RB17, part ... uh... two? The Hippies Revenge!


Jan 27, 2006
So Cal
Ok... so we didn't do too well to strat. Er... start. Whatever.

So we're giving it another go, with different thread. The Other One.

The segue from the other one...

Chapter 1: A Bad Trip (or A Really Good One Gone Wrong)

"And I kill all you motherf--!" screamed a rage-driven Pholkhero.

"Um, dude?" said the majority of the other hippies, sounding uncannily like Keanu "Bad Actor" Reeves in every movie he's ever been in.

"What!!!!!" screamd The Pholkhero. "?" He added?

"Dude, you were like, all asleep, and dreaming 'n' s***. We thought you were gonna... uh... like... do something bad," Zepyranth, the undisputed, handsome, young, but wiser-than-you leader, said.

"Um... yeah," the chorus chimed in.

"Cut it out with the chorus thing!" said Roseblossom. "I mean, I know you like to sing, but c'mon man! You gotta jus' relax, and let it flow. Not come in like that, outtathablue!"

"Sorry," Bellflower drew his namesake in the dirt.

Pholkhero's rage subsisded (after the three blew smoke in his face), and then he looked around.


"Yeah?" the walking Keanu-Reeves-voice-impersonators said.

"Ummm... where's Good Grass?"

"Hnur hnur hnur."



"Which one's that?"

"Yeah, is that some special knid, I mean, kind of acid?"


"Thanks for contributing, Bell. You can go off and sing now."

"The hills are alive, with the sound of music..." Now content with the world, Bellflower wandered off through the forest.

"Where's he going? And where the hell is Grass?"

"Hnur hnur hnur."

"SHUT UP BELL. WE CAN STILL HEAR YOU!" Roseblossom yelled.

"Dude, calm down. You jus' hadda bad trip, that's all," Zepy said.

"Yeah, it was all a dream."

"But, but... it couldn't have been a dream." Pheasant's Eye looked around wildly, partially because of his ridiculous name, and also because, "You were there, and you were there..."

"Knock it off, Bird." Pheasant's Eye rolled two of his. He hated Rosie's nickname for him.

"Yeah, he just went... over there."

Pheasant's Eye looked over in the direction of Zepy's arm. This is what he saw:


Grass, twenty turns if you would.

With this...


The roster...

Zepy: Jus' chillin'
Pheasant's Eye: Getting over his trip
Good Grass {Wandering up...}
Roseblossom {Smokin' in the back}
Bellflower: Singing, in the forest...

Just stop on by, and Foxy Grass can take the save.
GoodGrass hear a shout back in the camp. He turned, and sure enough, saw Zepy pointing towards him. Besides him was Pheasant Eyes.


"Yo, Phesant Eyes! I found ourselves some good place for planting weed! There be ham, and there be fish'n'chips, too! What say you, we settle right here by the river? We can build a campfire, and Bell can sing all he want!"

"Looks fine to me! Question is shall we go learn something so that Bell could pray instead of singing all day and night? Or shall we learn how to plant the weeds first?" ...


Intend to settle in place, and go the polythesim path. There after, learn argiculture and start a worker.

WIll play in 4 hrs (go for dinner and play SGOTM first). If no discussion by then, I would do as I intended.
That was cool. First, I was like there. And then, I was like here. And then, I was like whoa! And then, I was like whhhhooooaaaaa...

So, did we all take some of Bird's stuff this time? I'd really like to be a part of it. Kinda sucked that last time was like, "and you were there, and you were there, and there was this mean old witch, and Toto..."

Was I the scarecrow?

Anyway, here looks like a cool place to chill for a few thousand years. Anyone seen my accoustic?
"I don't even know what's going on. I feel like that movie, Total Recall with that governor of minnesota or something. he like, totally, is dreaming or is HE?! whoa...i don't know, man, i don't know ~ that's the crazy part. And remember that guy who lived in that stomach and he like, led the rebellion from that guys stomach. That was soo Freaky! And remeber that guy Krang from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. he was like a brain in a pod...a pod brain! :lol: oh man, and those turtle . . ." Pheasant Eyes kept muttering to himself as he wandered about the woods. the other Intrepid Psychonauts (that's you guys) looked at each other and wondered if that trip might have any lasting side effects.
the other Intrepid Psychonauts (that's you guys) looked at each other and wondered if that trip might have any lasting side effects.

Nope, seems like typical Pholkhero...er...Pheasant's Eye clarity to me.
GoodGrass looked around. There are water eveywhere .... yucks! and they salty! Only the short river provides freshwater ... and hippies loved fresh water.

"Here is where we would build our permantnent camp." GoodGrass thought. "Here is where the good grasses will grow."

And so Mecca, the Capital of Hippies of hippy was founded.

The Hippies danced and sing all night.

There be Fishes,
There be Pigs;
There be Ivories,
There be Wheats"

You dummy, its corn, not wheats!


":eek:, lions be looking sheepishly at our pigs!"

The Hippies, wanting to protect their pigs from the unthinkable thiongs the lions would do, get a club waving dancer and danced the lion to death. To commemorate the dancer, they build a statute ...


And thus it begins ... the Hippies culture will spread from the elongated island of Mecca, and the world shall soon know the best songs yet to be heard, and the best weeds to yet to be smoked ...



- Decide to go for Fishing instead of Argiculture, since #1 this is an archipelago map, and #2 by going fishing first, the work boat can be built while Mecca continues to grow ... wait until the workboat is done before switching to worker.

- As usual, since we can't build barracks, I spent some hammers into stonehedge ...

- Buddism is founded at turn 8, about the same time if we go for Mediation ... so its possible we will get it, its possible we will miss it by 1 turn ...

- Got some gold from the hut ...

Hey, that girl in the statue is kinda cute. Is she that chick you know, Good Grass? You know, the one that doesn't shave her stuff.

She's pretty hot and all, but, you know...I'm willing to overlook some stuff for a chick who's all righteos and cool and won't mind if my friends come over and smoke bowls all day. But if I wanted big foot, man, I'd move to the forest. Chicks gotta shave their stuff.

Anyhow, I'll get this game tonight. Maybe if that statue chick's still hanging around I'll give her some shrooms, see if she'll come back to my place and chill.

Hey Bellflower, you still got my Ravi Shankar record, man? I might need it tonight.

Edit: I played last night, but an issue with my kids has prevented my post. Will post tonight.
My uncle Kevin was a beatnik, which is totally cool 'cause my dad hates him as much as me. Kevin is my mom's brother, and my mom's all mellow, so it's pretty clear which side of the family I get all these good vibes from. Anyway, one Thanksgiving, Dad almost croaked when Uncle Kev told him that us being in Viet Nam and Korea was no different than Hitler in Poland.

That was so groovey I almost choked on a green bean. That night, after pie, I offered Kevin a pull from the launch tube--that's what I call my four-footer I hide in my old tree-house. Kevin said no, telling me that he can't smoke refer anymore as it'll get him into "junk" again. He tapped his arm, but I didn't really know what he meant. Whatever, but he totally didn't have a problem with me getting lit, so I did and the two of us made fun of my square old man while the Packers lost to the Lions.

Well that night, Uncle Kev tried "expand my mind" and told me all about this dude named Jack Kerouac and the beat generation. I don't know if it expanaded my mind like Bob Dylan, but the beat poems were pretty cool. I even wrote a few myself.

So what's all that got to do with our hippy island? Well, now I get to this island and what do I realize? I left my accoustic back in that other Mecca--the one Pheasant woke up from or came down from or pulled out of--I don't get it either. So that's a serious bad trip. No accoustic guitar and I gotta let you dudes know what happened. How am I gonna do that without some groovey tune about mellow trees and happy clouds?

Then I remembered Kevin and those beat poems. Hey, didn't those tribal villagers have some drums they made out of monkeys? We're Hindu and all, which means we have to stay away from tasty burgers, but it doesn't say anything about monkeys. So I go down there and give 'em some of my choice bud and they totally let me borrow some bongos...


Mecca. Our island. Our ideals.


440 turns left to bring peace to the universe...<bop>...Starts with exploring our island.

Mecca. Our island...


Panthera leo to herald bad vibes



Leo sets on Mecca as the great city spreads its reach warrior kills lion, Mecca's borders expand


Hippies to farm the fields...<pang>...learning to sail the oceans vast...<pang-pang>the journey begins with a vessle of toil. agriculture=>sailing. Workboat=>Stonehenge (already in queue.) I will leave it until Mecca grows in three turns, then switch to settler.


*** break ***

Then this other dude comes up and he's gotta bass. He doesn't ask, just starts jamming with my bongos

*** end break ***


Crabs wave hello. Explorers pass by.



Words spread through hippies like rain through the canyon. Pharoah lets His people go. Judaism FIDL 2760BC. Mecca grows to size 5 same year, switches to settler. Hut also pops a map.


Leo returns, with vengance in tooth.


But the children of Mother Earth bare truths too strong to put down.


But only just barely...<bop><ding-dum>


Ships to sail the sea <bop-bop-bop>Cattle tied to the yoke of tyrany. sailing=>animal husbandry



Turns ended as begun. Empty. Meaningless. 2400 BC. Mecca. Our island. Our ideals.

settler is due in one. I have explored the whole island but that screenie didn't come through. Warriors are busting fog. Sorry, no dot map. Also worth noting is that we have several hammers invested in Stonehenge and taht it's still in queue.

Pssst. Bellflower. I think you're up, brother.

Pheasant's Eye: Still comin' down after that night with Good Grass
Good Grass: out with that chick from the statue
Roseblossom: Totally snoozing after four days of nothin' but peyote
Bellflower: 'bout to spark one
Zepy: kickin' back in the green room with Janis and Jimmy
I think we'll skip Bede, this time around, at least; it's been two days.

I'll play 20 in a bit.
Dude, that was FAST! Took me like, 10 minutes! Woah!

So anyway, Bellflower was off in the woods, smoking a leetle too much, so I decide to sneak in in front of him. And now I know why. Dude, these turns were BORING!

So, I started and immediately, there were these guys in Mecca who wanted to go and find some more weed! I said, "Yeah, sure whatever." Then I went over, and started to learn some dudes how to farm that corn. Gosh was I hungry!

A while later, some dudes came back, saying they were from Medina, where those other dudes had gone. I said," Woah, cool! You're, like, onna land bridge or something. Got crabs nearby. Go ahead and smoke."

I stuck Medina where I did in order to bust fog. Probably not the best decision, but besides the capitol, we have probably the most disgusting land in the world

So I really did nothing for a while. Our dudes started to work on that big CRAZY stone circle again. Apparently inspired by this big circle, the guys in Medina loaded on a boat and went off a sailin'.

Dudes, check out this circle! :crazyeye:


I was so excited that I jumped up and down, ordered up extra weed, and smoked myself into a stupor. This caused some more people to want to leave. I also overstayed my rule, which might cause Pheasant or Bellflower to get mad. Whatever.

Oh, we've also got some sweet elephants to ride, some tasty corn and some pork coming in soon. We can also go get crazy crap outta the earth. Now, we're trying to figure out how to stack a buncha rocks.

I tol' these other guys to make a map. They did a pretty good job, I think. Better'n I could.


Bellflower or Pheasant's whoever wants it. I'm going to play some softball!

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This is so unreal, I was off in that other place with those really spooky Greeks and you guys had moved the band over here. Too much like Altamont over there, this is a much better place.....more like the Isle of Wight (Hendrix last live concert RIP).

Sorry I missed the thread, play it tomorrow, unless PheasantEyes(?) takes it before.
Ahh..no man...you can take it right up, my friend. I TOTALLY have finish up my Adv 6 report tonight, so i won't be able to play that much :( It's all you, bro!
Right on!! Far out!
Turn 61 (1560 BC)
This is so totally strange - first the jungle and now a desert island with pigs and elephants and a big stone circle for concerts and stuff.
And in the center of the circle who do I spy but Richie Havesn chanting

"Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare"

It is the Isle of Wight 1970. What a flashback. Far out! Some German Windowpane and Moroccan hash and I am all set to chill.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
It's all right

Turn 61 (1560 BC)


Turn 62 (1520 BC)
Tech learned: Masonry


Turn 63 (1480 BC)
Research begun: Priesthood

Confucianism founded in a distant land

What a straight

On a boat in the north


Turn 64 (1440 BC)


Turn 65 (1400 BC)
Mecca finishes Settler and Richie starts another favorite. Man, what a gig!

I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
Well, I wake in the morning,
Fold my hands and pray for rain.
I got a head full of ideas
That are drivin' me insane.
It's a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor.
I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.

I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother no more.
No, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother no more.
Well, he hands you a nickel,
He hands you a dime,
He asks you with a grin
If you're havin' a good time,
Then he fines you every time you slam the door.
I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother no more.

I ain't gonna work for Maggie's pa no more.
No, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's pa no more.
Well, he puts his cigar
Out in your face just for kicks.
His bedroom window
It is made out of bricks.
The National Guard stands around his door.
Ah, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's pa no more.

I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more.
No, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more.
Well, she talks to all the servants
About man and God and law.
Everybody says
She's the brains behind pa.
She's sixty-eight, but she says she's twenty-four.
I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more.

I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
Well, I try my best
To be just like I am,
But everybody wants you
To be just like them.
They sing while you slave and I just get bored.
I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.

He goin' to go fishin' in the south.

Medina finishes a Work Boat who wanders off to the north


Turn 66 (1360 BC)
Mecca begins Warrior need some security, man, the crowd is throwing beer cans again!

Turn 67 (1320 BC)
Mecca begins Galley so we can get off this rock when the hash is gone
Tech learned Priesthood gonna get me a temple so the prophet will come sooner and the crowd stay happy.


Turn 68 (1280 BC)
Research begun Pottery. Need a porty-potty, man!


Turn 69 (1240 BC)


Turn 70 (1200 BC)


Turn 71 (1160 BC)


Turn 72 (1120 BC)
Tech learned Pottery. Got me a pot. Now get me some more!
Mecca finishes Galley and set sail to the east.


Turn 73 (1080 BC)
Look who came by for a taste. Another straight!


He comes from the north, too. Look close and you'll see some purple haze.


Mecca begins Hindu Temple so I can pray and be happy singing in the choir!

Turn 74 (1040 BC)
Medina begins Work Boat so the new town can fish


Turn 75 (1000 BC)
Damascus founded. Get my fishin' pole. It's time to be Huck Finn!


Turn 76 (975 BC)

Off to the northeast of Mecca


Turn 77 (950 BC)
Tech learned: Writing so we can keep sailing on.

Im sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea
Ive got to be free, free to face the life thats ahead of me
On board, Im the captain, so climb aboard
Well search for tomorrow on every shore
And Ill try, oh lord, Ill try to carry on

I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
Some happy, some sad
I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had
We live happily forever, so the story goes
But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold
But well try best that we can to carry on

A gathering of angels appeared above my head
They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said
They said come sail away, come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away, come sail away
Come sail away with me

I thought that they were angels, but to my surprise
They climbed aboard their starship and headed for the skies
Singing come sail away, come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away, come sail away
Come sail away with me

Mecca finishes Hindu Temple. Priests get me the prophet! People stay happy!

Roosevelt gets a little hipper so I get out my Brownie and snap a souvenir picture


Turn 78 (925 BC)
Research begun Bronze Working


Turn 79 (900 BC)
Mecca begins Lighthouse for the Big Nightlight and so the sailors can find their way home. We've settled the richest spots and don;t really need another worker. Money from trade routes will help.

Buy some gems from India (shades of Epic2) as we need happy ladies more than healthy ones.



Turn 80 (875 BC)

And so to bed!
Holycrap!!! Look At Washington!
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