Earth map, 24 civs [for Warlords]


's and Fall creator
May 23, 2001
Japan / Italy / Germany

This map features my Earth with all the 24 civs in Warlords.

This time it is a mod, because it contains a modded DLL that allows 24 civs, and a different Celtic city names order (There was no room for Bibracte, too close to Paris, so they'll start from Entremont, like in Civ3). If you feel that the Celtic presence is still choking France and the other European civs, there's a 23 civs no-Celts version included.

The correct procedure to play is:
  • Unzip into \...your Civ4 folder\Warlords\mods\
  • Run Warlords
  • "Load a mod"
  • "Play a Scenario"
This map is the one with the small europe, right? Not the one you are using for RFC. If it is the small one, it would be nice to have the enlarged europe one too! :)
Rhye, are you aware of any issue with the Ottoman leaderhead? Trying to play as the Ottomans, my gaem crashes.
Anyone know why it says I'm trying to download files too quickly when I attempt to download? (probably a noobish question, but I'm not too bright when it comes to computers)
I get the same error message when trying to download...
This is great news. And proof that 24 civilizations are possible :)
Yes it is... thank you Rhye, this comes in clutch....
Well done, but the map is too small for my taste! Maybe you could suprise us all by making HUGE 24 civs World map!

My computer also crashes when trying to select Ottomans to play with!

And you have to be logged in when downloading files from "File Database" - a was getting the same message as you until I logged in!
Thanks Rhye-- not to be an ingrate, but I too would love to see an enlarged Europe map.

What are the steps for installation ?

Where place dll and map ?

Explanations please :)
The ottoman crash has to do with a typo where the ottoman leaderhead gfx is defined.

The file is extracted into your Mods folder inside the Warlords folder or My Doc's\My Games\Warlords\mods.

The dll doesn't work :( I still can only select 1 of 18 civs while loading the scenario, and once loaded it immediately says that I'v been defeated. I put the .dll into ...\civ4\warlords\mods\Crimson Skies\Assets\. Then loaded the mod & played the scenario with 22 teams & 22 players. I'll try to start a new game with 22 players & save it in WB, then copy-paste the team & civ stuff, if that works.

Edit: Nope, I can't select more than 18 players... Should I change some XML stuff?

Edit2: Well I'm stupid... The .dll was inside the default folders inside the CS folder for some reason... Works now :D
Small bug, or glitch, when you talk to a civ it gives their name twice not their Alexander, it should be Alexander, Greek Empire.... no big deal just was curious how that even happened?
Rhye said:
for an enlarged europe, play Rhye's and Fall of Civilization :D

Thanks a lot again for this map.
What´s that all about your new "Rhye´s and Fall" project? I can´t find it here. Are you planning a realistic one like the Civ3 Mod? I´m very interestet and looking forward to it. ;)
Blackbeard said:
Thanks a lot again for this map.
What´s that all about your new "Rhye´s and Fall" project? I can´t find it here. Are you planning a realistic one like the Civ3 Mod? I´m very interestet and looking forward to it. ;)

You can find a forum on the Civ IV mod here.

And the original thread of the Civ IV mod here.

Careful, the thread is ~102 pgs.

Oh, and :goodjob: :goodjob::king: Rhye!
Rem said:
Anyone know why it says I'm trying to download files too quickly when I attempt to download? (probably a noobish question, but I'm not too bright when it comes to computers)

Try right-clicking the link and choosing "Save Target As". Worked for me.
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