TCIT Sat., April 29 @ 9:00 AM CST (GMT-5) 1300 GMT


Keep Calm and Carry On
Retired Moderator
Dec 17, 2004
Term 4, Game Session ?, Sat. Apr 29 - Game Date of starting turn

This will be an on-line session.
The Designated Player is: Whomp

Start Date/Time: Sun., April 23 @ 9:00 AM MST PDT (GMT-5)
(1:00 p.m. 1300 GMT)

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Current Save: Current Save

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Pre-turn: Demand monarchy from Mongolia. If the demand is refused, trade alphabet and sailing to Germany in exchange for monarchy.

On or about turn 2, when conditions posted by the Secretary of War are met for pre-positioning of forces, contact Genghis Khan of Mongolia and inform him we're gonna try to put his head on a pole. (Declare war)

STOP play when all objectives defined in the war plan have been attained.

Standing orders:
Refuse all demands from Mongolia. We're the ones who will be demanding from them.
Accept any demands by other civs against Mongolia.
Accept any demands from Germany or Russia to stop trading with the other.
(it's easier to repair "stopped trading" than it is to repair "refused demand")
Refuse demands for tech, not that any are likely.

STOP if Germany or Russia declare war on us.

If any settler other than Mongolia enters our borders in the Abydos choke area, cancel open borders with that civ.

Reference: Discussion thread.
If not already done, please rename City 5 to Auda City.

The War against Mongolia has been approved by the Assembly, and the plans presented by the Secretary of War have met with overwhelming approval. The people have spoken - beat down the Mongols! Proceed according to the Secretary of War's plan.

-- Ravensfire, Censor
Keep the slider as high as possible and lower it only when necessary (which isn't to difficult a feat, as the game does that itself).
Secretary of War

Obviously the Mongolians did not get the memo and produced a settler in Ning-hsia. So our war schedule might be pushed up a turn or two. I am sure your are up to the task.
Turfan/Old Sarai



Please go through and promote all axes to city raider, all spears to woodsman and the chariot to Combat 1. I trust that you will use the promotions during the war to suit the needs of the unit.

Move the an Ax from the Old Sarai rally tile to the light blue tile. ( if you use the "path finder" brings it into Old Sarai then to the tile in 2 moves instead of 3)

Move the Ax in Mongolian borders by Nign-hsia back to rally point.

Move Warrior by Turfan to rally point dark blue

Move Spear from Old Sarai to green dot hill( green and black dot near dark blue tile)

OK now here comes the fun part.

Declare war IF: settler moves out of Ning.( dont forget to demand tech before you declare).
IF it does not move...DECLARE once the ax reaches light blue rally point.

(assuming settler moves)...KILL the settler. Throw all of the axes at it if you need to.

Not much to say..pretty self explanatory..Attack Old Sarai from its rally point.Garrison the city with the archer. Wait to send your reinforcements from Old Saria to you can tell which of the other cities will need the help. If both cities fall...send you reinforcement as to Trufan since it is the front line to Mongolia

Move the axes and warrior down to Turfan and attack it. Attack any workers you see as long as it does not slow you from getting to Turfan. Garrison the city with an ax.

Attack Ning...same as above. attack, capture then reinforce to Trufan leaving an ax behind to garrison.

Chariots promote to combat one. Have one chariot pillage the light blue have the other pillage the pink. Make sure you cut the roads leading to the other city. Attack targets of opportunity with them and the spears.
DONOT pillage around old Sarai, Turfan or Ning.

STOP play

STOP play if all threes cities fall and you finish pillaging the area around the capitol.

STOP play if you cannot capture a city with the forces you have in the 3 Mongoliancity area. This wont happen...I am sure. :)

All units produced during ths turn should head to the tile where the Spear is stationed south of case the next SoW convinces everyone to rid the World of the Mongolians ( if our economy can handle it)
All objectives have been met though it was a little touch and go in Turfan. The Mongols are hiding in their cellars around the capital. Research was turned up to 100% with all the plunder. We've acquired 3 new workers, hooked up our gems and captured all 3 cities. The Mongol capital is completely cutoff. We lost 1 axe taking Dang (sp?) and two taking Turfan. We've received many promotions in the process. There is a barbarian swordsman west of Boaring Wallow which is the first time I've ever seen that strong of a barb unit. There's a sword from Mic's Gate ready to meet any incursion. Cities need to be reviewed by the governors but I believe they are mm'd properly.

The save

Chat log

Some pictures of our conversation with Genghis...
We demand monarchy and...

We convert to hereditary rule and our unhappiness immediately ceases in Boaring Wallow and Abydos. There was no downside in getting out of despotism to hereditary rule since it's the same maintainence but MP's add a happy citizen.

Then we cancel our open borders so we don't lose our movement. And Robboo says it's time. CHARGE!!!!! It's war!

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