Term 5 Nominations - Minister of the Interior


Member of the Opposition
Feb 1, 2002
Gateway to the West
Nominations for the Minister of the Interior

Duties of the Minister of the Interior:
  • Control workers not assigned to Governors
  • Designate the specialization of cities
  • Designate how many units of each type to build
  • Determine where to build approved wonders
  • Track resources
  • Control Great Engineers

Nominations will be open through the 28th, when the Election threads will be posted.

You may nominate yourself, or any number of fellow citizens. Unless you state otherwise, all self-nominations are considered accepted. Valid accepted nominations will be listed in the Election poll in the order of acceptance.

-- Ravensfire, Censor
Once again, I am a little hesitant, but willing, to nominate myself for this role, seeing as it was suggested in another thread, especially if I am not chosen for governor of Toot Uncommon (Sp?). It'd be a responsibility, especially for someone new to the Demogame system, but I believe I have what it takes.
GlobalOppressor said:
Once again, I am a little hesitant, but willing, to nominate myself for this role, seeing as it was suggested in another thread, especially if I am not chosen for governor of Toot Uncommon (Sp?). It'd be a responsibility, especially for someone new to the Demogame system, but I believe I have what it takes.

As I said in another thread, I hate to be a stickler, but I need to be here. You can only run for one office (and I will make sure to note that for the next term's elections), and you haven't declined your earlier acceptance for Toot Uncommon. So, you and StrategyDoRK will be in an election. If you happen to loose, you can always apply here again!

-- Ravensfire, Censor
Nominations have closed!

-- Ravensfire, Censor
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