[MOD] Improved Marathon Speed


Jul 6, 2006
I have modified the Marathon Game Speed in the files linked below to more closely mirror events in the real world. No changes have been made to the way Marathon Speed actually operates, as it is still 1200 turns long, and all other modifiers have been left unchanged. It does, however, space out these 1200 turns over the course of the -4000 BC through 2050 AD years to match very closely to actual history.

Improved Marathon Speed (Regular Mods) -> View attachment ImprovedMarathonGameSpeed.zip
Improved Marathon Speed (SevoMod 3.0) -> View attachment ImprovedMarathonGameSpeed_SevoMod_30.zip

The attached README contains details on how the years are spaced out in Marathon, a comparison between the new Marathon Speed and the vanilla Marathon Speed, and some examples of timeframe when key events occur in-game.

This mod will not effect gameplay in any manner whatsoever, but I do find it more enjoyable to see events occur along a more historical pattern, and this mod does an excellent job of doing this.

Hope this proves useful/enjoyable to some of you out there!


  • README - ImprovedMarathonGameSpeed.txt
    2.6 KB · Views: 322
It's pretty clear in the .txt file. All he did is change the years around a bit. The game still lasts the same number of turns, but the number of years that progress per turn has been tweaked so the BC period passes quicker and a lot more turns are spent in the last couple hundred years. It's purely cosmetic - the year doesn't actually matter, just the number of turns left - but it's supposed to make things a little more realistic.
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