ActualQuotes v2.00 !


Sep 10, 2005
ActualQuotes version 2.x

(NEW! ActualQuoutes for Warlords, available here)

This mod replaces the original leader-specific diplomacy text with text based on attributed quotes, making your rival leaders speak to you in their "own" words. Some of the quotes are famous, some not so famous, and all have been implemented as seamlessly as possible, so as to become a natural part of the text. Many quotes have been paraphrased or tweaked to make this possible.

If you decide to try this new diplomacy text, bear in mind that under most circumstances there is only a small-ish chance the leader with whom you're speaking will use text that is specific to him/her. There is a pool of generic responses that is used more often than those specific to a leader. This means you might not see much difference at first -- however, as you play, every now and again a leader might suddenly say something slightly more interesting than what you're used to! For more details on the quotes and sources, please see the readme-file. I have used about 140 actual quotes, so there is in fact quite a lot of new text.

New to version 2:

*14 of the 26 leaders now have two first-contact greetings, with a fifty-fifty chance of using either.

*Frederick has a complete set of functional leader-specific text.

*Leaders who (by Firaxis' choice) did not have specific responses in all categories, now do.

v2.01 update:

*minor tweaks to Frederick's and Asoka's first contact text.

*fixed some Firaxis typos, bad punctuation.

*This mod requires patch v1.61 !

View attachment ActualQuotes diplomacy text

To use the ActualQuotes diplomacy text, unzip to:


Or, if you want to add to a specific mod only:

...Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 4\Mods\[YourMod]\Assets\XML\

Enjoy! :)
Some screenshots...


Your update sounds great! :goodjob: And so quickly released after the new patch! So, I can continue to play with your ActualQuotes text without any break. :)
Thanks a lot!!

Awesome, Willowmound! Okay to use this in my mod? I think your idea here to use real quotes is fantastic. Such an obvious thing to do in retrospect, but it adds so much flavor and realism to the gameplay and it took a modder to do it!
Sevo said:
Awesome, Willowmound! Okay to use this in my mod? I think your idea here to use real quotes is fantastic. Such an obvious thing to do in retrospect, but it adds so much flavor and realism to the gameplay and it took a modder to do it!

I'll second that...or third it..or whatever. LOL :)

And...I like the question...I wanna use it too...Is it ok?

Why do I feel like I have just asked my Dad for the car keys? LMAO :D

Great mod.
Willowmound said:
Or, if you want to add to a specific mod only:

...Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 4\Mods\[YourMod]\Assets\XML\

Enjoy! :)

He said you guys can use it :goodjob:

I'll be downloading this when I get home today. Thanks alot :goodjob:
Rabbit_Alex said:
He said you guys can use it :goodjob:

I'll be downloading this when I get home today. Thanks alot :goodjob:

I read that too...After I posted. LMAO :crazyeye: <--- That's me after this week.
Same here senwiz. I took a final exam today, got one next week plus a normal exam, then three finals the week after! I'm going nuts :crazyeye:
Thanks Willowmound! Terrific mod, I hope it is okay to include this in my modpack when I update to version 1.61

Great work.
Hey guys, thanks for the response!

Feel free to use the mod with any modpack -- it's what it's there for :)
I'm not big on mods, but I really like this. Nice work.
Err, I meant just the differences between the two. I guess nothing else uses the files so it should be easy to merge. Never mind ;)
Oh sorry :)

From my random scribblings on a piece of paper I've got here on my desk, it looks like only seven lines have been changed, a word or a letter in each. I don't log my changes very well, so I'd have to go back and look through everything. They're just details.

edit: only Civ4DiplomacyText.xml has been changed
Great!!! I was planning to send an angry letter to Firaxis, denouncing the really low quality of the leaders' dialogues... but now it's not necessary.
Thank you, Willowmound!!! Amazing work. My next desire is to change the diplomatic music for Huayna Capac and Hatshepsut and I will be completely happy with Civ 4.
Seeing as the thread for the old version has suddenly been revived, I thought this might be in order... :bump:

(Oh, and this really should be moved to 'Mod Components'. Mods?)
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