release based on user feedback. Plans are already underway for a second and third release that looks to incorporate additional civs. Although there is no specific date for future releases, we do have a handle on where to go from here.

Community feedback is always appreciated. For instance, what would you like to see in future releases?

1 More civs?
2 More leaders for existing civs?
3 Second Unique Units?
4 Civ-specific buildings?
Yes, they shall be posted shortly :)
I can't open the .7z file:(
Did you try using winrar?
I am not familiar with the .7z format... what do I need to open it?
Thanks, Yexus:)
Wow! Looks really nice. I posted something similar last night in regards to all civs having animated leaderheads but I think you did quite a bit more regarding the unit graphics, etc. I can't wait to try it out.

If you can use any of the leaderheads I did for future releases, please do. I'd be flattered. You can find the links in my sig.
yexusbeliever is right. Thanks for explaining!

If I didn't 7-zip the file (and used winzip instead), it would be about 200 MB large.

Use WinRAR to extract the file.
Amra said:
Wow! Looks really nice. I posted something similar last night in regards to all civs having animated leaderheads but I think you did quite a bit more regarding the unit graphics, etc. I can't wait to try it out.

If you can use any of the leaderheads I did for future releases, please do. I'd be flattered. You can find the links in my sig.

Sevo deserves the credit for the leaderhead re-skins.

We have more civs to do, you know...could also use help, especially with leaderheads. :D

Did you see this Zulu mod with an animated head posted by Mattastic back in January? I just now noticed it and apparently he figured out the animation swapping a while back. And here, I thought I was onto something :rolleyes:

Anyway, did you do that for any of the civs in your mod? It's a pain in the a$$ trial and error wise but I thought in the end that it made the reskinned LH's not seem so familiar.

I'm hoping to do some more LH reskinning sometime soon when I can find the time but I've got a wife & kids, taxes to do and numerous projects to get to what with Spring arriving. I think my wife is probably about ready to divorce me after spending the last month working on the computer with my mod, but I'd be happy to help if I can.

I have an idea for a civ using the Sid leaderhead. Is it just me or does he look a little like Jimmy Buffett? I'm thinking a flower or tie-dye shirt and he'd be perfect as ruler of the Parrothead empire. :lol: I just need to figure out a UU, maybe a middle aged groupie!

Just saw the post above mine, maybe we should combine mods. My mod, however is only version 1.0 and I'm not sure if there are any bugs in the python coding (I haven't found any yet but I'm much better at the xml & leaderhead stuff)
Amra said:
Anyway, did you do that for any of the civs in your mod? It's a pain in the a$$ trial and error wise but I thought in the end that it made the reskinned LH's not seem so familiar.

Yes, many were re-skinned, but several were re-jigged considerably.

I'm hoping to do some more LH reskinning sometime soon when I can find the time but I've got a wife & kids, taxes to do and numerous projects to get to what with Spring arriving. I think my wife is probably about ready to divorce me after spending the last month working on the computer with my mod, but I'd be happy to help if I can.

Me too - wife, kids, taxes, business. But having a team of people helps a lot. We banged this out in a couple of weeks, but this past weekend was damned busy. If you can help, super. Maybe we can incorporate some of what you did already...?

I have an idea for a civ using the Sid leaderhead. Is it just me or does he look a little like Jimmy Buffett? I'm thinking a flower or tie-dye shirt and he'd be perfect as ruler of the Parrothead empire. :lol: I just need to figure out a UU, maybe a middle aged groupie!

And the capital could be "Margueritaville" I suppose. :)

Just saw the post above mine, maybe we should combine mods. My mod, however is only version 1.0 and I'm not sure if there are any bugs in the python coding (I haven't found any yet but I'm much better at the xml & leaderhead stuff)

I'll take a peak - it sounds great,. Sevo, as you know, puts together a huge mod. This pack is meant to be the civ "plug-in" component.
Nice to see civ Gold out! But could the readme be posted on this forum? I cant load up civ due to workrelated issues (Im at work!).

I would love to see what new units there is and their stats.
WooHOO! I can't wait to download this.. well since its 94 mb and I have dialup, make that I will have to wait for this.. about 12 hours wait to be more exact :( but it is soooo worth it. :>

I'm going to have ta throw this in with the Out of Africa and First Peoples of NA mods and go civ choice crazy :D

Keep up all the good work yall.
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